Why do the hand crafted, slightly stylized models of the 2000s usually look so much better than the face scanned...

Why do the hand crafted, slightly stylized models of the 2000s usually look so much better than the face scanned, realistic models of today? Something like Bloodlines still has top tier faces despite being over a decade old.

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actual fucking art direction.

I wanna fuck that art direction

One thing I've been noticing, character models in-game look AWFUL these days, whats up with that?

Bloodlines or pic related?

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it's almost like fantasy (3d or 2d) is better than boring and ugly realism

Lack of balance. Either the models try to hard to be realistic and fall into uncanny valley, or are too abstracted/stylized.

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What was with that period and producing high tier cuties?

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Bad faces or lack of faces in general is one of my red flags. Usually in western games you will see

>Entire cast decked out in Masks or Helmets.

Easy way to know no good artists worked on it and that the game is probably not worth your time. Anyone can model objects, helmets and masks but a believable face is on another level.

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To be fair that character is literally supposed to be a witch, and the world in general is meant to be ugly, weird, and depressing.

What about enemy characters then?

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What if masks and helmets are my fetish though?

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Are anime style faces all hand modeled?

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Yeah? Can't see how you'd face scan them.

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Quinny is a goddess.

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>ps4 exclusive
fuck.. are second hand ps4s getting cheaper now that the ps5 is just around the corner?

womb tattoos

Game is alright. Theres a lot of dialogue between missions. Like 30mins worth sometimes.

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anime face №999999999 how can you retards get off to anime loooooooooooooool

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Game ?

singularity iirc


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Such a cute character. Shame she doesn't have much of a role.

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Holy shit, these kind of graphics for a 2017 PS4 games. Does Japan have a severe shortage of graduates with any resemblance of talent?

Better than literally everything the West output from 2017 to now.

legit don't see a problem with this or any of Dishonored's models my dude. they're ugly goblins but that's the point of the art style, it's based on exaggerated, childhood fever dream interpretations of 1800s art and portraiture. the worlds are similarly oversized and distorted and it works fantastically to create a nasty world.

>yeah it barely looks better than a PS2 game but it's half-naked anime girls I can coom to so it's better

Good thing Dishonored 2’s artsyle is none of those things!

Anyone else miss the days of ultra sexual female villains and sexual tension? Everyone nowadays is so puritan.

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Has nothing to do with "hand crafted" or "stylized" bullshit and everything to do with sjws making ugly female characters on purpose. Pic related, good looking face scanned girl in a modern game without heavy sjw influence.

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yuna in ffx was peak beauty. the way she looks in the remasters is shit


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and the coomer reveals himself

Yes, but I'm married with kids now and lets just say I dont want my girls seeing my guilty pleasure

Mate, neither the sjw or Yas Forumsfag wants sexy in games. The whole coomer meme is a Yas Forums meme after all, though the sjw usually has more influence over games.

OP is talking about faces not sexualization.

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m8 all these fucking threads are just roundabout ways to cry that video game girls aren't sexy enough for them anymore. Notice they never talk about male characters.

Coomer is a tranny raid meme, don't believe differently.

Male characters have actually improved for the most part. Western male characters back in the 2000s were all interchangeable, forgettable gruff macho guys with military buzzcuts for the most part.

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>Notice they never talk about male characters
We do, we talk about how they're still as sexualized as ever which really goes to show the hypocrisy of SJWs.

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I've been to the coom subreddit before they were banned, and they were all sprouting Yas Forums memes and talking points along with the whole anti-coomer shit.

>i-it wasn't us that started it I swear
Every time with you guys

Not that much, and even at it's worst no one on Yas Forums was claiming having a bunch of shitty-designed men was a feminist conspiracy to ruin your day personally.

Men are the ones who normalized half-naked men in public as not being sexual enough to censor. You post that gotcha quote but the reality is that he probably doesn't even think of those men as sexual because people are so heavily socialized into think there's nothing out of the ordinary about a men running down the street in nothing but shorts but a woman doing the same in a bikini is "erotic".

>those mental gymnastics in attempt to defend sjw double standards
found a trannyera poster

Remember the outrage when they made Cole look like Nathan Drake hahahah

wow, shitposting fakefactory shills now, that's a new low.


>posting shitty gmod addon models
at least post actual hl2 universal union soldiers

Because characters' faces were abstract enough that irregularities didn't bother you. Face scanning leads to uncanny valley, where the face looks practically real but there's something off about them.

If you think that's gymnastics then you must be barely mobile.

And if you really want to talk about double standards just look at Yas Forums melting down over 3H when it was announced because the artist was a woman and the men were too pretty.

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oh no

>no Soul
a million fucking posts a day about soul vs soulless and not one (1) mention in this whole thread. I'm surrounded by feckless faggots.

were the eyes always that apart?

What. Claire's face model for RE2make is top cute and her ingame model still looks like she's missing a couple chromosomes. Same with MGS5's Quiet. Those are Japanese games from different developers, as well.

>sjw being very obviously hypocritical
>Well you see, it's actually society's and men's fault for blablabla ...
mental gymnastics as fuck, go back tranny

What game I need it

they arent puritan.
they are emasculated beta males in tech companies of deranged states like california.

>explain how the double standard you're complaining about was created by men

Remind me again who are the ones constantly trying to police what women wear in public while saying absolutely nothing about Chad running around shirtless, because it's the same people crying about why girls in bikinis are viewed as overly erotic but not half-naked warrior men