Gamer Lair Thread

Post your lair, Yas Forums.

pic related
Imagine the smell...

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How have people not gotten tired of this retard yet?

How does anyone live like this?

Holy shit bro. This can't be real lmao. Games aren't degenerate bro!

>all that pop
does this motherfucker even have teeth?

He's a WoW player I'm surprised there's no piss jugs

Literally me.
Fuck cleaning lmao

Isn't he a famous Youtuber, can't he hire a maid?

>paying other people to come into your house
You'd have to pay me to let you into my place.

>get garbage bag
>tie it to corner of desk/ radiator/ put in on the floor
>throw empty packaging in there
seriously, what's so difficult about that?

post pics

No one wants to enter your cum encrusted place mate.

no, they have literally rotted out of his head

why even give a guy like that recognition

He always has a 12 pack of Dr Pepper in front of a mini fridge and instead of putting them all in at once he puts them in one at a time and waits for it to get cold.

just remember that he was delusional enough to believe that despite having living conditions like this + rotting teeth + showering twice a month (not a joke) he got a 9/10 gf who wasn't with him for the money

Even worse than that.
>Teeth rot out
>Get expensive dental work done to fix it
>Doesn't change the habits that caused the problem in the first place
>Teeth start rotting out again and had to have it fixed a second time

it's soda, you cunt

it's un boisson gazeuse, you cunt

I hope you realize you're playing into his hands. He posted this because he wants to rile up drama and attention, he wants you to hate him and promote him

Games aren't degenerate. People are.

he doesn't even stream anymore, nor has he for months, so you're weird conspiracy makes no sense

This looks suspiciously like my previous apartment, my desk and the new roommates room. Too picture perfect... I hope it's not the same dude.

does it look like he's hiding them on purpose?

That's what I'm saying.
>Just because you play games doesn't mean you need to neglect the rest of your life.

sounds like special breed of retard

He pisses in them, I know a bottle-pisser when I see one.

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It's annoying that I bust my ass all day and I'll never make as much money as him because people are fucking retarded. I'll never understand why people donate to millionaires.

>for the money
Couldve been the """""fame"""""

He provides shitty entertainment but its entertainment nonetheless, capitalism bitch. Find something people are willing to pay you for and do it if you want it so much.

>I'll never understand why people donate to millionaires.
the mantra of every poor person

I honestly would be surprised if he ever streamed again. It was pretty obvious he hated the shit he was doing on his stream and he's more comfortable doing vlogs. Should just shitcan the Twitch account, make a Patreon and post a video on youtube/twitter 2-3 times a month.

Rich people bad.
Poor people good.

>not a single person posts their lair

Cowardly faggots talk shit but can't show what they got.

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Entertainment keeps people from turning feral.

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>shoes in house
>trash all over
>pizza on bed
Do mutts really?

Maybe you should have developed a marketable skill like assmoldtard

No unlike you I legitimately make good money it's just very hard earned money because my job is extremely physically demanding. Eventually I can make shit loads doing this when I start my own business but then I'll have to work even harder and even longer hours.

I'm all for capitalism but it's still annoying that a nerdy little beta with no skills outside of video games can make millions doing basically nothing.

Its pasta and I literally just bought it
Those are slippers.
And yes, we do.

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Reminder to get x-rays on your teeth.
Because no matter how healthy they may be, you can still get fucked over by your own body.

Attached: I hate this tooth so Im just going to remove it off your body..jpg (600x472, 57.9K)

>literally nothing on your walls
why do people do this? It looks like you live in some weird comfyprison.

My comfy patagonian battlestation

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There's nothing worth showing, my office is mostly a big empty room that I use for VR games and my bedroom is just a bed, TV and a couple night stands.

>It looks like you live in some weird comfyprison.
You don't?

if youre american its easy i assume

hey man
theres a clock

I dont need to splatter my space with posters and memorabilia to remind myself of the things I like.

The market providith, and the market takith away

6/10 kind of comfy.

yeah from all the pissing in bottles you do yourself, user. cope harder.

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The batteries have been dead for months though

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Nice lair, i'm jelly.

I turned the light on for the picture and to eat dinner, its not usually.

Never consuming sugar again lads.

based. hope you're an ADchad


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Not always the case.
Look at Sports. People get mad bucks hitting and kicking balls around.

7/10 too clean and why is everything turned off?

>boisson gazeuse
it's carbonated beverage you cunt

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For everything you do or you dont do there is something to be paid. Yes, he gets money for doing that but what you dont see is the rotting teeth, his shitty apartment, and likely shitty life overall, as well as all the years he spent building his brand and putting the work in streaming when no one was watching and developing his audience and so on.

If you want the same, then pay the same and live the same shitty life and go through the same pains he went through/will go through.

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My main is DC, I have 2 alts in AD though and eventually plan to make one of then my main because I'm tired of respeccing between tank and dps.

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that doesn't even look like a room anymore, it looks like a store. NOT comfy.

This guy fucks


I like to keep things minimalist when possible. Also me

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10/10 would come to sleepover


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Professional sports is actually an extremely difficult job though. And outside of the superstars of sports the pay isn't actually all that great for the amount of abuse they have to put their bodies through. And on top of that once the no-names have had their run in pro sports they're left without any real skills or job opportunities because they poured everything into one thing for their entire lives.

Cause it looked comfier without the glare of shit getting in the way. This is my whole room normally (and without snow), pc on the corner on the right.

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probably the best one in the entire thread.

9/10 would be better without the games on the stand.

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That looks much comfier than the first one. Don't your feet get cold in the winter though? You should get a rug