Why are we so obsessed with Tifa?

Why are we so obsessed with Tifa?

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Another high quality thread on Yas Forums.

hefty breasts

Why does sex bother you so much?

Because we all grew up fapping to her rule 34 on aerisdies

She's a part of us now

Doesn't bother me at all. But this is the board for video games, not sex. Why are you insistent on posting sex on unrelated boards?

Massive tits

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This but unironically.

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Because they're the best kind of threads on Yas Forums

And a cock to match

>And a cock to match
user... I...

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Man I hate nu-final fantasy so much, the characters just look like disney characters. Hate it

Now post the original.

What a disappointing cosplay thot.
All tease, no show. Glad she disappeared into obscurity.

Stop talking about penis.

It's an important aspect of any medium.

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Mmmmm wouldn't wanna mess with those pure strikes

>Tifa is a video game character from a video game
>Very important character in video game
>Have an arc in video game
>Not a video game
Do you hear yourself? If a person like a videogame character then let them talk about it. Just because the character is female, doesn't mean jackshit. I don't hear you talking shit about people wanting to fuck male characters. Faggot

Google "Korean Women Nose" (or any other Asian female.

This game is called "Final Fantasy". It's an insectoid's final fantasy paradise based on late 19th early 20th century architecture and European people.

Let me just get to the point. These 3D artists made her way too Caucasian, especially with the nose and the lips. Her jaw is styled like an anime character (it's very pointy).

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How does touching tits feels like?

Try on your own fat ass.


Do not respond to my post ever again.

has anyone else noticed how big her tits are?

Tits are that hairy?

I will. Insect

i finally understand why animes have dot noses, thus proving they are asian. thank you schizo-senpai

>like an anime character
Guys, you don't think...
Tifa and Cloud are...

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Kinda, yeah.

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prototypical "perfect" hapa form

There's a reason she's probably the most overrated girl in video games.

>crops yandex can't find
I hate it

warm and...

>artists has good 3d models
>always futa

what a waste

Because she was young once

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Because most of Yas Forums is in a state of arrested development and is desperate to continue living in their childhood and since one aspect of that is budding teenage romance (which none of them ever experienced), the teenage crush normal people think fondly about gets replaced with some fictional girl they jerked off to a lot and literally don't give a fuck about aside from her tits.

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Not with that haggard old cougar face.

Not anymore, user

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im really a tits guy but i never thought hannah minx was hot she just seemed too goofy, even back when i was 13 and boobs were a new thing to me thanks to puberty


Sauce this fucking image right now

looks like redmoa's model

it's bad
artist has never seen nipples before

She's a weeb, and weebs are unsexy by default.

Is this the new 2B thread?



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I'm obsessed with palmer

I even bought three new packs of land o lakes and a box of butterfingers

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>I'm obsessed with palmer
>t. truck

Even decades later she's still hot. OG design that is.

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lolis growing up is my fetish


speak for yourself, fag

Based AP chad.

another Yas Forumstard forgot his meds.


I'm not. I never played FF7 and never jerked off to her shit. I never found her attractive.


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i dunno bros you all made me hate her

slut Violet is best Violet

Next panel better be Violet being punished by her futa cock

It's her huge tits obviously. God I wanna slide my cock right between them.