Welp, this IP died a horrible death. Let's have a funeral thread

Welp, this IP died a horrible death. Let's have a funeral thread

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I played 0 - Kiiwami 2 and considered everything that happened after 2's credits took place in an alternate world and not canon.

>Plebs still seething about the battle system and the new story/characters

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Yes people are seething that we got not even a good turn-based game to make up for the genre shift.

True Yakuza fans love 7.

>True Yakuza fans love 7.
explain why it bombed harder than Dead souls and Y6

>this IP died a horrible death
can you really say that about a shitty series that was never good?

I dont dislike the new characters, Yakuza 4 and Judgment are proof enough that the series doesn't exactly need Kiryu around forever. But 7 still feels a bit too reliant on old characters showing up for marketing, and the new combat looks boring.

Simple, It filtered fake fans.

more like the entire fanbase lmao

>only sold 410k copies total on JPN
>meanwhile, every other title reached that much in a month
They also put basic shit like NG+ and challenges that was in most yakuza games as paid DLC instead of just being in the game

No fucking wonder japs hated that shit

They will just come back with a fixed Yakuza 8

You can rest assured the next game will return to the more traditional combat after this experiment didn't do so hot. Unless SEGA / the devs go absolutely full double retard and decide to double down on it.

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Dude, when dead souls bombed, they outright stopped localizing yakuza games for 2 years until Sony funded it. They won't risk another bomb, especially after taking the IP to multi-plat status
I would have liked it more if the turn-based element wasn't as barebones as DQ

They'll just turn it into a minigame like they did with dead souls by putting it on Judgement. It really should have never been a mainline title

Did they not want to make 7 a spin-off title because it would have died like Dead Souls by not being a mainline game and have different gameplay mechanics?

yeah but dead souls bombed, this underperformed but the sales were not that bad.
it will make enough money to warrant a sequel but not enough to stay the course on the new battle system

Dead souls made 500k in a week while Y7 made 150k. It definitely bombed

They will try something new if Y7 bombs hard. The best way is to mix up action and party based together so you get something like Dragon’s Dogma.

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>if Y7 bombs hard
but it did

Honestly with the series having allies in fights here and there, I can see a future game implementing a sort of gang system for a party where you can recruit and bring people with you to battles, and consequently they can be downed if they take too much damage instead of being invulnerable outside of very specific instances. Would definitely need more tagteam heats, though.

dead souls had a decent start and a massive drop after that
7 had a shit start but sales were decently strong in the following weeks and it seems like it's coming back.

So you haven't played it.

It's a lame beat-um-up who cares lmoa

they have to top Y6, another major bomb if they want to get out of the red and it made twice more than Y7. Their only hope is the localization and we all know turn-based games outside of Persona and FE never sells

play the demo

Why doesn't Yakuza do well in the west?

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They sort of kind of attempted something akin to that with the Black Panther games, more with 1 than 2. In both games you can recruit random people you beat randomly to be part of your multiplayer gang. This lets you play as them in the multiplayer mode and team up with other people via ad-hoc. In 2 you could actually run around Kamurocho with the character.

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Y6 heavily pandered to chinks so no shit it didn't do well.

the fact that they are not marketing it as 7, that they changed the combat to be playable by kotaku editor standards and the possibility of an english dub will probably make yakuza 7 sell much more to the english market than 6

Not by a long shot since its a reboot for the english release, and we all know reboots don't do well most of the time

Because the West only thinks of Yakuza as a poor man's GTA.

it's not a fucking reboot, you retard.
they changed the name, that's it.
if it were a reboot then they'd be majorly reworking the story, but they aren't going to do that for the western release.


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>Still no Yakuza Remastered collection on PC
>Even after they stated Yakuza is now multiplat
>Even after saying Yakuza did well on PC

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>wanting the collection
>when they butchered them with literal twitter memes and more cut content

sales have been on the decline since the jump to the PS4, and this game would've performed worse than 6 regardless of the genre.
not defending the hard mode DLC, but at least it'll be properly balanced around new game +, since legend is pretty much a half assed mode that isn't designed around endgame characters.

just wait, they always need more time to get it on PC than PS4, we know it's coming

I mean not only we got a botched localization, but they didn't make much from Y7. We still didn't even get any updates on the localization yet

I dunno, Sega's too eager to milk it for it to be dead just yet
>kenzan, ishin, the live action stuff
Just gonna keep rolling until they literally can't afford to make it anymore.

Yakuza 1 ps2 had the worst English dub of all time

2 & 5 are my favorite games in the series. The first one on PS2 was pretty cool and I enjoyed the VA. I wish Sega gave us an English dub for more entries.

Can't say Mark wasn't having a blast with not-Joker for the time at least

I just picked up the 0, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2 bundle on Steam, because 30 bucks for all three was too good a deal to pass up on. About how long are these games?

depends. If you're going for just the story its 8-12 hours. If you're going for story+side content its 50+ hours. If you're going for 100% completion, its 100+ hours

All Sega has to do is say that Yakuza 6 is not canon

It's already non-canon because they retconned Kiryu's "death" with 7.

they are as long as you want them to be, if you go only for the story it's not that long, if you start playing the minigames and like them you could stay there playing for the next couple of years

Depends on what you're out to do. A standard run is pretty straightforward depending on the game, a 20 hour average, and how much you let yourself get distracted. Completionists have some super grindy stuff and a crap ton of substories to deal with along with collectibles, mini-games and so forth out the ass. It genuinely reaches average JRPG length after a point, me abusing a lot of shit to get Cabaret and Real Estate out of the way and around 20-25 substories in 0 reached around 50 hours by the time I hit game completion.

that's not the most important thing that should be non-canon

>new characters
>7 brings back kiryu AGAIN as a boss
You don't even know what you're defending at this point.

20-30 hour average I should say, though again, certain games are shorter or less roundabout and time-wasting with their plots

The next yakuza on PS5 will sell loads because of nogamez just like zero.

Worst part is that the new characters devs make all the time are great. Y0, Y6, and Judgement had great newcomers

the problem is that they are either killed off or never brought back because they keep fucking bringing old characters back. Even worse, Y7 was supposed to be an all-new cast but they added old characters back (including Majima and Kiryu) because of the backlash it got during announcement

Sup niggers how is judgement? Should i buy it?

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>Yakuza shitposting threads
Of course this franchise is just another that you can't discuss on Yas Forums now that it's on PC

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Has the best gameplay, great story, feels a lot more fresh than usual Yakuza games, and has the most side content.

Only problem is that the detective parts kind of drones out way too long

There's always Judgement.

Bro people are shitting on Y6 and Y7 and it’s not on PC yet. What are you smoking?

Not if you play it for the story.

It is the best Yakuza game

Once the PC fags invade a fanbase any game they can't play is shit, and they ruin discussion of any previous games

Thanks anons i'm going to buy it.
i hope it's better than Yakuza 6

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we had threads just fine when Y0 and Kiwami came to PC. These threads tend to go to shit when a shit title gets announced. Y6 was the peak shitposting because of all the chink pandering and it never came to PC

>tfw finally beat all the pool players in 3

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People were shitposting for the entire series' lifetime, you absolute newfag.
>skip 3 it's shit
>dead souls is shit
>5 is shit

Is the combat better than Kiwami 2?

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