Bros....I think I'm in love

Bros....I think I'm in love...

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gay thread

I love Reisen!

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For me, it's Sirris, the best Dark Souls III girl.

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Me too. I always do her questline.

But what about /OUR GIRL/

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Sirris is useless!!! The worst phantom!!!! I hate her!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who has the better foot game?

I've seen this a lot here, not sure what's that all about.

>do silly gesture
>she giggles

She's just a really shit phantom mainly because she does absolutely no damage and dies really easily. Summoning her actually makes the game harder

This is like a Bloodborne bossfight within Dark Souls she's like Lady Maria

Could be worse, you could be Prospector Olek or Lucatiel

DS III is my most played Souls game.
I spend so many hours into it.
And now that Sekiro came out I have no interest in playing it ever again because it does the combat much better than DS3 doesnt really have much more to offer.
DS3 is just DS1 with a linear experience. Both in the progression but also in the boss design.
I never played Bloodborne but after playing Sekiro I wonder what it even could offer that Sekiro does not.

firekeeperfu is the best fu

She has freakishly long arms, though.

That's a hollow bro

Sirris fucking casts darkmoon blade on her estoc and STILL does no damage
It's fucking baffling how bad she is

Darksouls 3 and Bloodborne have way more variety than Sekiro. I can finish a playthough in both and go "hmm, for my next character I want to try X instead of Y" and just restart and get a different experience. No such thing in Sekiro. Definitely play bloodborne, Sekiro is not bad but once the honeymoon face is over you'll appreciate both for different reasons.

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She's annoying as fuck because of that. No boss in DS3 gave me as much trouble as Friede.

While that may hold true, prospector olek does like 80 damage with his fucking kirkhammer, not to mention any single time you see his sign it is always, ALWAYS followed by "nothing but dullards here"

>Not loving the one girl guaranteed to be a pure


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You can corrupt her

But who would do such a thing?

accidentally killed her as soon as i found her on my first playthrough because i was drunk
haven't done another playthrough, i killed her orbiter right after

You pick up 2 dark divine tomes many hours before you get Karla and Irina can read them so lots of people I imagine

I've seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed Seeker of Truth.

But in the end, you lack the stomach, for the agony you bring upon yourself.

She buffs her weapon and then hits for 65ish damage. I don't know what the fuck her build is but whatever it is, it doesn't work.

I like this one

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I always give her the dark books, for giggles.

Sekiro has no replayability at all. It's a great game that I have no desire to touch ever again.

She cute

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>after playing Sekiro I wonder what it even could offer that Sekiro does not.
I never understood this logic. Dark Souls is so fundamentally different from Sekiro that it should be easy to differentiate between them. Unless literally the only thing you value is how fast the combat is, in which case I'm wondering what you got out of the Dark Souls series to begin with.

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If BB come out for PC I hope we can get more dynamic shots of her.

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>Dark Souls is so fundamentally different from Sekiro that it should be easy to differentiate between them
Between DSIII and Sekiro? I dont agree.
DSIII is no DSI and DSII was just a cheap mans copy of DS I.
That is why I dont like the term "Soulsborne" because the Souls game in themselves are way too different.

She does.

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I was desperate for an offensive miracle. How badly did I mess up by giving her the cathedral of the deep braille tome?

>another female character who doesn't wear shoes

miyazaki is a footfag

If you bought any of the dark spells she's fucked and Eygon is coming for you

She becomes a dark addict and Eygon gets mad

Easily the most forgettable of the Maiden in Black clones.

>that one doujin of hers by aoin

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I've already killed Eygon.
Is it possible to save her by making her a fire keeper?


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Nope she wants you to kill her

only way to save her is NG+

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my wife :)

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who this?

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Friede looks really east asian without her hood.

She reminds me of her, but of course they have different purposes :)

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Uhh...right in the vagina


bro he literally said the author, I usually sauce a brother up but come on

There really aren't that many Dark Souls 3 doujins to begin with bro.

Im gonna need more than that

nvm found it