Why don't you own a real mechanical keyboard Yas Forums? aren't you a true gamer? and to those who do, i salute you

why don't you own a real mechanical keyboard Yas Forums? aren't you a true gamer? and to those who do, i salute you.

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>tranny pills
make like the 42% and fuck off

I prefer chiclet
I considered getting a low profile flat keys mechanical keyboard but I'm not finding any that fits my fancy and I like my membrane chiclet a lot already

if trannies are only 1% of the population then how come 100% threads are about them?

>he doesnt pay 24k a year to play vidya on a bloomberg terminal

are you even trying to take your gaming to the max??

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clickity clackity makes me mad!

I don't know user, now riddle me this. If blacks are only 13% of the population, then how come 50% of all violent crimes are attributed to them?

>quiet realisation that I have the same keycaps (It's more turquoise and a pinker pink and not laid out like the tranny flag)
What are some good new keyboards Yas Forums

Why do trannies tend to come across as cultists?

I hope you use that knife to kill yourself.

I do, but I spilled beer in my corsair k70 2 too many times. Was looking at a ducky one2 skyline, looks really crisp with a great font and cherry mx's but they're out of stock everywhere.

white policeman selection bias

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OP is a faggot. Roll em boys.

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Thread should've ended here

Everyone on Yas Forums is either a gay furfag in denial or a weeaboo transbian in denial.

Because being a tranny has become a fad. Many people are suckered into their way of thinking in order to fit in and be transtrenders.

>in denial
Nah i'm just a gay furfag, but anything is better than being a tranny weeb

Might as well.

>baby's first mechanical keyboard
How'd I do? Not totally sure how I feel about it yet. Kind of wish I went with something with MX cherry Blue switches.

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Trans = trash

Kill yourself. No wait, you already will.


>rainbow led
definitely babys first

>LGBTQ lights

/vid/ here, mechanical keyboards are fucking obnoxious when editing, this is what I use

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You can program it to whatever you want. rainbow is kind of neat fuck off

I want that. good tastes.

looks like the keyboards in the aliens movies

Boy I sure do hate mentally ill coomers

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>why don't you own a real mechanical keyboard Yas Forums?
because new corona-virus

Wait, is that thing for 24k a year blasting ads at you?

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gender dysphoria is the new ADHD

Got one of these because it was the only keyboard with cherry mx red I could find in stock in my region that didn't come with a bunch of obnoxious gay backlights.

Attached: 4-6.jpg (1000x1000, 81.98K)

>Wait, is that thing for 24k a year blasting ads at you?

Memes aside, its the only way to have a true direct link to wall street without going through a third party broker and so on which has a delay to place orders, so for professional day traders they are kind of a must.

>having a knife on hand for when you need to cut yourself for attention

trannies require leveled amounts of attention in order to survive. They kill themselves when they don't receive enough.
So stunning. So brave.

I thought backlights were gay then I got one with backlights and now I'm gay.


Oops I meant to say now I think they're kind of neat.

I used to have a keyboard with backlights but I found it annoying so I got this new one so I could go back to being straight.

I know what it is used for, I mean that "subscribe for free" block suspiciously resembles an ad.

What does that skull signify?

Oh yeah I mean its still ((((((((berg)))))))

>everyone has a numpad
this is a blessed thread
I'd normally call the OP a faggot but he delivered this time

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got a cherry brown switch WASD keyboard without keycaps and put on these custom ones. very comfy

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I don't understand why anyone would buy a keyboard let alone a ~$100 keyboard that doesn't have a number pad.

I buy membrane keyboards without numpads because they're cheaper and I don't feel like spending more than $20 on a keyboard

ah, a tranny with good tastes i see

I can't wait for the kike to lose again and sell out to another boomer. Maybe then that percentage will go up.

It's a boomer thing
you wouldn't understand

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46-49 is fine.

I'll bite

I don't use numpad for anything.

mechanical keyboards are objectively worse

Whoa, those are the monitor I have!

im still mad they made their flag my favorite colors

>those arrow keys on the top left

i have this ducky one 2 mini 60% mx browns

You can always get an external numpad for your roguelikes but you can't just slap a trackpoint on some random full size keyboard.

>tfw getting inferior mechanical copy only because original rubber dome is not produced anymore.

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GTA V flying

Muh minimalism and desk space. I could probably do without a numpad, but it's really nice to have sometimes and most importantly I'd gain absolutely nothing by removing it.

Managed without. Don't remember having much troubles.

>mechanical keyboards
Enjoy your keychatter and scratchy keyfeel lmao, contactless or bust

Actually it's just policemen, and actually it's not bias - they just target out of facts.


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