Here's your Alucard bro

Here's your Alucard bro.

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Love em

Game Sypha:
>trained as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church

Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula after Sypha goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain (pic related)
Show Trevor:
>anti-religious (like the show's writer who's never played the game)

This trash isn't Castlevania. When can we get a real Castlevania series? I pray to Allah Ritcher never shows up in the Netflix series

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The vampire cock don't discriminate, the vampire cock just slays.

I don't get, having sex with two girls at the same time is Chad as fuck

>watching N*tflix "original" trash

LOL faggot

This, all vampires are Bi until proven to be just Gay.

>implying if you were immortal you wouldn't try bussy once.

>Perhaps the most impressive feat about the entirety of the project is that much of its core staff had never even played any of the “Castlevania” games before tackling the project. Series co-producer and writer Warren Ellis noted that in putting together a story that would appeal to a general audience beyond those who play the games regularly, he was, in fact, the general audience. “My dirty secret is that I never played the video game, and had actually never heard of it previous to being approached about adapting it,” said Ellis.

>Warren Ellis: I have never played any of the games, never even looked at them. I wrote this entire show using Wikipedia and fanpages

>Warren Ellis: Famously, I never played the games, so I have no real knowledge of the series except what’s on Wikipedia or a fan page.

Or gets slayed apprently.

Its so fucking shit.

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Alucard can give the vampire succ.

absolute CHAD

This angers me immensely

lol, you can literally rewrite a franchise inserting you degenerate SJW progressive agenda and call it canon.

It's like history revisionist. Fucking Clown World, man!

Imagine the smell.

Just try and tell me they arent shoving politics down our throat now.

>and call it canon
lol it’s a Netflix anime not a main title

Yup, impaling two humans right in front of your doorsteps. That's heroic, that's definitely something Alucard would do. What a hero.

I bet those filthy degenerate Jews were behind this

There's your problem.

>All those Yas Forums shitters trying to save Alucard is a fag.


If they didn’t portray Alucard as a bottom bitch I’d have been fine with it.

I least he's not gay?

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He is a vampire, he just fucks whatever he wants.

you bet

Yes the Church exiled the Belmonts after Leon left them high and dry. Leon went on killing monsters and vampires then generations later came back to help the Belmonts.

The Belmonts and the Church are like peanut butter and jelly. You don't have to be a christfag but removing the church and the church allies the Belmonts call friends all becuase the writer hated religion is fucking stupid

the best thing I can say at this point at least they didn't ruin Germain..yet.

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Yeah that sounds like everyone in charge of major franchises like Doctor Who, Star Wars, James Bond and Star Trek, non-fan uninformed SJW cuck faggot pieces of shit who should be shot fucking dead and have their cuck bodies burned with the ashes dumped into the sewer.

>all this buttmad and seething over Alucard

People have been calling SotN Alucard a fag for years.

This but unironically


>He gets fucked by whoever wants to fuck him

Not literally.

sometimes you have to take a dick so you are convinced you don't like take dicks.

He's done a lot wrong, but at this point I'm just surprised at how he managed to make an absolutely fantastic first episode for the first season and a pretty great final episode for the second one. That kind of makes up to me for how much he fucked Alucard through the two seasons I watched. And made a surprisingly unfucked Isaac

I see the amerimutts just can't stop themselves tose days eh

A devils threesome. Okay.

Doctor Who is still good I hear.

Ha! Buttmad, I get it. Because Alucard was raped IN THE BUTT.

It's best to view it as an alternate take on the characters and settings. Comparing the original game to this netflix series is like comparing the Adam West Batman to the Dark Knight. Completely different eras, mediums and audiences to please.

[hand rubbing intensifies]

>fucking a big tiddy japanese qt
>getting fucked by Japanese micropenis

It's completely pozzed. They're turning the first female doctor into a lesbian.

Doesn't that make sense since she's been a guy for most of her existence? Why would she suddenly change?

looks BASED as fuck to me, bi are the master race

castlevania always was basically twilight anyway

So, I loved the new season. But, did it seem the twins had absolute no reason to betray Alucard? Not to mention something this simple really started to turn Alucard evil? Just seems like a big pull.

why do kikes ruin literally everything they get their money grubbing hands on?

>Tfw I have never played a Castlevania game.
>Tfw I have watched the show and enjoyed it.

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bi are the biggest faggots of them all. They aren't even homosexuals. They're straight, but attentionwhores that scream "LOOK AT ME!!!" until they're gayer than real homosexuals.

Imagine yourself being an immortal vampire (or half vampire)
Imagine the boredom you would feel living for decades if not centuries beyond human lifespan
Now look me in the eyes and tell me that you would never fuck a cute guy in your immortal life and ESPECIALLY pass on a chance of a gay threesome

Thank God I didn't waste my time watching this gay show.

Also Isaac is fucking based.


I doubt he’s evil now, he just doesn’t trust people anymore, as for the elevens they were fucked in the head to begin with, due to being raised as slaves by an evil vampire

What the fuck are you talking about? Some woman comes to Dracula's castle, burps garlic, and that makes Dracula immediately fall in love with her. Then she gets burned at the stake by laughably evil and corrupt church and government officials for practically no reason other than they're evil and corrupt. That's a fantastic first episode?


the trick is finding a worthy bussy for your immoral cock

Nah man, poo comes out of bum holes. I don't want shit to get inside my urethra. It doesn't matter how long you douche it for, I've seen footage.

Cry more you Yas Forums cuck.


Correction, he didn't fuck the guy, the guy fucked him

it's not gay if he has long hair

It's called an enema. Vampire's have slaves, just make them get one. Its not hard

I wanted him to thrupple with Trevor and Sypha tho.

>muh Yas Forums
I hate faggots, and I don't browse Yas Forums

>if you dont enjoy sucking shit straight out of a mans anus then you're Yas Forums
how did it get like this

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we dont actually eat de poo poo like your tribe elder claimed

Do vampires even poop or pee?

>I'm not Yas Forums I promise
Ok MAGA fucker

Wtf Alucard's mouth literally vaccuums shit from a man's asshole in the show? Based /d/ animators.

haha based

>>if you dont enjoy sucking shit straight out of a mans anus
Did op's pic look /d/ related to you user?

Yeah, it’s a nod to the audience.

>The Asian one is the best looking.

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Just because your European pope worships Satan doesn't mean all of the West is faithless.

The only thing wrong with this was that Alucard got his bum pierced. Literally EVERY straight man wants a threesome with a cute guy and a cute girl


Words to describe his mundane talent.

>Yas Forums
>Yas Forums

This is not video games. Take this conversation to the correct board. At this rate we accept Uwe Boll discussions.


so how's alabama

>Bishop who does not appear in any of the games
Based secondary

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Yes. It's basically a SOTN prequel, and it doesn't diverge from series canon too much at all. Dracula was great through that whole episode, and its only blemish is the ending about goat fucking and whatnot.

Shitting on Yas Forums does nothing. It's a better board than most of 4channel, including Yas Forums, Yas Forums and Yas Forums. You don't have to be a MAGAtard to dislike homos and degenerate LGBTQ garbage.