Mass Effect 3: But muh combat

While it is mostly a settled matter that ME3 is abysmal in most of its aspects, some people still cling to the idea that it has good gameplay (ie: combat). Why? The standardized, waist-high covers and single-button control scheme demand a much lower skill level than actual shooter games where the player has to find cover in natural terrain or buildings and utilize it with their own movement. More importantly, almost all weapons sound like absolute shit and even those that don't have mediocre sound effects at best. All weapons are stupidly inaccurate and have not just recoil but literal screen shake. Shotguns are a joke, they all have insane pellet spread that makes them useless beyond 5 meters. Enemies rarely make any audio cues (ie: audible footsteps, the clanking of armor, etc), the player has to rely almost entirely on their visuals - constrained by shitty FOV. All enemies are bullet sponges and not even the strongest sniper rifles can 1 headshot kill anything but the weakest enemies, and the game tries to force everyone to use stupid combo explosions. The combat does not feel visceral at all: enemies will never flinch and barely cry out even as they are hammered with gunfire, there is no blood, dismemberment is minimal. Combined with the weapons having crappy sound effects, the entire thing feels like an edgy airsoft match. Luckily the heavy weapons somewhat remedy this. oh wait, they were removed as permanent equipment, lol. Melee is also a load of crap, the light melee animation looks all wrong, does practically no damage, and the player character doesn't make as much as a sound. Compare it to ME1, where you could ragdoll enemies and smear them on wall by whacking them with the rifle's buttstock. Heavy melee looks idiotic as hell and does way too little damage for all its fuss. How can anyone say there is anything good about this?

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Sev'Rance Tann is very cute and very smart.

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Vanguard charge.

it's only good on PC since you're able to move in one direction and aim at the same time far easier without clawing the controller or some stupid shit, M+KB makes this game fast paced and makes playing defensively obsolete, one of the best combat systems by accident in a videogame.

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I never particularly cared about the combat in ME. It only served as an intermission between the narrative and while I found it satisfying across all three games and each one is different, I really don't care about it. I never played ME for the combat.

Sometimes, that model looks like it's all correct.

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grow out of it faggot

>It's fucking nothing
We just had ME2's 10 year anniversary almost 2 months ago. They're not doing shit, other than going "hey, remember Mass Effect?

8 years. And we are still mad. We will always be mad.

i'm not mad.

I'll just post more Miri.

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Well, we are. And shame on you for not being mad.

shame on you for being mad.

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Why should I feel shame for being mad? Never relent.

Do it.

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why should i feel shame for not being mad?


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Because Bioware built a franchise on years of lies and deceit, they lied to your face, then called you stupid and entitled.

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does your world revolve around video games? this isnt that big of a problem.

>Why do you care about video games?
Where the fuck do you think you are? You think this is or something?

>bold-faced lies aren't a problem
ok, well, what is, then?
and don't give me that niggers in Africa crap

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Bonus Liara

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I've got so much stuff that I'd be better off posting in

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the fact that the ending was shit.

Sorry, you seen Ash anywhere?

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Samara Bonus

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Hating 3 after 2 killed the series is like ordering dessert and complaining it's shit after you just ate moldy, rotten food from the same restaurant.

Of course it was bad. There were early warning signs

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>2 killed the series
I have yet to see proof of that. ME2 was peak ME popularity. The interest was there, the good will was there, the hype was there. ME3 killed all of that.

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For liking Ass Effect in the first place. For giving EA money 3 times

>For liking Ass Effect in the first place
I have been a fan of Bioware since 1998. The EA buy off meant nothing to me, if Bioware kept performing competently. I bought ME1, DA:O and ME2, but as soon as DA2 hit, I was gone. I didn't even give EA money for DA2, let alone ME3.

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Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer was fucking great and the story issues of 3 were obvious in 2 for anyone who were willing to actually see them.

The warning signs were indeed there.

>Shepard goes from a spectre on the trail of the truth to some legend in the span of 2 years
>You die but are brought back to life immediately after anyway
>Thermal clips because Gears of War or something
>Second entry is practically a spin-off/complete side story
>EA DLC fuckery
>Save humanity while every one else twiddles their thumbs for PLOT
>Human reaper
>Locked into Cerberus
>Mass dumbing down of stats and abilities
>Less choice for weapons and armour, this could be argued to be a good change
>A lot of the squad require you to solve their daddy issues
>Edgy renegade face for no reason
>Stupid binary morality whereas with 1 it felt more like adding a bit of depth to Shepard

And a bunch more. ME1 isn't perfect but you can easily tell 2 was made for a wider audience.

>The EA buy off meant nothing to me, if [My favorite Developer] kept performing competently
Every time, for 3 decades and counting

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MEwunners.are a thing, ignore these neckbeard sub-human.

>ME2 was peak ME popularity
Exactly, it was when a promising RPG franchise was turned into a generic cover based TPS

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None of these break the franchise, though.

Still doesn't break the franchise.

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>The moment they stopped producing stuff I liked, I stopped supporting them
That's what you're supposed to do, as a customer. I still liked ME1, DA:O and ME2.

WRT the first two - you literally just saved the galaxy from extinction all by yourself despite barely having been made a spectre, breh

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I don't negotiate with creative terrorists like EA.
Once their teeth are in a studio, time to cut losses, because my money is now going to support yet another studio buy out.

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Mass Effect 1 set a tone and pushed the story in a very particular direction. It created a quest for knowledge, and put our heroes into a position where they were the best people to go on that quest. Not in a “chosen one as decreed by the gods / fate” sort of way, but in a practical way that the events of the first game gave them tools that nobody else had. They were explorers, searching for answers. The plot called for them to go out into that great big universe of mystery and danger, and find out how to break the cycle of destruction forever. They weren’t going to win because of their guns and biotics. They just needed the guns and biotics to get to the answers that would make victory possible.

The writers not only failed to make use of these plot elements, they took every single aspect of this setup and smashed it to pieces. The council is retconned to not believing in the Reapers and not caring about the massive attack that nearly wiped out their government. Shepard loses his status as both a Spectre and a member of the Alliance. Liara goes away and forgets all about Prothean archaeology. Shepard’s ability to understand Prothean is no longer an asset to their mission. Shepard’s relationship with the council reverts to the pre-Ilos status quo. Shepard is no longer the protagonist because his team is uniquely qualified to learn about Reapers, but instead he’s the protagonist because of his fame and combat prowess. As Miranda says, “He’s a hero. A bloody icon”. Most importantly, Shepard is no longer an explorer on a quest to uncover a mystery, but a badass trying to rouse an apathetic galaxy to action.

>Not in a “chosen one as decreed by the gods / fate”
But Shepard getting mindfucked by the Prothean Bacon has been exactly that.

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I'ma let you finish but first and foremost, the MULTIPLAYER is so fucking good.

Alright OP, keep bitching.

Not quite. Usually the chosen one trope is more literally and spelled out. Some abandoned child of the chosen bloodline, some guy who inherits the chosen power. Shepard is just a soldier on a mission who touches the beacon and sets things in motion. By the end of ME1 he hasn't stopped the Reapers. He barely managed to stop Sovereign with an entire fleet and knowledge no other cycle had before him. It could have been anyone who got touched by the beacon and it nearly was Ashley.