was it character assassination?
Was it character assassination?
But journos / twitter/ tumblr and journos are loving it!
>taking Kikeflix adaptions serious
oh no no no no
>Netflix cartoon ruins pure vidya kino
with jews, you lose
It's not canon
anything the Japanese do well, Americans only make it worse
Homosexuality is unnatural and isn't practiced by any animals other than humans, so it's pretty fucking stupid
Can other animals even practice it when they don't even know that they have dicks? They just shove it into any hole they want when it's on fire.
Not only is this flat out wrong, but oddly enough, species that most scientists consider to be the most intelligent most often demonstrate homosexual behavior, such as chimps and dolphins.
>isn't practiced by any animals other than humans
I see you never had two male birds in a cage.
Not really. He was never a chad. He, if anything, was emotionally celibate and only cared about stopping dear old dad cropping up again.
All the bi-sexual Alucard thing does is explain why he stays the fuck away from people in general and I hope he becomes a jaded fuck because of the gooks.
>degenerate beasts are fags so you should be one too
I wish i had the link to the interview/articles where the lead writer said he never heard of or played a castlevania game until he got given the project
Absolutely. Destroy everything the nerdy white boys hold dear.
Or rabbits
I don’t know, consideeing Yas Forums can’t post proof like they do any other instance i assume you’re just soamming the catalog
If your argument is that it's natural, he just proved that it is. A better comeback would be to say you can't project human sexuality to other species, but then you're retarded for bringing up the point in the first place
*isn't natural
>Yas Forums defends the show completely disregarding the source material because a lot of the bullshit had to do with the church
>but now that they predictably fucked up alucard too, now it's for real
We tried to warn you.
Alucard`s love interest is supposed to be maria, they even have a drama cd together
Don’t bother user. Yas Forums doesn’t even play games.
Sorry Christianbros. We should've listened.
No, have you SEEN Alucard fans? Especially the women?
Well at least he’s not getting fucked.
It was always shit but before retards would scream and call you a christfag for rightfully calling out the religious aspect of the show as condescending. A supposedly smart character not believing in Satan despite being married to fucking Dracula and living in a world where holy water works should have been the last time anyone took this show's writing seriously.
He does get fucked.
nah, dude looks gay already
There's a reason "Netflix adaptation" is a meme.
But you see, those people disliked christianity too, so they simply appreciated those changes even if they didn't make sense.
This right fucking here. There's two kinds of people hating this change: Castlevania fanatics who know the lore, and christians. Anyone else is loving it even though it makes not an ounce of sense.
Alucard has always been a gay twink
Well I'm an atheist, and while I've played 1, 3, 4, Rondo, SotN, my problems with the show's take on religion didn't end with it just going against what little the games had in terms of story. Its implementation is just cringeworthy, a total embarrassment. You can have the church be corrupt and Trevor be disillusioned with them without it being so condescending. Sypha has to go out of her way to say that her people are enemies of God, somewhat played for laughs but it also reads like something right out of the edgy teen playbook. Just reminds of all the people who argue their case based on Bible excerpts that let them say
>Duuuude did you know God was the BAD GUY??? He hardened pharaoh's heart!
You can't just be someone who doesn't believe in God, you have to say "Fuck you God, you're not my dad" and that's the exact mentality that turned atheism into a commonly mocked meme rather than just an outlook on life. They're not just scared to portray characters centuries removed from us as a little different, they're outright spiteful.
>isn't practiced by any animals other than humans
Yes it is. The difference is that the homosexual animals are generally ostracized and regarded even by humans as biological dead-ends as they don't produce offspring / replenish the population. It's strange though, two women being intimate can be beautiful, but two men is absolutely revolting.
>Alucard looks bisexual
>does bisexual things
no surprise here, i would only find it strange if they decided to change the sexuality of a stereotypical straight male like Trevor Belmont
males who look like Trevor Belmond represent the handsomeness of straight men and males who look like Luka Urushibara represent the beauty of gay males
>if you look gay, you must be gay
>if you aren't someone who looks like a stereotypical manly man, you must be gay
Had a dog that would try to fucking pretty much anything. Granted, it's not right, but jus because you can doesn't mean we shouldn't. Some humans can actually control compulsiveness.
In CVIII, he looked more like Bela Lugosi with the face of a catcher's mitt.
I had 2 male bunny on a single cage and guess what happened? Yes, other animals can into gaysex.
Alucard does not look bisexual. He looks like a younger, albeit prettier, Dracula with his mom's hair. The whole sex scene with the twins was just out of place.
>they're outright spiteful.
Actually, well said
Bara says hi
>You can't just be someone who doesn't believe in God, you have to say "Fuck you God, you're not my dad" and that's the exact mentality that turned atheism into a commonly mocked meme rather than just an outlook on life.
So much this. And yet a lot of them are weirdly defensive about this too. Merely suggesting that they're in poor form with their obsession gets leaves them absolutely livid.
>if you look gay, you must be gay
i didn't say that, but you can see some patterns
>if you aren't someone who looks like a stereotypical manly man, you must be gay
>manly man
he looks handsome, rugged, but still approachable, kinda like Nathan Drake too, both have ideal straight male's looks. caricatures of masculinity like bald and fat half-beastkin baras are a gay man's stereotype and they look disgusting. anyone with taste agrees trap aesthetics suit the gay male's nature better, but straight traps are always a terrible mistake
How can she be his love interest if she hasn't been born yet
>>if you look gay, you must be gay
if I look like a woman I must be a woman and you have to let me into the lady's room
No, it was hot.
It was fanfiction.
Go do something productive. Crying about gays isn't it, lads.
He is an allegory for the white race.
Yes they did try to kill him. Why? Why did they ruin a good thing? What was their major malfunction?
Amuttricans were a mistake, especially Commiefornians.
Isn't the writer a Brit?
t. faggot who never played a single Castlevania game in his entire poor excuse for a life
Yup. If this was an animated SMT series, I wouldn’t have minded the fedora tipping. But castlevania is a series where the Church and God are on team good guys.
>seething homo
Calm the fuck down R*ddit.
I'm out here ass fucking boys and you can't do jack shit about it.
I'm gonna get mouth fucked on the street in front of your little boy and turn him into a faggot, too.
It can be by you if you want.
It's revolting with women, too.
Gay sex is completely unnatural. Anal sex has significant health risks due to a penis not being meant to go in there.
>irony asterisks
>calling other people reddit
this one surprised me
i expected japan's anti homo attitude to keep this from going so far
>fuck yeah, I'm a degenerate
>why don't people like gays?
So does eating a cheeseburger, but I don't see your tubby ass holding a picket sign in front of a McDouglas. Also, straights butt fuck, too, a bunch of homos only mouth fuck.
>still employing r*ddit spacing
Nigger, you faggots came into this mad because your cartoony man took a dick in the ass. Nobody was hurt until you opened up the gaping chasm you desperately want to be filled with dick you call a mouth.
No, it was Netflix pulling more of its bullshit just like they did with Witcher and several other of their shows.
>if you don't want to slam your dick in some dude's shitty ass you're a shitskin
Seriously though what is wrong with the whites of Yas Forums. Like are you trying to shame people with this post?
Eating a cheeseburger will not cause you a health issue. Doing it too much can but that’s a separate issue that is less about the burger and more about the field of food you eat.
But screwing up anal even once can lead to lacerations, bleeding, infection.
And on the next episode of Boku no Piko...
It was an ass-assination alright.
I'm interested in this.
You fucking zoomies can't smell shit even when your mouth is full of it.
Here's a post from 2006 that was spaced the same way as my shit is.
Also, your son's going to be fagitized by society no matter what you do even if you can find a roastie that Tyrone's already destroyed to settle down with you based solely on your income. And when he's 18, I'm going to mouth fuck him through his daddy issues.
>irony asterisks
Is that what you subhumans call it? What the fuck plebbit?
>give japanese work to americans
>they fucking soil it