Why aren't you a L33T NEET yet?

why aren't you a L33T NEET yet?
>can hone your vidya skills during the weekdays while normies are wagecucking
>effortlessly destroy them during the weekends when they thought they could relax and chill out

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I couldn't play that much video games
I need a healthy variety in my life, that includes working

hakase was such an awful character


Because I need money

how the fuck am i supposed to live?
move in with my parents?

Goverment moni. If you can't get enough for food, rent,other bills and recreation i recommend moving to less shitty country.

US welfare system is beyond fucked for people who actually do need it, I don't need to be bogging it down like the rest of the niggers and fat fucks who think they can live on $1,700 a month.

How do I get autismbux in USA in a state like Colorado? I can probably convince people I'm autismal, they already thought I was in school

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because 99% of games offer direct power benefits to those who pay. Or allow them to skip past content by paying.

Or fuck, worst of all, when they lock content behind timegating so they don't feel left behind.
There's no reason to bother.

because i prefer single player games


Do you guys remember that one scene from that indiana jones movie where the nazi guy was getting eaten alive by the ants? They where going inside his mouth eyes and stuff and they drug him upside down screaming into their whole to feast on him? I would rather die like that right now than live the life like a neet, the shame and disgust I would feel towards myself daily combined would outdo that gruesome pain

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I live in Colorado and get austimbux. If I told you, and gave away my secret, then how would you work hard to provide for my lifestyle?

>Muh shame
>Muh disgust
>Muh dignity

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Because I'm not physically or mentally disabled which are usually the prerequisites for getting government money both here in the US and the EU. Plus jobs pay more than any welfare program in existence especially when you own your own business and get government subsidies.

>Because I'm not physically or mentally disabled
Then why are you on Yas Forums?

Because I am too well educated, physically fit and sociable. I wish I was retarded but I get offered jobs every week and I can’t say no.

Which one is best ?

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Wagie cope

Because this is one of the last places where if you disagree with the majority people just call you a faggot and move on instead of getting your account banned by site staff.

>tfw worked my ass off for 5 years and saved up a shit ton of money
>now I live with mom and dad as a NEET with a comfy nest of money to fall back on when they kick me or die out in 10 years
fuck wagies lmao

>I know how it works because I used to be one.
Sounds like jealousy, you were so close to living the dream, now you spit bitter bile at those

being a neet is the best when you want to learn Japanese and play games in Japanese, just like Kami-sama intended.

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>neets are so autistic that they think they're above everyone else because they take handouts and do literally nothing
Funny ain't it

You better work harder user, Mr. Shekelstein needs a new boat.

Is having your son be a NEET the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having your son be a NEET. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can prove to everyone that your bloodline is inferior. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy- reading him stories at bedtime, making him go to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him playing with him. All of it has one simple result: he cannot become a functioning member of society.

Raised the perfect son? Wrong. Who benefits from him being a NEET? If you're lucky, he might become a "professional video gamer" and finally make something out of his useless hobby. He gets to eat your food every night. He gets the benefits of your career that came from your hard work and education.

As a man who has a NEET as a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a man that is a genetic dead end. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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laughing all the way to the singularity, slave

My headcanon is that the people who make these threads actually have jobs themselves and are just shitposting. It's easier to believe that than someone unironically defending being a waste of space. Nobody is that pathetic.

>take handouts and do literally nothing
>Contributing to a society directly undermining males and actively trying to replace white people
Hard choice

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Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

you're just a stand-in for a robot, as far as I'm concerned

I wish I could be a NEET for exactly this reason but I'm scared that I'm not retarded enough to receive enough government gifts to survive on a monthly basis.

Fight the power user.

But user, colorado is becoming the next commiefornia. You'll have plenty of people providing for you without me, and I make peanuts anyway.

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>Saved all that up
>Still have to live with parents
Clearly you didnt save that much. Have fun being broke in a couple years.

You're making to much sense this time pipin. Stop it.

>work at my family's restaurant as a line cook
>mother is my boss
>stress free work environment with good pay and hours
>get to spend time with my family while affording my own place

Now THIS is comfy.

Those handouts are set up by the same people as the latter. You are supporting them in the dumbest way imaginable.

Theres no game good enough to go neet for right now, I play games like 2-3 hours a day tops then I go watch tv shows or movies, and even that gets old

>mother is my boss
>stress free
What the fuck planet are you posting from?

Not everyone's mom is a giant bitch.

I'm sorry you had a hard ass for a mother user.

I was a neet for 6 years, then I got to the point where I wanted to kill myself as all neets do
So I went back to school and now I'm working a comfy IT job for $60k/yr where I can watch youtube and play toaster games 40 hours a week in between answering a few help desk tickets every day.

>Shit that i made up
>Another shit that i made up to soften the arguments used to support another shit using my superficially sensitive perspective on modern society via mongolian sourced forum screeching
Very hard choice, if you ask me

6 year?

I was unemployed for 4 months before I started feeling depressed. Then again I didn't have mommy and daddy to save me. I survived off my own savings. Honestly feels a lot better knowing I am able to support myself when times get rough

>You are supporting them in the dumbest way imaginable.
You mean by not feeding the system? What I should really be doing is feeding the system trying to replace me by giving more money to Shaniqua and Horatio?
Wow based and redpilled, should I vote for Biden too?

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Why are neets always so fucking pathetic, holy shit

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Neet life is not for me.

See this is the shit i'm talking about. This has to be a shitpost. There is no fucking way someone actually thinks like this. I can't accept it.

>as he posts emoji-tier shit images
wew lad

You haven't been here long enough if you think nobody could be that retarded

Mother has her own business and working for her is top level comfy and easy. When she retires it'll most likely be passed to me. EZ life.

>Have no argument
>"Just wow I can't even this is so wrong"
You are advocating literally feeding the system that fucks you, you absolute brainlet

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Because I can't afford it and autismbux take too long and are unobtainable basically? My goal is to slowly transition to semi-neetdom with some kind of online business where I only have to work a few hours a week to upkeep. Although I have to learn how to spend my free time productively and teach myself skills instead of just masturbating all day with my harem of onaholes and endless pot when the time comes.

I'm not a NEET and I wish I could be one for exactly this reason. Fuck all these retarded niggers and illegal spics just vacuuming up the money that I'm actually working for.
>work hard
>government says "oh you need to donate x% to welfare because these fucking faggots are too retarded to work"
There isn't a single day where I don't wish I could just kill them all. And I'm not even in retail.


Made up demons

Fortunately I kept myself busy by getting real good at drawfagging which I guess kind of tricked me into thinking I was working.
But eventually you realize drawfagging is basically lemonade stand/lawn mowing tier work and honestly kind of pathetic since you're just pandering for a couple of bucks or social media stats 99% of the time.

That paired with my parents guilt tripping me and running into people I went to school with out in public who had done more with their lives ended up making me realize just how much of a pathetic piece of shit I was.

>shill threads for NEETdom
I don't get it. I was a NEET for several years and it was hellish.

Shit emojis for a shit thread
Get fucked

I used to be a NEET but now I have probably one of the best jobs in the world, get paid a lot, and I have plenty of times to play videogames both at work and at home (among other things).
I know how it feels to be a depressed reclusive NEET, I would never want to go back to those days.
Why the fuck would I not be happy to be a "wagie"? It's been working really well for the past 5 years.

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Ok, now I don't want to have children. Thanks, Pipin

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If they're made up demons you should be able to disprove it easily right?
It's not like the left are letting illegals vote for them, oh wait, it's not like the media has a war on white people, oh wait

take my word for it.
the NEET magic ATM is rebooting again.
charts never lie.

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I accept the unfortunate reality that labour is required to support my lifestyle.

On the bright side, ten more years and I'll be done. My inheritance isn't enough for a mansion or anything, but it'll buy me a small house in the middle of nowhere and it'll keep me living in modest comfort for the rest of my life.

A toast to all my comrades in NEETdom!

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Still not an argument

>Had a decent job
>Company i worked for closes
>Back to neethood for 10 years
>Watch cartoons and play games most of time
>Have only one online friend which i have over 4 hour long chats about dragons frequently
>It all ends in a few weeks, already got a vehicle to work with
Holy shit anons, how bad it will be? I can't
even normally deal being around strangers for long anymore.

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>Left letting illegals vote
Over exageration, this is not a problem
>media war on white people
Made up demon

What do you do for fun?

>All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy- reading him stories at bedtime, making him go to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him playing with him
lmao I wish I was so lucky

>NEETs are 2dpd whores
prove it

>that picture
thanks for the kek, NEETS really are pathetic lmao

user, you're supposed to only take one bluepill at a time.