Damn games popularity skyrocket

same time sharp decline in sex started,
weird coincidence

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millennials are killing the underage drinking industry

getting sex is fucking hard these days, a lot of younger women are absurdly fucking picky. was a trek through fucking hell and back just to find a relationship.

i should pick up smoking

i think its funny that kids are having less and less sex, yet they make more and more cp.

its like people as a whole are moving onto the internet instead of seeking real human contact. in this case its a good thing because it means less unwanted pregnancies and less stds and all that, but the other side of that coin is A LOT more self made cp and cam shows.

basically this is a good progress chart because kids are being less stupid than we were, except for the cp part

This, Tinder has made getting laid anywhere except a college campus a nightmare

>Almost half of 15 year olds already had sex

What a crazy time that was.

>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?
>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.
>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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It has to do with feminism and women having access to hundreds of males thanks to dating apps

Is this what a smoker looks if he's coping?

cp is not a problem whatsoever unless it was forced, taken by an adult by coercing or tricking a child
if the kids are horny then its not the state place to say anything
and I dont even like real people

yes. they try to emasculate guys, and ONLY guys mind you, into smoking cigarettes. you vape? wow youre gay just smoke real cigs, fag. you dont smoke? wow what a pussy faggot smoke like a real man.

meanwhile they cant take two steps without coughing blood and you can smell their rancid corpses from a mile away

Good bait. Made me reply

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That was normal, we are in crazy times now.

problem is theyre stupid and fuck themselves over in the future. cause theyre careless and get doxxed and blackmailed and those videos and pictures exist on the internet forever.

women are already fucking stupid and fuck their lives with nudes and porn on the internet. girls are even dumber and more careless. the bullying alone when the school kids find out cause a lot of suicides already.

thats the kind of problems i meant

You smell like shit and I feel bad for the 20somethings who were convinced by friends to do it because they cough like they're dying from pneumonia.

At least the cigarette meme is finally dying.

That only helps society weed out the people that clearly don't belong to it though. A suicide here, a blackmail there, it matters very little overall and it helps society cleanse itself.

its unnecessary grief. i wish there was a way to drill common sense into children without giving them some sort of complex. even adults dont think before they act so this will just keep happening.

oh. if it keeps happening then attitudes around it will relax and less people will care, leading to less kids doing it for the thrill and less people being interested in it. or at the very least it will be less shameful so their social lives wont suffer.

fuck it then the only way forward is to pave the way to acceptance with bodies, for their own good. they cant be controlled. this is the only way

>Half of all 15 year olds have had sex
>I'm a virgin at 25

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This is correct. It is the internet in general not video games, smartphones especially. I was in high school before smart phones or before the internet was very mainstream and you only had the choices of people in or around your town. Now you can click two buttons and find someone 30 miles away in an instant so people can afford to be picky. When you think about it for the future, not really a good thing for a stable society given the nature of younger people, especially women.

Stop being an incel.

Epic Finnish meme

What are you, one of those fitness freaks? Go fuck yourself.

I didn't have sex until 30. Whatever

Agreed. Only good thing is that I feel rich not going out as much. More money is not a bad thing.

pretty sure that cigarette line would stay at least flatlined at 38% (if not agressive growth outpacing previous decline) if you were to include vaping.

sex is overrated and lame

Wait 14-15 years olds have sex? Maybe its cause I went to an all boys school but how the fuck do you even convince a girl that age to fuck. Wtf.

Pretty shocked that booze and weed trends are down so much

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm 30 and literally couldnt get laid until tinder existed

>t how the fuck do you even convince a girl that age to fuck. Wtf.
It's much harder to try to convince them to not have sex lmao.

Almost like vidya > sex

yikes, zoomers are pathetic

tfw fucked since 14

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yup the correlation is purely video games, not a cultural shift of ideologies that affect everyone, with the growing popularity of online platforms that change how humans interact with each other on a basic level

>how the fuck do you even convince a girl that age to fuck
very very very easily

Reflex of a generation that is desperatly trying to find a form of escapism from the real world.

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How the hell that happened I'll never know. Last I checked nicorete gum or however it's spelled isn't popular among non smokers.

You have to be around a lot of them, also have no self control because women are serious sluts at that age. If you were neet and could count your friends on one hand then you weren't going to get laid man. Not worth thinking about.

Sex is too much of a bother.

Video games are better than sex.

I think that has way less to do with any of that, and just way more to do with the internet and interconnected world of today.

its easy, tastes good, and the best alternative to cigarettes and the best tool for people who want to quit

Girls are super fucking horny/experimental at that age. You just have to not be overly autistic and you get sex.

Before entertainment, we just had each other and pointless dick measuring contests. I don’t need women if I have video games. Thanks to tech, porn is the closest thing I’ll ever need to a woman.

I'm a fat baby-faced borderline-autist and even I managed to lose my virginity in middle school.
But that probably has more to do with living in a ghetto surrounded by a bunch of crazy, horny Puerto Ricans.


I'm 29 and never drink alcohol, never smoke, never take drugs and never have sex. Any questions?

Hey, I'm you but 6 years younger!

>Hard mode
Do you drink coffee or eat sugar?

That doesn't explain why people who don't smoke cared, at least at first when it was marketed solely as a quitting aid. Now we get the quit vapeing ads everywhere as doctors are suspecting it's just as bad if not worse.

>and never drink alcohol
Not even like a glass of wine at a social event or something?

I drink coffee without sugar. I occasionally eat sweets or chocolate but not regularly

I'm 28, drink coffee, and still eat the occasional Airheads, but otherwise I'm you.

correlation =/= causation you freshman stat cucks

I don't socialize. I just study and work. I don't really even play video games.

I think it's less tinder's fault and more that guys have no fucking clue what the fuck is an acceptable way to approach women anymore, and you have to live with the constant knowledge that one fuckup can get you crucified on social media and ruin your social life now. It's better once you're older and not restricted to circles where everybody knows everybody else but it's still fucking hard.

Fair enough

You should cut that stuff as well though if you want to win hard mode. Hard mode is the most based of baseline

Ain't nothing special about fucking. There are billions of people fucking everyday. Chinks, niggers, and poo in the loos are doing it RIGHT NOW. Can't feel that special when that's there group you're lumped in with.

All those people are breathing as well, user. You better stop breathing or you'll be doing the same thing as the scary brown people!

>acceptable way to approach women
Bow to your queens, simps.

I feel that

To be honest I only drink coffee when the women at work get coffee for everyone. I don't want to be rude by refusing it

The cope is obvious with these faggots

Yeah, but are they breathing manually like you are now?


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That's only in the US where anti-smoking ads are funded by and often produced by the cigarette companies, something they're forced to do as a result of legal settlements, and vaping has given them a perfect outlet to meet the terms of their agreements while attacking their competitors. Vaping is actually being encouraged as a smoking alternative in many other countries, they've actually opened vape shops inside some hospitals in the UK, and that's a place where it's in their interest to cut health care costs (since hospitals are taxpayer funded) so I believe it over what I see from the for-profit medical establishment in the US.

I do however think it's fucking retarded to start vaping as a person who never smoked.

20 80 rule turned into 10 90


I quit cigarettes with a vape and then I naturally got bored/annoyed of the hassle of a vape and now I just don't do either one.

I think vaginas are great. I don't like women, I don't like the way they smell, I don't like their behavior, I don't like the way they think, the things they say, the way they move but... I don't hate women. I think all people should be afforded the same amount of respect that I want for myself. It may be a cope (unsure) but have you looked at society lately? Fucking disgusting my dude.

Sounds like you've been doing a lot of research on cp

>I hate women and niggers
How in the world do I know what kind of person you are, Elliotfag?

I explicitly said I don't hate women. I believe all human beings should be respected and treated the way I would like to be treated. Read posts before you type.

This but I don't drink coffee either. Occasionally sweets but I'm genuinely starting to hate it the less I eat it.

I eventually switched to really simple low-hassle vapes myself. I used to be really into the vape thing, used gigantic mods and built my own coils and stuff, now I just use a little salt mod that sips juice, fits in a shirt pocket, and lasts all day on a charge.

Not him but my cousin almost got arrested a few years ago for filming himself fucking some other high school chick.

34 and I drink alcohol and caffeine but don't do anything else. I think the drugs and the sex are related, I live in Southern California and the social culture here totally revolves around drugs and I'm automatically the weird outsider because I don't do them.

Mot people have sex just to pass the time. Masturbation feels better.

it means non whites

Meanwhile, i can't even find any.

You should come out east man, you wouldn't stand out as much.

>People who have sex are associated with chinks and niggers imagine being associated with them
>uhh I respect everyone
Read your own

such a good meme, shame /bant/ died at like 1 and a half years old

>>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
yeah obviously
what retard would smoke cigarettes when weed is much better

Yea, unfortunately women are in the same scenario as blacks.
The bad ones are really loud and constantly signalling how shitty they are, while the decent ones are either quiet, asocial, or old.

It’s not just that girls are more picky these days, but games are also twice as fun as they used to be.

Just because the culture disgusts you does not mean you don't respect people on a person to person level. Also, I'm not a prude about language, those are just descriptor words

Yeah, I'm planning on getting out of here as soon as I can. I'm currently working on a career change to something that'll give me a lot more options for where I can live and once I'm done I'll probably end up on the east coast somewhere.

Yeah, I have a Voopoo Drag Nano that is basically what you're talking about but even that got annoying after awhile. I'm happy though, I don't need to smoke or vape unless it's DUDE because I'll always DUDE

Good luck then, you're doing the right thing. I think you'll find more people to socialize with in this sort of environment.

I audibly kek'd.