>What is haven and hearth?
It's a shit game made by two gay swedes over a decade ago. You start out trying to survive in the woods with nothing and use the world around you to build your home. Eat to become stronger and advance your civilization. Work together and claim land, a village, and then a kingdom in this sandbox MMO with pvp anywhere and permadeath with some stat recovery.
>Why are we playing this?
In this world you build a civilization with others using the wilderness around you. Together Yas Forums can overcome all obsticles and destroy all the russians and koreans that invade this game. Pvp can be initiated anywhere and working as a hivemind we can be the ultimate force in this world. But combat is not all, as we must also build our own glorious civilization. Together you can help build and conquer your part of this world.
This world known as world 11 is finally coming to an end by march 6th. Until then we can do whatever we want. We have this time to prepare and get you initiated to the game mechanics so you can be a powerful rusky stomping force of nature. When world 12 arises nothing will stop our ascent to glory.
You can either join our discord or post in this thread as Yas Forums tradition states. Either is acceptable as there is an ingame chat area as well.
World 12 Trailer:
Here's a pastebin with more info and guides for newcomers
Also a google doc for plans this world, constantly being updated.
This is the wiki. Use it for everything, as knowledge is king in this game.
Yas Forumsillage's Discord (we prefer to use the thread but we do not always have it up)