>best weapon ever designed for a souls game
>reddit bitches and moans until they make it useless
I will never not be mad. Fuck nerfaggots.
>best weapon ever designed for a souls game
>reddit bitches and moans until they make it useless
I will never not be mad. Fuck nerfaggots.
This is why you make a low level character and just use boss weapons.
It lets you avoid annoying shit like this, and you can shit on short sword meta-faggots.
Caring about balance in a Souls game is retarded anyway.
>dark souls 2 lets you use two of whatever the fuck you want
>smelter swords even have a purple effect if you use both blue and regular versions
>dark souls 3 funnels you into using what /they/ want you to use
>b-but it's okay because muhazaki
>dark souls 2 lets you use two of whatever the fuck you want
>full havels avelyn + broken santiers spear users say hello
dark souls 2 had just as bad of a rigid meta
Ds3 became too flashy with weapon arts
Those weapons were nerfed after a week lol. Meanwhile ds3 still has straightsword meta staggering and overpowering everything and a machine gun greatbow glitch
I hate the online stuff about the Souls games
>tries to be as immersive as all hell at all times, find item, it says "online item"
>messages boil down to "hidden wall" at every corner and memes with the clumsy "immersive" explanation of "time and space and stuff, dude"
>invasions mean you have to balance shit to the ground because people would complain about unfair
>covenants essentially lock important and useful items behind online play unless you want to grind excessively
>covenants essentially lock important and useful items behind online play unless you want to grind excessively
I always felt the covenant rewards are super underwhelming execept for a handful of exceptions. Certainly none of them are "important".
I hated these stupid things.
Retarded as fuck and completely unfitting, and from when they released to when they got nerfed you saw them in 70% of invasions because every retard loves the big retarded mash l1 anime dual greatsswords
Glad they're shit now, and you deserve your suffering for having bad taste
important lore wise I meant
I had alot of fun with powerstancing
>Craftsman Hammer/Red rust smitar
>The shields
>Smelter hammers (I grinded alot and respect just so I could get 99 ST to do so)
Ds2 had a way better meta than Ds3. 99% of players in 3 just stunlock you to death with shortswords since poise is bugged.
poise in 3 is bugged? I thought it was intended that way with hyperamor or something.
>I had alot of fun with powerstancing
Yeah it's such a shame that they dropped. You could use so many weapons in tandem it's actually insane. DS2 definitely had best build variety in parts because of it.
It must suck to be so bad at the game you take joy in making it worse for people that actually know how to play.
>Needing it to succeed or win
Scrub. They're STILL over powered as shit due to the simple fact you cannot parry them. That being said I just perseverance any noob I see using them. No one with skill aspires to use such a easy mode weapon. Doesn't require any thought process really. That's why perseverance is the best counter for it, they wanted people using it to know how braindead it feels to get killed by something so easy and cheap.
>DS1 doesn't try to force playstyles unlike DS3
>DS1 is a good game unlike DS2
They weren't even that great, they were so retardedly easy to dodge through in pvp if you keep to the idea behind The Ringed City DLCs last boss, which is DELAY YOUR ROLLS RETARD. If anything they just made pvp too predictable and boring because 80% of the time you'd run into a genius who thought the weapon art was an I win button.
>asylum demon 3 times
>no second half
>no QoL stuff improvements from the later games that objectively improved the experience
>no dual wielding weapons at all
>no cute firekeeper
>waaah they nerfed my training wheels weapon and now I can't just spam weapon art to win all day waahhh
Ever try being good at video games?
>no cute firekeeper
Bonfirefu is the best level up girl.
>>no dual wielding weapons at all
Get two weapons. Equip one in each hand. There you go.
>>asylum demon 3 times
So what? It's better than generic knight character with misc aoe attack and sword #72
>>no second half
Game is over when you light the flame or choose the correct path.
>>no QoL stuff improvements from the later games that objectively improved the experience
Didn't need beginning of the game tp's. World was designed with that in mind. Using more than one item is nice. But it wasn't that bad of an issue.
>>no cute firekeeper
She's downstairs.
Does Ringed City get better? I enjoyed Ashes of Ariandial but so far RC is obnoxious.
Are you still in the dreg heap
I've made it to the swamp, past the first 1-3 angels. Angels are a cool concept and aesthetically, they are def more frustrating than challenging imo.
DS2: best weapons, best pvp, best fashion, best dlc, rewards you for beating it without dying or sitting at a bonfire
DS1: great singleplayer, excellent interconnected world design, cool implied lore
DS3: um grafix lmao?
Yeah they’re a pain. It gets much better at the ringed city itself, fir the most part.
DS3 had the smoothest gameplay and arguably the best bosses.
How can it be possible that they never went back to a DS1 like world? Did they just accidentally create it when they realized all the parts fit together? Did they listen to PvPtards who just wanna warp everywhere to finish the game quickly?
user dont even try defending the first 2 points. DS1 has no proper dual wielding and everyone agrees that the 3 Asylum Demons suck.
DS3’s gameplay was a worse Bloodborne and half of its bosses were just monsterous humanoids
In fact, 3 of its 4 main bosses were just humanoids
>everyone agrees that the 3 Asylum Demons suck
He didn't disagree, you faggot
I think being able to warp everywhere immediately in DS2 kinda ruined it, because people are gonna be upset now when a Souls game doesn't feature it.
And if you can warp everywhere anyway there is no real point in having the world be interconnected. Bloodborne actually was fairly interconnected but hardly anyone noticed because you just warp everywhere.
power stance was one of the few good ideas 2 had it was a crime to cut it
sorry but demons still has the best pvp medal
That guy hasn't played since launch, don't worry about it.
It takes too much time and limits how you can design levels. Atleast thats what I think the reason is.
>no proper dual wielding
Git gud pleb.
Pretty much every good thing 2 did, they got rid of
There were a lot of good ideas. The invisible weapon rings that are locked behind a deathless and bonfireless run, powerstancing, the covenant that makes enemies harder but gives more drops, all the NPC questlines, all the delicious armors, a ring that lets you powerstance your fists, spices to make spells and miracles cheaper, I could go on
Yeah but you have to grind for fucking bladestone in that game and I will never forgive it
>limits how you can design levels
I never considered that aspect. If you just make magic tunnels and elevators, you can have different designers make levels at the same time and they can just build whatever their imagination lets them instead of making sure it fits in with the rest
Yeah, it was full of cool shit I wish they had put in a better game
Maybe Elden Ring
The angels are fucking nothing now, you can run circles around them if you know what you're doing.
Now on launch they were complete horseshit.
Now you know why PvP is a cancer. Balance and nerfs just so PvPfags could enjoy the shit tier online.
It was a fine game your autistic ass just got bodied by a heide knight and cried about it
The ringed city is quintessential DaS3.
So to you answer your question, no.
I used to counter this with caestus pre patch it was hilarious
Greatsword of Artorias is the best it does extra damage on Gael and Midir
How can people complain about straight sword spam in DS3, but then praise DS2's pvp? Did everyone forget RoBFlynn builds, that you can parry the 3rd consecutive straight sword R1? That DS3 has working poise now, that DS2 poise is even more retarded than DS3's?
>your autistic ass just got bodied by a heide knight and cried about it
weird choice since Heide knights are objectively broken.
Dark Souls 3 is just “Remember Dark Souls 1?” The game
DeS PvP was the peak since it was basically a Wild West.
Just parry em, they have the same attack pattern with one slash in variation
I wish it had been more original too, but I liked that it at least answered what happened to Gwyn's kids.
Dark Reference 1 is just "Remember Demon Souls?" The Game.
Dark Souls 2 is just Demon’s Souls 2
Caring about balance in games in general is retarded.
No good game has ever been balanced. Even competitive. The entire point is finding the broken shit.
Or beating people with the garbage shit as a power move
Retards need to stop praising games for being "smooth" as if it was an objective positive, DaS3 feels completely weightless which is the opposite of what a Souls game should be
They also have a 1 frame startup attack
If chess was balanced by the same logic as video games are nowadays, then the units would all be as close to equally good and valuable as possible. Which is of course retarded, and it's just as retarded when applied to video games.
Making a game clunky with unnecessary attack recoveries is bad game design.
All false or non-issues.
Predict it
Most people play DS1 naked because you fatroll without havel's ring so FromSoft made it better
>You are going to lose your all your souls....over and over again.....
The entire debate between the entire series is just a big anti-circlejerk of pots calling pots niggers.
White plays to win black plays to not lose.
>I just want to mash and press roll when the bad guy is about to hit me, I don't want to have to think
Not how it works, retard
You utter fucking buffoon the entire series is like that.
I always play Souls game with light roll and no shield so smooth is how I want it to feel.
>I just want to mash and press roll when the bad guy is about to hit me, I don't want to have to think
Those swords are retardedly OP not because of any stats they have, but because lag-switchers and third world kiddies abuse their shitty latency. So basically the same as with every other UGS, except those don't have whombo combos.
DS2 is a better game than 3 in EVERY category except physics rendering.
I have also been a DS 2 fan since release, so this is not some nostalgia faggotry.
Fight me.
Thankfully nowadays almost every game lets you cancel all of your attack animations with evades at any time. Hopefully From will follow suit with Elden Ring, Sekiro already came close.
I don't give a fuck about your garbage retard opinion I liked all of the games.
>perseverance any noob I see using them
Based. BKS or one of the maces?
Literally all souls games play like that no matter what build you use. So yes the game that makes that core gameplay feel the best plays the best.
MY opinion is better than yours.