So, what do we think now that gameplay is out?

So, what do we think now that gameplay is out?

Attached: Bowl.jpg (1280x720, 75.72K)

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will it do better than game grumps latest game?

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oney seems to actually put his heart into stuff he makes so probably

Western 'art style'

I like the look of the environments.

Should've invested in making Black Baby 2

As opposed to generic anime face/hair character with weird powers #10,000,000,000,000

go back to making your shit game oney

>Not liking Oneys artstyle

Attached: woah.png (1538x1818, 393.9K)

Zach better be voicing a funny little goblin who helps you on your quest

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I think it looks like shit but something about the way his ragdoll slides down the hill at his dad's grave piqued my interest. The pre-rendered style also reminds me of an insincere The Desolate Hope, which I really liked the look of.

At least I’m making something instead of crying on the internet.

If it has an emphasis on speed and constant movement then it could be fun.

There's a 100% chance that he voices the witch.


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It's grotesque. I don't know why Western artists are so opposed to a little beauty in their art.

You can't fool me grey.

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>one artist = all western artists
KYS weeb scum

I honestly don't think TDH is very good, but it's one of the most unique games I've ever played and I'm glad I did. There's something really captivating about watching four final boss looking robots square up against some scrap metal demonspawn in an abstract psychedelic seizure-inducing funkscape at the start of every boss battle. The JRPG combat is also an ABSOLUTE CLUSTERFUCK.

why are all weebs retarded?

>Beauty this, and beauty that
Man fuck different art style right

because Oney's main goal with the characters isnt for you to want to fuck them. The MC is a little retarded Irish boy, what did you expect?

>don't think TDH is very good
>The JRPG combat is also an ABSOLUTE
That's it you went from being a chad to a virgin

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>Why doesn't an artist whose main goal is comedy draw nothing but rainbows and kittens
Why are weebs this stupid?

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I'm a brainlet and was thinking to myself "damn this either ripped off FNAF or vice versa" like I said, brainlet.


Enviroments look nice and the larger scale stuff look nicely animated. The weird squishy animation on the dog and bowlbo looks weird.

I expect the game play to be nothing special, standard game like this, platformin, chase sequences,light puzzle etc.

Looks like Heart of Darkness, which I already played 20+ years ago.


Looks like it could be fun. Not the biggest fan of current gen sidescrollers but aslong as its a game Oney actually cares for and not some dumb cash grab it could be interesting. I think on the steam store it talks briefly about some mechanics like there being no saving or checkpoints so you basically have to beat the game in one go which could be pretty cool, just wish Oney would have clarified those types of things in his trailer.

I like it. Looks quite fast. It's still too early to tell, though.

I always thought that he was wearing a helmet.

>being literally 5

Yeah, because the exact same generic 2010s anime style over and over is the epitome of beauty.

Absolutely not.

It doesn't look anything like Heart of Darkness.

>Implying this isn't an ABSOLUTE CLUSTERFUCK
The ending was also really touching. It was sweet of Coffee to pull the plug on the whole operation and give the embryo what little joy they could give it.

artstyle looks like one of those 90's games with pre-rendered backgrounds. I like it

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Seems like 3d super meat boy. Still going to play it because i like the comedy and art

Seems like it will be a cool game to speedrun which is ironic because GDQ probably wouldn't allow it at their event

Are there voices? I thought it was using B-K style noises.


>they think there is voice acting
Have you even watched the trailer?

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Oney isn't funny. But he has a dedicated fanbase who will eat this garbage up and insist it's good, despite having the same gameplay of any cheap side scrolling platform featuring wacky cartoon character from the 90s.

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>all these replies
You did a good job at angering all the LE WACKY R&S FACES faggots, I'm proud of you. Just because someone draws the most vomit inducing characters imaginable doesn't mean they're good

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>ledditors seething because Chris used the word "pussy"

Instant buy

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there wont be voice acting during gameplay but there'll probably be voice acting during cutscenes like oney's narration

>Prerendered art style without the awkward tile-based movement/action

ew, more contrarian shilling tactics.
>"Out-group mad, guys! Bye game please!"
Sad thing is, you do this for free.

>posts memetale

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>t. Arin

>awkward tile-based movement/action
What? When was the last time platformers haven't had tile based movement? I can't even think of one.

We need to go back to the 90's, game ads were so much better back then.

It's 2d side scroller with a focus on animations with 3d prerendered assets.

Yes it does you fag

stop nigger, stop

You are free to think whatever you want user

Still bad

>Posts wacky face swap so randum guize!
I like the image because of its deadpan expression.

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I agree that Oney is not funny, Zach is the only funnt person who appears on his channel; but the game does look decent. Not like everyone in here is suckling his dick, literally everyone is just saying it looks nice but we'll wait and see.

Based and funnypilled

Look, the "pussy" got a snort out of me. Caught me off guard. But I'm stick of EVERY FUCKING GAME, getting this contrarian treatment. Where some out-group is angry, so therefore we should support it. Just fuck off with that gay shit.

You seem upset.

You should see Chris' twitter were he always seems to get into arguments with trans people and then brings up they have pronouns in their bio

Thus guy is epic redpilled based guys buy his game!

so salty lol

>but the game does look decent
Really? How? You run, you jump, and you slap aaaaand... I'm not seeing anything outstanding here. The physics don't even look that nuanced.

Did skull monkeys or Heart of darkness use tile based movement?

I’m an artfag, I appreciate beauty, mostly play anime games because they’re aesthetically pleasant, and ironically I consider this one of the more visually beautiful western games out in *years*
Yes even Bowlbo himself.

>getting triggered by the word pussy
How do these people live?

so triggered lol.

So mad lol