Why are Americans so obsessed with "representations" in video games...

Why are Americans so obsessed with "representations" in video games, especially when the groups they try to represent are a tiny minority?

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game looks fun

Fuck you I want wheelchair shooter
Also why are you obsessed with Americans

>Nazi makes a comic depicting a World War II video game as bad

I wonder why.

>Wheelchair shooter
>plays like tribes, you roll down slopes and kick up to gain momentum off ramping on the terrain
>good gunplay, gun variety is kino

Americans have no empathy. They can't self insert as someone who isn't exactly like them, and they need to self-insert since they can't enjoy someone else's achievments. That's why every american minority wants their representation.


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>They can't self insert as someone who isn't exactly like them
The word you wanted to use was "relate"


>kill bush, beat up bush, choke bush until he chokes blood
lol fune

>punch nazis

When did people become so sensitive?

Relating is impossible to them. They need to trick themselves into thinking they're part of the story or they thow a tantrum on every social media they use.

God, this guy is so bad at being a Stonetoss clone.

I know, use my post as an indicator to retake whatever portion of Duolingo English so you know what word to use in the future

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>being this retarded on purpose

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That thread is classic Internet kino.

If you want to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize

It's not even Americans doing this. It's hack silicon valley drones and journalists, whom the majority of the country despises at this point.

That's right, psycho. You cant commit acts of violence against people just because you disagree with their ideologies.

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Those children with cancer are awful, aren't they?

Why are leftist comics either Steven Universe or really good looking?

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You don’t get arrested for criticizing cancer afflicted children. Try again

>Make shit game trying to give rep to some minority
>drive media buzz
>game fails
>blame it on white men for being bigots
>get more media buzz
I guess its for attention? Or money laundering?

I don't mind violence against Nazis but where is my gasing jews simulator?

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>taliban massacre games where you mow them down en masse with a .50
>taliban bombing games
>throw shit on bin laden's face
lol fune


You can say you hate Jews and that they're scum and you wish they were all dead all you want in the US. Sorry you're from some Euroshithole.

>Good looking
Why can’t they try to make a valid point without strawmanning


Being routinely offended by things must be really tiring. I don't know how you faggots manage.

He can draw, it's just a shame he only ever draws this shit and whines about how much he hates Chinese and Japanese people.

Nowhere did I mention Jews or being from Europe. You really are obsessed.

theres a lot of on rail shooters. Require the same handicap too

>He can draw
He looks like he’s trying to copy a political cartoonist’s style


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He went to art school and used to work with his brother, who is a successful artist. He just whines that he's oppressed and can't get a girlfriend because he's Filipino.

You can go to art school and work with artists all your life but your style can still be ugly as shit

It's always the Jews with you people. But the point stands, you hate anyone you want, as long as it isn't "Let's go out and kill this group" then you can't be punished for it.

It's not all bad there's still a few games out their where you can play as a US soldier slaughtering goatfuckers in an Abrams or play as the Taliban and blow up America convoys with an IED while screaming allah akhbar. Both of which are fun.

>a comic series about a flip realizing they're the niggers of Asia

They just want to feed their ego, they don't give a shit about honest representation.

>you hate anyone you want, as long as it isn't "Let's go out and kill this group" then you can't be punished for it.
You’re a funny internet person.

Hitler only had one testicle and he killed himself like a little bitch.

The same reason not every story is made to have characters who sharply represent whatever demographics are the majority at the time. Artists usually favor either A. character that are like them or B. characters who have unique qualities that they are aiming to use as key components to their stories. Small minorities of the population may have radically different experiences in life, or at least the opportunity for a radically different experience, so they are more interesting to write about and more interesting to see in media.

Whatever you are is easier to write about, whatever you are not is harder to write about, and whatever is rare in your society is more rewarding to write about.

People being mad at you is not the same as the government throwing you in prison, retard.

So, white people? A nigger on his knees during the national anthem and you faggots seethe like hell. Top kek.

>game looks and plays great
>lots of people are buying it

>this is somehow a bad thing

If that’s what you choose to believe, don’t let me stop you.
You’re getting closer user.

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>Also why are you obsessed with Americans
Westerners in general are ruining the industry.

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You mean Californians

ahh you missed it
he simply said "nowhere did I mention Jews," not "I don't mean the Jews"
If you just pressed him on it he would have admitted it
he still might honestly, they usually do. There's no other reason he'd be coy about it, it's fucking obvious

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That honestly seems like a good idea for a game. Can't say much about that art tho

In Texas you'll lose government backing if you do that.

When did political views become so retarded?

>Jew socialist
Why don't the left adore Hitler?


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What are you even talking about? People can not like what you say and dislike you as a person. That's entirely separate from the state saying you go to prison.

why not?

As much as the comic seems to be making fun of leftist ideals "self-inserting" themselves into videogames, I would totally play a functional game about a black gay trans man in a wheelchair killing nazis, I fuck it would be like Skate 3 x CoD x Goat Simulator with a "I don't give a fuck" vibe and would be ALL OVER that shit.

I mean anyone actually believes that person is somehow erasing the "real history" of WWII by misinforming kids, I think they seem to assume that far too many kids are retarded. And while some of us are, we're not TOTAL dumbfucks.


It' s called hijacking, or hostile takeover.

calm down rabbi

I’m impressed at how obsessed you are over something that I didn’t say. Next you’ll say I’m dog whistling

I want more comics about the Black Boomer.

why are you all like this

He's a very sensitive person that thinks that the government should force everyone to like him.

LGBTQ+ community is not "American".

If a game was to depict the holocaust would the same crowd insist on diversity among the people running concentration camps?

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Hitler wasn't a Socialist, go read his Guardian interview. Aside from being a really interesting piece of history it also addresses the "Hitler was a Socialist" meme

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But that's wrong. Here in the UK you can be arrested for simply stating that you dislike jews on social media. And in the US we have the Israel Anti-Boycott Act. Hell even that one stupid youtuber got arrested for teaching his dog to "nazi salute" as a joke.

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What wheelchair-bound person wants to step into a virtual world and STILL be a cripple?

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>People can not like what you say and dislike you as a person. That's entirely separate from the state saying you go to prison.
Like I said, if that’s what you choose to believe I won’t stop you. However you’ll only have yourself to blame

This you?

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>being a redditor

I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.

>with a "I don't give a fuck" vibe and would be ALL OVER that shit.
That's where you're wrong.
Modern white kids and Amerimutts don't have a sense of humor, so it'd be played 100% straight with 0 humor.

There was this one retard who thought since HIS ethnicity was obviously the best one, then he could just kill all the other ethnicity and everything would work out. It didnt

americans aren't self-aware enough to identify with someone that's different than them, this has been known a long time.

americans lack empathy and have a pathological need to virtue signal to prove how superior they are

I legitimately hate this board.

>he doesn’t think trans women are hot

What are you, gay?

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Tight, it was just called the national socialists party and was all about the state controlling and subsidizing everything, but no, hitler isn't a socialist because that would be damaging to your cause.

The Armenian Genocide was indeed terrible.

>commandments for hating on rockthrow
Imagine being this mad

>Look at all these screen caps and comics.
>Bet you feel silly now!
Wow, sure showed everyone.

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>Wanting to have fun in video games
Not anymore you can’t

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>the UK

The /an/ thread got deleted, this one will stay till 500 posts
Fuck Yas Forums

for me it was the complete opposite in school.
we'd be eating our pb&j and ham and cheese sandwiches while the asian guy that sat at our table rolled up with a nice ass homecooked meal every day, we were all jealous.
this fucker is strawmanning to the max

he already adressed euroshits not fucking mattering, i dont know why you didnt assume this tho

But it is.
It's uniquely American.


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But Hitler bad
We no like socialists
So if socialists bad and Hitler bad. Hitler = socialist

Saints row Gat out of hell

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Then why do women and minorities complain about lack of representation?

Oh well in that case, I'm very curious about your general feelings towards Jewish people! I tend to think they're quite all right. I also think that they're not trying to destroy the white race. These two opinions are extremely common, but I have a feeling you might disagree?
Or not reply

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The average MtF tranny doesn't look like prime Bailey/Limetrap or Sarina so no generally they don't.

because half our lives seem to be dictated by race
it's really tiresome

Because now Nazi means anyone who is a nationalist/conservative

Yeah this is usually the case. But consider the fact that the guy is eating reheated sinigang, a sour soup that does in fact have a strong smell. It's like the person at the office who reheats fish and broccoli in the break room: it's just inconsiderate.

>it was just called the national socialists party
Name is irrelevant, 'Socialist' in the context of Hitler means Volkisch ethnic nationalism.
>and was all about the state controlling and subsidizing everything
Uh, no it wasn't. The Nazis privatised a fuckload of businesses and banks that were previously public utility under the Weimar Government.

Why would you even ATTEMPT to comment on this if you don't even have a cursory understanding of history and political ideologies lol?

Hmm, I never considered that

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maybe stop acting like nazis then?

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Their bagels are fine.

You need some education on reality so you're in line with popular opinion.

I'll help.

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that's literally the original intention of the word, wew.

honestly, there are few phrases that feel more condescending to me than "against your own interests"
like you fucking know what my interests are

humor is punishable in this country by angry mons on social media so what did you expect?

Umm, hello?
Because he's LITERALLY Hitler.

It's all so tiresome

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America isn't just California.

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Oh, so you're just some bootlicker. That's actually even worse.

You do realize you can just, yknow, ignore them, right?
>B-but they could get me fired!
Only if you're enough of a dumb zoomer to have your retarded social media/game accounts associated with your real name and/or address.

You can be arrested in UK for criticizing Islam. Step outside of your leftist echo chamber and you will see.

That's a Tolkien quote you nitwit

>hating rail shooter
Shit taste

Does anyone else just...HATE this place?

I've been here since I was 12, now I'm 23. I don't really know when or why Yas Forums became a wasteland of repetitive memes and unintelligent discussion, but it did. We went from "tfw no gf" to "tfw everything sucks" in less than a decade. But it's not like any other place would be better for Vidya discussion, so I'm, like many people, are stuck here since there's no better options.

At least Yas Forums is better than Reddit or Twitter, but is it really?

That's wrong, and I am left-leaning. You shouldn't be able to be arrested for criticizing anything.

why does the wheelchair wheel say mom?

king shit

>Nigger downvotes America like a retard
>People call him exactly what he is, a nigger, God I hate niggers so much

Freedom of speech beeyetch

Based Chef Jeff

>no response

communists aren't americans

Because they're more scared of being cancelled and exiled by all of their personal and professional relationships.

You see that part where the article says he "wandered into highly uncomfortable terrain?" If it was actually a popular opinion it wouldn't really be "highly uncomfortable" for people, would it?

>Ignoring your lawmakers
Is this your idea of rebellion?

What's up this chink's ass?

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>I'm 23
Go back zoomer

I just come here to shitpost, I gave up on this shit board almost a decade ago, I'd suggest you do the same.
Kids will never lurk, will always feed the troll, and will constantly whine when they're the ones making things worse, so I just don't care anymore.

Tolkien isn't some high art that you can scoff at people about, normalfaggot.

>the UK
lmfao irrelevant nanny state

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Because now people will actually commit the acts that they are talking about. It isn't limited to expression of disgust, these people are actual vigilantes with a definition of Nazi so broad that you yourself are included regardless of what your actual beliefs are.

Oh sorry, I don't live in some dogshit state like California or New York or Florida.

>Because now people will actually commit the acts that they are talking about.

Chef Jeff probably was in the Philippines for years trying to get the flavors just right, and then add his own twist to it. He doesn't sell it as authentic, it's a fusion cuisine. But of course a second-generation hapa who went to Manila once three decades ago gets mad at the fact that a place serving "his" cuisine is too crowded.

literally what the fuck did he mean by This?