SXSW cancelled due to meme virus

Coronavirus has claimed its next victim

Where were you when a pandemic ruined games forever

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Does that mean Sonic Mania 2 is cancelled then?

Tick tock, E3

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Austin is gay.

Sounds more like it's saving games to me. These events have all been garbage for like a decade.

Attendees are gonna get screwed

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No way they would be announcing a Mania 2 if one member of the Mania team had been trying to get this off the ground so recently.

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>Acts of God

The fallout from this is gonna be way more entertaining than anything that would have been on stage

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Imagine thinking Klonoavirus will be relevent by june

>acts of God, acts of terrorism this real?

>PAX East
But wasn't it like just Sony that bailed? And even then Square Enix stayed and showed off Sony's biggest game.

>user is just fucking with me, there's no way this is real
>It's real

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Why wouldn't it? So far every single containment measure has failed outside of china and the number of cases keeps growing without any sign of stopping, for example in Germany a week ago there were like 20 cases, now it's over 600.

What's the Sonic news gonna be then? They were planning on having an event at SXSW (which is the only reason I cared), so what are they gonna do bros

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>Step one! We make the worst refund policy of all time!
>Step two! We sit back and let nature take its course!
>Step three! We cancel at the absolute last minute during a pandemic!
>And before you can say Step Four, we take our money and go to RRRRRRRRIO!

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>So far every single containment measure has failed
There wasn't any
Italians are dumb fucks and they are the ones responsible for all the european cases, european politics are retards for not immediately pulling full stop to the traffic between their countries and Italy, that's all.
South Korea experiences significant slow down of viral spread because they got their shit together and once summer hits the Northern Hemisphere this garbage will be even easier to contain.

Act of God is a legal term, referring to things no human could have prevented try as they might.

Imagine shutting down everything over a less dangerous flu like you're fucking Madagascar

Corona virus is very similar to the flu and these viruses fall off hard once you get warm weather. There's a reason why we call it "flu season."

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>Califags have no excuse to shit up my state for an entire month
God fucking bless, go get aids at burning man and stay there.

It’s not less dangerous by any means.
That’s like saying a new experimental hallucinogen is more dangerous than LSD because it has no recorded overdoses( yet)

Like a pandemic

There's no evidence yet that warm weather will have any effect, especially with spreading in countries that are currently in the summer season.

The reason that colds spread more in cold weather is because you naturally get runny nose, irritated throat, etc, even when you're not sick, due to cold air. There's evidence that the virus is transmitting from people who aren't even exhibiting symptoms, which would mean that these primary vectors for flu might not be the same way coronavirus is spreading. We just don't know yet

There is no proof of coronaviruses working like influenza viruses when it comes to weather and it's spreading in countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Bahrain where it's warm.

why would the virus stop infecting people in summer? Wouldn't it have more of a chance to infect people since everyone is actually out and mingling on nice sunny days?

Considering it's already hit Floirda, yeah no

coofers spread the virus more rapidly
stop coofing during the summer, less spread

user, what happens with droplets of water during extremely hot, dry weather?

Holy shit this is fucking incredible. They're going to make so much money.

Actually the real reason for the season
is that your face is colder and the common cold only reproduces fast enough to be effective at temperatures below that of the interior body
That’s why it can only infect you through your exposed mucus glands (which are lower temperature than your interior)

Not every country are at the same season brainlet

>Acts of God
Oh lord, what the fuck is wrong with Americans?

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>finally start turning my life around
>the fucking chinks unleash a pandemic

>annual tech music and film festival

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Lmao, get fucked stinky con-goers. Maybe next time put your money towards shampoo and deodorant rather than tickets to AutismFest.

When a sinkhole kills your parents, who is legally responsible?

SXSW is a bunch of hipster fucks anyone, who cares.



whatever company is pulling too much groundwater and caused a sinkhole

Let's get serious. Will video game launches get delayed because of Corona-chan?

I want my Jill and Tifa and Yokai killer.

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Makes me glad I never got around to it tbqh

I thought it was because we stay indoors more, with the heat on, which allows the breeding of viruses and bacteria to happen. As opposed to summer when people are outside more.

I don't live in China, but whoever retard decided it was a good idea to hire badly educated and lowly paid immigrants to do work on our roads.

>Corona virus is very similar to the flu


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*coof* *coof* it's just the flu, bro

It's spreading like fucking wildfire, my gp got quarantined

>There's no evidence yet that warm weather will have any effect
The virus belongs to the same family of viruses as spanish flu which experienced significant drop off during the summer
Countries actually going through their summer season have most of their cases imported through other countries.

>So far every single containment measure has failed outside of china
Because they were the only one smart enough to actually bother trying to contain it. Everyone else didn't bother for some reason.

I bet he believes it's successfully contained in china, too. lol.

I said PAX there but I assume you know what I mean considering I said SXSW not four characters before that.

other than the Sonic panel, what else is there to care about at SXSW? never been to one.

>coof coof

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Underrated post

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I don't think the indoor heat has anything to do with it, it's just that people are more crowded together to avoid the cold like you said. Whereas in summer more people are spread out since they're not avoiding the outdoors.

>Bro bird flu is going to kill us all
>Bro swine flu is going to kill us all
>Bro ebola is going to kill us all
>Bro coronavirus is going to kill us all

Because Western countries are too pussy to actually try and contain the virus. China went all out with quarantines.

China is still a communist state. You can't tell all Americans to stay inside for 4 weeks as it would kill the economy

It's the trolly problem. Left is 2% of old people, right is the economy. Old people gonna die. Train will probably derail and kill the economy too.


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Also that the virus reproduces faster at lower body temps, as I mentioned earlier.
You can literally read that shit online

It is.


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>acts of God

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Gonna miss some nice cosplayer ass.


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They were pretty good but like most things, people force their overbearing politics into everything. Like i get politics is in everything but it got into the point where you had to think a certain way. Like i blew off AOC's pannel and i got called a bigot because i said she isn't an interesting person.

I had fun getting blackout drunk at the free bar and dancing with cosplayers at the after parties

Not all of us but this is the only actually relevant one on that list. There was only like 5 cases of Ebola in my country

It's totally not just a flu bro, come on dude watch my favourite schizo e-celeb's video on it how it's going to kill us all and collapse western civilization.

>You can't tell all Americans to stay inside for 4 weeks as it would kill the economy
This is why it's going to spread like wild fire in America. There are news articles about people in the USA who got confirmed cases of the virus and were told to stay home, but they willingly decided against it because they wanted to go out partying or go to work.

>Because they were the only one smart enough to actually bother trying to contain it.
>literally ground zero of the virus and spread to hundreds of thousands of people all because the government was too busy shutting people up about it

>Not all of us but this is the only actually relevant one on that list
Maybe if you live in some bumfuck nowhere island. Swine Flu was a global pandemic too in 2009. You probably are too young to remember it.

Nobody in the entire thread has mentioned anything about doomsday, straw man harder, you schizo

What's the point of SXSW?

>Other countries stepping their shit up and ordering quarantines and readying all medical staff at their disposal even calling on retired doctors
>Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: It's nothing lol, also don't be racist to our friends the chinese :^)

This fucking clown is going to get us all killed

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>It will go away
>It won't leave Wuhan
>They won't quarantine Wuhan
>They won't quarantine China
>It won't leave China
>It won't leave Asia
>It won't make it to EU/USA
>It won't kill any whites
>It won't kill anyone under 30
>It won't be a pandemic
>It won't have unregulated international spread

>in Italy there's currently 20k tourists from Czechia alone
Here's your fucking european problem.

I meant to say corona is the only relevant one and the rest are nothing burgers outside of burgerland

>Only like 3,000 people are confirmed dead (which is fucking nothing, especially when compared to the amount of confirmed cases)
>Most of which are Chinese (not an actual loss)
>The numbers fall off extremely hard in every other country

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Alarmists are 100% sure that this is the fall of western civilization. Otherwise it's just the flu. There seems to be no middle ground where millions of old people die but we keep going forward because that's what people do

Too young to remember the swine flu, son?

to take money from idiots


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>Most of which are Chinese (not an actual loss)

Regardless of your obsession with their government, they emitted wide spread lockdowns that proved to be effective at curbing the virus to such an extent that other countries have more confirmed new cases than they do. Quarantines work. They also never denied the viruses existence like you want to think, unironically. They sent people over in early december to Wuhan over supposed viral sicknesses. They just didn't enact their quarantines fact enough. That took too long.

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Chinese people literally did the same thing and that's why it's in all of their cities.

>millions of boomers die
Seems like corona-chan is a good thing

The chink plague will be talked about for centuries.

>millions of old people die
This is only a good thing. Less pensions to pay to old fucks = more money to support the future of younger generations.

>corona came to a town close to mine thanks to some chucklefucks who were infected for over a week and didnt go to the doctor
>since yesterday ive been sneezing
what are some games i should play before i die

Sure thing Chang

Yeah, it's nothing to you now because it's int he past and it didn't end up killing everyone like you wanted it to. nCoV will be the exact same.

Too retarded to read the correction to my typo that was already posted??
Meant to say corona is more relevant and “Real,” than any of those other nothing burgers
I’m probably older than you. Faggot.
Reply to me when your elderly parents are dead and buried from corona

It's really not. Outside Hubei province, reported cases are minimal. They have it more contained than the US does. US cases are spiking because we're finally testing people, which we weren't for the first month.

To shill products and push a radicalized progressive politics.

>muh economy
Fucking Americans are sociopaths, I actually care about my grandparents

Exactly that's why America is fucked. There is no unity in this country. No one is capable of working together and everyone is incompetent.

I cant even imagine Americans working collectively with the same spirit and and the same altitude as the Chinese do.

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The other ones killed like 500 people you fucking retard
This will kill millions

>Most of which are Chinese (not an actual loss)
Pretty based

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>not thinking it's pandemonium
no, it is indeed The Bubonic Plague 2: Electric Bugaboo.
just sit back and enjoy the chaos.

To save billions

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No one likes spergs, Zoomie. Simmer down.

theme hospital

It’s about as deadly as some of the worst flu strains. If you aren’t immunocompromised or old take lots of vitamin C, stay hydrated and take lots of fiber. You’ll probably be fine. Also play through the Mario RPG games in order non stop.

But their government did send people to investigate a spreading virus in December.. I can't openly read the chink links but you can just try using a decent (non google) translator to get the gist of it.

>re re you're a chink if you don't agree with me
Okay, kid.

I mean you have to be a brainlet to believe that but no one said u were smart.

>acts of god
It's basically the same as 'force majeure'. We refer to it all the time at work when people want their money back due to bad weather (should have checked the forecast, dumbfucks).

>Also play through the Mario RPG games in order non stop.
This is the primary treatment in China, I hear

No, fuck you, you can’t even read a thread

>blocks coronavirus's path

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>It’s about as deadly as some of the worst flu strains
Not even close. Spanish Flu had a far higher mortality rate.

You are too much of a newfag to know how to not edit/delete posts though

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>gay conventions get canceled
>oh no gaming is ruined

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based doomer.

>I'm sorry mister user but the coronavirus has made you sterile and has permanently damaged some of your organs including your lungs
>But I have good news user
>You're more likely to die of the flu than the coronavirus :)

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get dabbed on you fucking niggos

Swine Flu killed over 3 thousand Americans, you absolute new faggot. I can't wait until your spring break is over.

only white supremacists wash their hands
you're not a nazi, are you

When all was said and done, yes.
Alls not said and done for our little coronachan