What are some other games/series with deep and intricate battle systems?
Battle Network
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Playing this for the first time. The setting is charming as all hell, and this is the first turn based battle system I can actually stomach.
I like it so much I’m tempted to get a back lit Gameboy, to get the full experience.
Which game are you playing?
What happened with 4?
Operation Shooting Star. I saw people saying was the best way to play the first one.
The series only gets better from there. Have fun
Thanks. I’m a bit of a shitter, so I will be playing with the dab mod when I get to 6.
The US version of 6 had some content cut out so make sure you're playing with a patch that fixes that too
ooh thx
I can't say I've seen another battle system that I've found as unique and fun as Battle Network's. I love the series to death but I must admit the setting probably holds it down a little too - it's full of such fresh ideas but it being more of a kids game with pretty minimal story means many have glossed over it, I'm sure.
Consider yourself lucky to have played it desu. You might not even have played it if you were older when it came out, and BN games are at risk of being forgotten if no one carries the torch...
TWEWY. Battle Network is based as fuck.
Came here to post this
I just started with the first one. I really like it but it has it' s edges.
I only played a bit of the version on Android. Isn't the DS version's battle system different somehow?
phone version is majorly casualized and removes entire systems of the gameplay
Yes, since you’re controlling two different characters at once. I recommend giving it a go on the DS because the gameplay flows a lot better on there. I recently completed my third playthrough of the game and had an absolute blast.
yes, in the DS version you control your partner directly with the D-pad
there's also the light puck mechanic which i think is missing from switch/android versions
Don’t forget that several enemies and bosses got nerfed due to a lack of dual screens. The elephants and dragons especially have it rough.
Relatively new player here, does that one mega link with .cia files for six games include fixes for all the translation errors/inaccessible content people tend to talk about in these threads?
>Squeenix never made a sequel for the 3DS
Fuck em
God Hand
>Most, if not all of the Megaman games and fangames (plus Boktai and Gunvolt), Comics, artbooks and in-game OSTs
>BN cia file versions
>Star Force .nds
>Rockman.EXE 15th Anniversary Sound Arrange Best Tracks
>Gregar patched
>Every official Megaman animation
>Mega Man.EXE 4.5
>Shanghai.EXE /jp/ releases
>Shanghai.EXE Removed Content Patch
>Shanghai.EXE GoogleDoc (Maps, item locations, etc)
OLD - docs.google.com
CURRENT - docs.google.com
Believe it or not Starforce also has its tech
Are there any other games in the same style as MMBN and TWEWY? Good 20~30 hour RPGs with a shit-ton of postgame and unique combat with a good deal of variety and strategies to build around?
Unironically KH Recoded. Yeah, the various level and gameplay gimmicks can be a pain but once you get past that, the combat itself is remarkably solid and is arguably the best iteration of the Command Deck system. Plus, it has TWEWY levels of customization for your health and item drops, which is a fantastic bonus.
What are everyone's favorite styles between BN 2/3/Shanghai?
>tfw i couldent figure out how to get shanghai to work
>download game
>double click .exe
>download game
>click .EXE file
>play game
Custom for BN2, Witch for Shanghai. Both aqua, of course.
maybe you're missing something basic like DirectX or C++ Redistributable idk
They do
I hope that you are playing the ds version of the game, it fixes a lot of its problems
DS version? There's a DS version of battle network 1? The one I got from the mega link is for GBA...
It should be noted that MMBN is great to play not just because of the strength of its battle system but also its amazing gameplay loop.
You don't get stronger through experience points. There are no level ups or incremental stat upgrades every few fights. Instead every enemy drops a unique move for you to claim and add to your deck, or bag for later experimenting. This makes you *want* to fight regular mobs just to see what attack you can get from them and how it'll fit into your arsenal. Not just that but the better the folder you build the higher your busting rank will be, meaning even better chips.
Your character gets stronger solely based on how much you explore (jacking into random things often have a unique virus or something you wouldn't encounter till later),how you build your loadout, how good you are at assessing the situation from the Cust screen and how good your reflexes are. And all of this can be changed on the fly any time, you're never locked into a specific build.
How many "unique viruses for jacking into random things" could you get in MMBN1? I just finished a playthrough and didn't notice much of anything in that vein, though I did still enjoy the game.
Also, the way you've described it makes me realize that this is probably what Paper Mario was going for. Shame IS are retarded.
criminally underrated tbdesu
It was translated a bit recently, it has maps for the ciberworld areas and some other qol improvements, also a short postgame crossover with megaman Star Force, kind of the sequel series to battle network
>no prism
>no airshot
>no fan/wind
>no stepcross
>no Err&Del puzzles
>no perfectly timed virus chips
>tfw no richard bf
How do I get ElcPuls3 A?
It's been a while since I've played BN1, but later in the series there's definitely viruses you can get "out of order" in random appliances usually connected to the theme of the appliance (e.g. a fridge will have ice viruses)
I'll use Shanghai as an example, which modeled this after BN games. In the school you can jack into the fire hose even before the tutorial and encounter the tier 2 Bubble enemies which you wouldn't normally encounter till later. You can get their pretty strong chip early this way
Bosses as well. Some still keep their gimmick like the bat and one of the week end bosses but then you have guys like Sho who can't be harmed and just sits on a ledge invincible as he spams Taboo Noise at you instead of taking hits from your partner, Yashiro and Kariya actually had their fight become twice as hard because they're both on the same screen throwing projectiles at you, and Kitaniji has Shiki ineffectively attack you and inflict you with HP drain on the bottom screen.
On the positive side ignoring A New Day the Switch version is superior to the mobile version because you have co-op which allows you to have full control of your partner and they have their own pins on cooldown which means you can play as both Neku AND your partner making you have to consider both sides again instead of them being glorified pins. They still can't take damage but it's a step above what mobile did. It also feels balanced around the co-op rather than the solo mobile method that's still in it.
Gaia Style is my favorite period
Mainly because I love the terrain fuckery
thats a cute boy
Wind effects are mentioned there.
You're right that Prism should be on there, and airshot can count as a separate thing from wind effects I guess
>no gameplay webms
I'm disappoint
How about a video instead?
wh-what the fuck am I watching?
>Get Rogue noise.
>Proceed to obliterate rest of game.
It's a bit shitty late game because you want obliterate boss fast and rogue noise only give you regular cards. But hey +50 sword.
Decades worth of collective BN autism.
I feel that SF card layout was made to stop people mememing bosses on single turn.
Shit can get quite ridiculous.
What the FUCK was Capcom thinking? They had an excellent battle system that had been majorly refined, and they dumbed it down to this literal retard shit with zero depth.
>b-but it gets kinda sorta good by SF3
It's just polishing a turd at that point. They had the perfect system, a beautiful mix of strategy, preparation, creativity, reflexes and on-the-fly thinking, with a good balanve established between chips of different ranges, and they ruined it with unga bunga lock-on for everything bs. Now it doesn't matter if a chip is long-range or melee, there's no room for 'unique' ranges, fast or slow hardly means a thing, wtf.
Fuck Star Force and fuck "b-but muh story" fags. The gameplay has always been the most important thing for BN and Mega Man in general.
dude timing lmao
preach, fuck starforce