Is SW the only franchise where the game is superior to the original medium?

Is SW the only franchise where the game is superior to the original medium?

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>the original medium
OP, I don't know what that webm is, but it ain't Star Wars

probably not.

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Chronicles of Riddick is a god tier stealth game.

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You're not changing the zeitgeist retardera

she looks built for bbc

depends on which starwars movies/games we're talking about

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Million times better than the real thing

SJW were a mistake

Pretty much. I mean the movies would still be awful but at least that girl is cute.

>EU books were all about cloning Palpatine and worms you could put in your ears to cancel out the force

>EU games were about lore that wasn't pants on head retarded

It's really not a contest.

Strong woman! Thanks Disney!

Overall, yes.

Pics of her feet?

how do you fuck up something as simple as a SW sequel so bad

like literally all you had to do in order to justify their existance was have Luke, Leia and Han onscreen together, and Luke be a badass Jedi Master handing the baton to the next generation or something

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If there’s one credit I can give Rian Johnson, the man is an artist, he tries to do unique creative things, it could even be called soul if we can say that soul had more to do with legitimacy than quality
In that regard, Last Jedi sucked because it tried to have soul when the entire series is a shitty corporate produc

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Who is the best Rey?

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That's the entirety of why Rain failed. He took a series that was about as textbook as it comes and tried to "subvert" the formula while also not making a good movie in the process.

last jedi sucked because it couldn't commit to the overarching "leave the past behind" thing it was doing, so we still have princess leia around despite her actor being dead for nearly a decade now, and the narrative is still the same tired hero's journey but even more lame because Rey is just awesome and can do anything because she's the chosen one.

Granted I still fucking despised how bad TLJ was, but if we view it through the lens of Rian trying to be avant garde I can at least give him credit for that regardless of what I feel for the actual result

the real question is why the fuck Disney would hire him to direct it in the first place when I imagine they would had rather hired some JJ-esque schmuck that wouldn't bitch with the producers and deliver a safe product

>Instead of bringing back Palpatine as a clone or a double or whatever he lingers as a force ghost, to show that he’s so strong in the dark side that he’s cheated oblivion after being annihilated
>Ghost Anakin also still lingers trying to talk down Kylo Ren AKA his biggest superfanboy from his current path
>Climax is a dual battle of Rey v Ren and some weird-ass spiritual battle between Palpatine v Anakin to give a proper Vader vs Emporer battle that never happened and to not invalidate Anakin's entire journey
Yay or nay? Frankly I think the right move is just simply not bringing Palpatine back in the first place, or making the sequels in the first place, but it’s worth speculating on how to make things more interesting

Palpatine as some sort of blasphemous zombie aberration of a force ghost would be fucking rad and it ties into the themes of how the Sith pervert the lifeforce of the universe to their own ends.

2 > 1 > 4 >>> 3


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Master Yoda, I'm having impure thoughts about Rey.

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>mfw someone out there breed them regularly
it's not fair

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Park Rey is literally a goddess wtf!

They all look like insta thots

>all whores
why am I not surprised

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Can't all be Chad I guess

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Marvel hired directors like Rian all the time, guys who had a moderately successful movie or two and maybe some tv work under their belt. Most of the time of those guys towed the line and delivered safe movies, the one time they had a problem was Antman and they just removed the director and got someone else who fit the same mold. From Disney's perspective there was nothing strange about someone like Rian working on a big franchise.
It's Lucasfilm's fault for encouraging him every step of the way and never telling him to dial it back. Remember that TFA was extremely bland and safe so from Disney's point of view it was completely reasonable to assume Lucasfilm had everything in hand and Star Wars would soon be Marvel 2

>It's Lucasfilm's fault for encouraging him every step of the way and never telling him to dial it back.
Disney knew it would be a billion dollar flick regardless. The notion of leaving it up to the same company that shit out Attack of the Clones is absolutely on them.

>someone actually takes the time to track down who all plays rey at a theme park
Pretty sure the 2nd one is the one I saw when I went back in Dec. she was pretty damn cute. As someone who's only seen the a new hope and the phantom menace, it saddens me that I can't find Han posted up in front of the millenium falcon or grabbing a drink in the bar.

I just realized the other day how pussy is just a resource to be managed and distributed. I feel bad for them.

I wouldn't, they live life on easy mode

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and then this specimen was banned for life the moment he left the area.

>I feel bad for them.
Im sure you do, half inch hero.

This is the cutest Rey. Oh my.

>This Captain Autismo hugs a park Rey and doesn't get accused of rape
>I did just for looking in the general direction of a random woman at the subway
What the fuck is this meme world

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Mini Rey cute

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It'd be worth it if she took my virginity.

>Disney knew it would be a billion dollar flick regardless
>It was estimated that the film would need to gross $800 million worldwide to break even
> Deadline Hollywood calculated the net profit of the film to be $417.5 million,
This is the best part. Imagine spending billions buying Star Wars and then not making that back in three films that should easily have brought home massive profits. I think it cost them $4 billion to buy Star Wars and they made only 10% of that on 33% of the films. I can't imagine they made much profit from ROS given its box office is thus far just over a billion and was the most expensive of the three to make.
Rian literally sank what should have been three movies to seriously rival the MCU (only the TFA did and that was purely because it was the first SW in over a decade). I genuinely cannot fathom how Disney let Star Wars films tank so badly. Hopefully Feige and Favreau can save it. Mandalorian was flawed, but it captures the feeling of Star Wars more than any of the three Disney films.

>mfw the Skywalker saga is technically the Palpatine saga

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WTF I thought mini was the only pure one !@

Want to know a little secret? Underneath their clothes girls are actually naked. Yup. Found out last week.

ROTR was made to be easily reskinned. That's why kylo still has his helmet on, because it makes it easier to reskin him into vader. In a few years disney will sweep the sequel trilogy under the rug.

>Disney literaly spent millions of dollars merchandising oranges

We live in blessed times.

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there's nothing in SW better than the OT
PT is classic so bad it's good material and ST can just fuck off

That’s just a bullshit copout for making an incredibly unfocused movie that nobody liked.

The Witcher

I love this game.

I feel like the ultimate ninja storm games are the best way to experience naruto's story

BF2 (2005) for PC

yes, OT is even better than BF2

Star Wars is absolutely ass turd shit

Sequel to Star Wars was always a dumb idea.

There wasn't a sequel hook, the empire was defeated at the end. You couldn't do a follow-up without just making up a bunch of new bad guys which basically undoes the success of the heroes in the original films.

Was it all George's masterplan so he can buys it back for a quarter of what he sold it ?

>When you're literally trained to smile while being absolutely disgusted

I wish I could work at disney, my roommate used to work there. Played Drums at some big events for awhile. You just have to plaster a smile on your face and the money just rolls in.

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