Are you gonna play on release or wait for all the porn mods first?
Are you gonna play on release or wait for all the porn mods first?
>he plays it for the porn mods
what porn mods?
Ever been to RE2 Nexus?
those aren't porn mods, they're just lewd/nude skins
I have two questions for someone who followed the development:
Will it work on windows 7?
How likely is it to get postponed?
I'm not going to play it at all, but I will shitpost about it nonetheless
>windows 7
They're all botnets, thats how Microsoft gets their money from the NSA and DoD and China
it's not that hard to save up for some new PC parts user
no. anyone who downloads nude mods that dont even care about the game itself are subhuman filth
>game has a super detailed hot girl as the protagonist
yeah dude, better not lewd this shit up, will totally ruin the experience instead of only enhancing it
I do agree with you, but I also understand people like . Jill is pure sex appeal, my dick can't lie.
not playing this sjwified version of re3 at all
pathetic coomer thread
voth mod
ok retard
Yeah that's fine you can beat your dick to it but don't claim that you care about the game
fuck off retards
Yes because I am not a waifufag.
Why are you guys so horny all the time?
wait a year i guess
The second, but that's not the character I want a porn mod of
Garbage design.
Nu RE fags should be hanged, quartered and drawn.
ok coomer
Looking forward to BDSM Jill desu
nudemods are retarded, what the fuck are their goal? to makes pictures and nothing else? like dude just go to one of the 129847120491401401249104024014914 porn websites and fap
Ok prudefag
Can’t wait for the beach boy nemy mod
>Trademark REmake Jill design is her tired looking expression
>Shitty photoshop bimbofies it by giving her bigger eyes, darker eye lining and getting rid of her tired look
The fact that you fuckers call yourself JillVoth fans and spread this shit shop is disgusting
>nude girl running through infected streets
okay retard
>playing RE for the characters
What the fuck?
Probably buy the game twice just so i can play from midnight but still receive a physical copy, just like i did with REmake 2.
I only play for Chris
Ironically based
what do you think about pear-shaped bodies like Becca's?
NUT is what I think
Why wouldnt i play it on launch? even if someone decided not to it wont make the mods come out any faster.
Carlos nude mod with dick physics
This, have him be Tentacle raped by Nemesis too
Seconding this
it's too hard man you dont understand :(((
Why shouldn't we?
it's a waste.
Do you think Ada and Leon could ever make it?
>RE2 engine
yeah if Leon ever grew the balls to slam her down and make her submit or move on to another woman
>Kill Nemesis
>Carlos nude mod with dick physics
Reminded me of that RE6 Mercenaries mod with Chris and Piers
I'm gonna watch a Let's Play of the final 20 minutes, then shitpost in every thread and act like I understand the game better than anyone else.
whatever Michael
Why, I wait for the crack of course.
This honestly, they took some fucking ugly tranny and pasted her face over the same face jill has used for a decade. fuck nucapcom and fuck these shitty resident evil 4 clones
That Leon face is a fucking abomination
I hear they removed all the choices that you could make both gameplay and story wise
that really fucking sucks
how can they go backwards like that?
I plan to do it completely vanilla the first time through, then classic outfits/soundtrack the second time, and then cut loose with all the wacky/lewd mods.
I'm thinking it's looking like a good year to be a fake resident evil fan lads.
I imagine they just removed the whole time slows down and you get a choice to make, but let you actually choose what to do yourself
I'll wait for the classic Nemesis mod first.
I'll wait for the DRM to be removed, game properly patched and all the mods that fix those shitty new designs.
I only use them if I can headcanon them to somewhat make sense. For example, I only use the Claire nude mod in the Umbrella lab, and I RP it as her needing to take off her T-Virus contaminated clothes in order to bypass the super sophisticated doors that automatically lock down upon detecting a viral presence.
literally reminded me of gal o sengen
loli jill mod when
yeah I would do that too if I was twelve