Optional superboss wanders through a low-level area

>optional superboss wanders through a low-level area

Attached: chad stride.webm (480x480, 1.24M)

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Rend had that

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Absolute unit

fucking outplayed

Mikiri Counter

FF XII and Fantasy Life do this.

is this achievable natty?

Having a close encounter with a fully matured bull is fucking terrifying
Something about seeing a literal ton of nothing but muscle and horns bigger than an average human child is spooky

Lions are so fucking cool

xenoblade chronicles X

They're pretty mildly tempered for the most part and give pretty audible warnings. If you give them apples, they will grow to like you pretty quick.

With 2 months of starting strength and gomad

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>Amazing Treasure Ahead

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>boss buffs himself before battle

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When the link thread turns gay


wtf how was I supposed to know? wooow fuck this artificial difficulty bullshit game

stupid bird

why the fuck have we not domesticated bears yet

>character begs for currency

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Xenoblade. Bet he'd be called Beefy Augustus or something, too.

Xenoblade Chronicles series as a whole has the best wandering optional bosses

well you can remove their claws and teeth but they will still try eat you and fail and its kinda cute but at the same time its bit unfair to do that to an animal just so itll be a pet.

Too smart
I wholeheartedly believe that if humans never existed, they'd be the dominant species.

>you refuse

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user, do you know what the word domesticate means?

>player charges at his biggest counter

Too many people that try end up getting eaten by bears

Russians have

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taming is not the same as domesticating

yes I do? you can't tame bears. thats why I said people go to that extreme to try have them as pets, which is unfair to the animal. you can't read or?

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I think if Dark Souls had better controls, better camera, and permadeath, people would approach it differently, user

taming is not the same as domesticating

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It doesn't mean mutilate?

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>cunny thread

look up yourself what domesticate means you fucking stupid American.

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What a good sheep

No, it means breeding for friendliness until they can fit into human society

this is fucking cool

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Little nigga gives zero fucks

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You can take an animal out of the wild and tame it.
You cannot domesticate an animal out of the wild. It takes generations to domesticate animals. You should continue your research beyond the retard-level internet dictionary.

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The bull we had when I was a kid was bucket fed as a baby. We had to be very careful carrying a bucket or anything that resembled one in his area because he'd start bellowing and chase us. The sound of a grown bull's hooves on the ground going at full speed is something I'll never forget. We kept him in an area that had fruit trees so it was always a thrill trying to pick fruit.

Domestication is something that takes generations of selective breeding.

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The confident retards are the funniest, thanks for this

Excellent riposte

>oh no I was wrong, better try sound smart
This is why trump is gonna win again btw dude.

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Fuggin hellhounds, I swear

>Manlytears shows his room

>tussling with THREE lionesses at once
That's one mean fucking croc

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Animals are wild.

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Because even domesticated, their idea of friendly play would kill you. They also develop incredibly strong bonds when handraised and do not like those bonds encroached upon.

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>tfw phonescum


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drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion

>when you pretend to be AFK

i thought a croc was gonna emerge and bite its poor head off. don't scare me like that user.

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Because you're an iPajeet, Androidchads don't have this problem.


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Trumps going to win because you're retarded?

Wooooooowww 1v3 and y'all still lose lmaooo

The definition is pretty loose here and you should inquire further.
A hand-reared animal can be tame. It is still not domesticated, because that would imply a bred-in tameness.

Thats wrong. Domesticating is when you chew something really hard.

hell hound

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Ever heard of circus-bears? They are "domesticated", but the only way to do so is to harm the animal.

To this day I still don't know what the fuck is happening in this image. I've read that this completely harmless and they just pop out the other side and elsewhere that they are being crushed by the grain.

>they are both dead by now
Time takes everything user.

>when the raid maxed player goes to the newbie area


that is exactly what I said I got to stop replying to people here. They have really low IQ.

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why is it so fucking smug?

>master, I am disappoint

That's masticating. Domesticating is when you stimulate your own sexual organs until you orgasm.

I never new apple fags couldn't watch webm. Glorious

Think about how many domesticated animals are herbivores rather than carnivores/predators. It's much easy to domesticate something that eats plants you can grow and not something that you have to catch and feed other animals too. Or who could turn to you for a source of food if pushed to.

>be ESL
>use words that you don't know the meaning of
>try to call people with english as a first language stupid for correcting you
I'm screencapping this dumbass post for the next time some OBSESSED retard says shit.

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I don't care what the dictionary says, when the word "domesticate" was used by these anons they meant the process by which an entire species becomes dependent on humans, not just the process to adapting one individual wild animal to coexisting.


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calm down rabbi

big boy coming thu