Post the most overrated video games ITT

Post the most overrated video games ITT

Seriously, how did this game receive this kind of praise?
I don't even hate it, but nothing about it is in any way exceptional. The story has been done a thousand times before and the gameplay is the usual boring naughty dog slog. Can't even remember ìf it even had a soundtrack.
>Gaming's Citizen Kane moment
what the fuck?

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The Last of Us II.

Normies like movie games.

Nier Automata and BOTW

This and Bioshock:Infinite were the most overrated games of 2013(Gone Homo gets the honorable mention as well).

Red Dead Redemption 2 I would say The Witcher 3 or Resident Evil Remake but nah RDR 2 is way more overrated than those cause while controls for The Witcher 3 are a bit delayed but still tolerable as for RE Remale I just don't see what's so special about it after playing it myself but hey but the weren't painful to play like RDR 2 jesus christ the controls in RDR 2 are god awful your character moves like he has stick up his ass and the movement aiming and everything is delayed as fuck over the course of the entire campaign I was literally about to pop a blood vessel when so many times when I pushed a button to do something and he either didn't do it or took way longer than it should have and no one that was reviewing it bought it up like at all they were all busy sucking that games dick for hurr durr realism my god look the horse balls shrink when it gets cold, who the fuck cares?

The 10s and Citizen kane proclamation haven't aged well. I've generally lost faith in the mainstream reviewers.

Horrible braindead dungeon crawler. Has fun mods but it got 10/10 grades everywhere long before they kicked in.
Average netflic show of videogames
>Bioshock Infinite
Shilled garbage


Your opinion sucks and so do you.

Citizen Kane is overrated garbage so it makes sense.

>The story has been done a thousand times before and the gameplay
Give examples.
What game from the last generation comes even close to TLOU?

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this, rdr2 gets a lot of praise but it's a movie game at it's core and it's not even good, you need 60+ iq to know that arthur is gonna die because you played rdr1

the gameplay doesn't have to be new in order to be good brainlet


Joel was wrong and selfish btw.

10 OUT OF 10

Both rdr games are predictable and follow standard holywood cliche scene with "bad guys always get punished in the end" with Breaking Bad finale but RDR games have monopoly on Westerns and plenty of it they execute well. Desperados is the only other western game that didn't completely suck so while they are not 10/10 they are good enough.

>Seriously, how did this game receive this kind of praise?
It's the perfect movie game. It actually delivers performances and a script that you'd expect from a movie, instead of being vastly inferior.

Pretty much the same mentality I had about it. TLoU is a competent average AAA experience, nothing about it is revolutionary, nothing it did qualifies it into being a "Citizen Kane" moment.

>that mad

rdr1 was more surprising because marston stopped being an outlaw a long time ago but they cucked him either way

>What game from the last generation comes even close to TLOU?
Pretty much any video game that tries to be a video game first. Hell I'd rank fucking Skyrim over The Last of Us.

>with Breaking Bad finale
Fucking retarded zoomer, RDR was written and finished 3 years before Breaking Bad finished


overrated weebshit

Obviously, what's your point?

Overrated =/= bad

All Yas Forums talks about and loves is JRPGs, that doesn't mean...ah hell, who the fuck am I kidding. That weaboo shit blows

I forgot I even had this on ps4. I stopped playing right after the part where Joel was hanging upside down in that garage and they met up with Bill. Does it get more interesting after that and is it worth a second try? I wanted to give the game a chance since it was highly praised and I got it from free from the playstation plus. However I find the game a bit borring desu.

RDR games are better written than 98% of games is the point

they can't name any examples, but will constantly claim that the plot has been done before and better.

Every universally acclaimed and award-winning game ever made.

Irrelevant schizo Yas Forumsbabbies try to pretend to each that they're all bad.

Yeah, have fun kids, let me know how it works out for you.

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They are too predictable and follow old and stale formula that has nothing to do with real life.

>fiction isn't real life
Is this news to you?

>They are too predictable and follow old and stale formula
Compared to?

Exactly, that's why following old and wrong axiom based on "real life" sucks.

Games with good writing, like Legacy of Kain series for example.

Rockstar has always struggled with writing desu

Idort here.

TLoU and BotW are two of the best video games of the past decade. They're so far in front of everything else its not even funny.

Its going to be fun play Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy VII in the next few weeks and watching you dumb kids trying to convince me they're bad games too.

You can't make me hate great games lol

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>im cool because i dont like popular video game
>much personality


It's a good game and definitely what Capcom needed to save the franchise, but it's just...underwhelming after the first playthrough. The story is nice and the DLC adds onto it, but the gameplay is...well, kind of there.

I feel that this was really just a test demo for the Resi 2 remake. The enemies kind of exist and are more or less the same "walkie", "crawlie", or "BOOMER". You also have bugs or the family to worry about.

It has traps and puzzles which RE is known for, but they just kind of feel thrown in there.

The areas are fun to see the first time around, but on multiple playthroughs, the mines and ship section are a slow and boring crawl.

The game also has...little to no music. Resi doesn't have a big soundtrack to begin with, but I would have at least have liked some kind of atmosphere pieces.

All in all: story's okay, gameplay is passable, 8/10.

But I digress.

Rockstar games all have good writing though, even the Stories series is far above the average for videogame writing which is usually done in post after the game is done where they try to connect all the abstract levels of isolated gameplay with cutscenes.

Literally what is TLoU in front of? It's a clunky Sony third person action game, this isn't new or astounding in any regard.

Real talk this boxart is horrendous. I’d be okay if all the scores were on the back but holy shit.

>A dev known for it's famous characters and stories is actually bad

Hun, this is why you have no friends. You're pathetic and no one finds you interesting the further you continue taking on these contrarian thoughts.

Rockstar hasn't written a compelling character in like 15 years

TLoU is an exceptional gaming experience i.e. its more than the sum of its parts.

There's a reason why the industry has been falling over themselves for years trying to make their games like TLoU.

You think that's bad? Also this game and series are overrated.

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John and Arthur are the most famous and liked new characters this decade though

>having a different opinion
>must be a lonely fag like me

Nobody knows who John is, he was a hollow cowboy protagonist. Arthur was worse in the fact that he had no defining character

The last of us saved the TPS genre from gears of war clones and the hell of played out resident evil 4 clones and for that it deserves all the praise it gets. The success of the multiplayer mode is proof that the gameplay is as solid if not then better than the singleplayer.

Everyone playing games past league of legends knows who John Marston and Arthur is in 2020.

I dunno OP, I played TLOU on PS4 and I would give it 10/10. Its a superb game, get some fucking taste ffs.

>Everyone playing games knows who John Marston is

Its worth a playthrough, but the media gave it way more credit than it deserved. Its empty praise for the most part. They probably played it for 2 hours and wrote their review/impressions based on that.

I think Trevor from GTAV might actually be their most iconic character if you asked someone off the street.

Pretty much

b-but muh story, muh ellen page look alike

You're full of shit

Seems the talk of the topic is TLoU? It's a good game, not groundbreaking or nothing, but good.

It's got a nice story with personality and charm, but the gameplay is kind of bland, but it's kind of like Metal Gear in a sense that it's plot first, game second.

From what I can remember, I didn't do a second playthrough, but I had a decent time on my first. Sadly I don't remember much but the plot and a few snippits which I both enjoyed and didn't.

What I did enjoy which was the plot and how the enemies were intergrated into the story and how they explained things like Clickers naturally. They made everything feel organic and proper, like it belonged in a story about a fungus zombie apocalypse.

I liked making enemies confused or drawing them away from my position so I could kill them quick, which either lead into a shoot out, or me sneaking by. I also loved the visuals this game had.

What I didn't enjoy though was also some of the parts I did like. The plot was good, but the ending kind of murkied the water. Joel brought her here to save the human race, but at the last second, he decides to doom them all by "saving" Eliie (I think that was her name??) because he grew attached to her like a father. The story just took the biggest u-turn and there was no real signs of that beyond Ellie calling him dad as snide remarks or stuff or Joel mentioning that Ellie was like his own daughter who had been killed.

While I will praise the enemies and ways to move around/deal with thrm, I will also note that most enemies if not killed, can just be walked around and leave to moments where it's just "yeah okay, walk by" and it can lead to a meh experience.

All in all: good story, good game, could have had a little more time to stew. Last of Us 2 is probably going to be LGBTQ bait.

But I digress.

He's up there too

It's John, CJ, Trevor and Arthur when it comes to most popular GTA protags. No particular order

>The story has been done a thousand times before
> the gameplay is the usual boring naughty dog slog
play on survivor as the game was designed, casual
>Can't even remember ìf it even had a soundtrack
It's called good audio design

overrated for sure but still good imo

Well I must have missed whatever it is that makes you gush about it this much, because I played it from start to finish and it wasn't that impressive. Feels more like the industry just needed a game to linchpin as "the next big thing" and went with TLoU.

>The last of us saved the TPS genre from gears of war clones
But it didn't expand on any of the actual mechanics? What did it add that Gears of War didn't revolutionise with the one button cover system? THAT was a Citizen Kane moment.

I'm playing through it right now and it's great

>the hell of played out resident evil 4 clones
That's funny given TLOU is partially heavily inspired by RE4. Its one of Druckmann's favorite games.

>Ctrl + F
>0 results found

Ah, fellow men of culture.

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>press Y for 10 hours

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