Your most hated FF character. I'll go first. Auron is absolute garbage and only appeals to cringey edgelords

Your most hated FF character. I'll go first. Auron is absolute garbage and only appeals to cringey edgelords.

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Today I saw this kid on a tram who had his blue dyed hair covered all over his eyes. He was acting exactly like someone who wants to be Auron from FF. He talked about being tired, his schoolmates being stupid, all while pretending to be absolutely chill and shit.

Tell me more about how it's cool to hate 'edgy' characters, OP.

Cloud is a faggot

He sounds cool unlike you who are a fat lonely incel on Yas Forums who evesdrops on people with friends and Lifes

SPBP, OP btfo

Sounds based to me

Auron was my favorite as a kid. I liked Wakka too. Tidus got on my fucking nerves but eventually after he went through his arc he was okay.

The kid with the stupid hat from XIII

go drink some bleach, shit for brains

Only playable character with a hat is Snow, but he's hardly a kid

I hate Rikku, she's a disgusting al bhed whore who abused Tidus and pressed him into slave labor and tried to kidnap Yuna and then has the gall to act like the al bhed don't deserve to be treated like common criminals
Fuck rikku and her gobbledegook spewing friends

There is literally nothing wrong with edginess in videogames and it should be encouraged.

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Is Auron even that edgy? Not really. He's just stoic and realizes the stakes while Tidus whines about MY DADDY NEVER HUGGED ME

based and black&redpilled

OP is just retarded.
Seymour is the actual edgelord in FFX.

i understand its bait, but auron is not edgy lmao.

Was this faggot just shoehorned in the last few months of development because it doesn't even make sense it just randomly came out of nowhere.

Attached: FF8_Norg.png (360x450, 121.57K)


This. He's a stoic,mature character that gets contrasted against tidus, yuna,rikku and wakka being more immature.

the britbong from 15. He kept saying very british phrases in all the wrong contexts and it pissed me off so much

cait sh*t

Reyne or whatever her name was, nuMinfillia.

She's bland as fuck

I think some of his species shows up in cloaks in the first disc.
But yeah he was a very dumb and weird inclusion. One of the reasons people peddle the "Squall is dead and everything after disc 1 is a dream" theory

Don't be pedantic, you knew what I meant.

I don't think ANYONE likes Gladio


are all a dumpster fire

the whole cast of ff 12

Auron had a great fucking theme and I liked his character concept (nostalgic ghost bodyguard).

his execution was edgy but I loved that shit as a 14 year old

>not linking the superior remaster version

It's more fun when you just embrace it user

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Thanks for making my ears bleed.

You're welcome bud, it's like popping a girl's cherry I suppose

There's clues to Norg's existence, but it doesn't help the localizers made him speak like a fucking retard rather than like the rest of the Shumi. Also they should have hinted at what Moombas are earlier. It feels like you don't really understand Norg until you actually go to the entirely optional village.

The stoic older Auron also works well since we see that flashbacks and sphere recordings of the younger naive Auron.
He gets some lighter moments too.
>I heard you were quite the crybaby.
>Once Yuna fixes her hair, then we can go.

nice baits

>Auron doesn’t talk about people being stupid, maybe naive.
>Auron is tired because he crawled down a mountain while dying and hauls a big fucking sword around for slaying monsters and it has given him tendinitis.

Maybe the kid played too much League

sir auron was a badass even though he was useless in the end game

He's the only real man in a game full of cringy children

>blue dyed hair
>covered all over his eyes
>talked about being tired
>pretending to be absolutely chill
Sounds like the Persona 3 protagonist to me

Only fujos like Gladio

You, OP, do not know how to swing the masamune.

>hating on Barret, Auron, and Steiner
Actual shit taste

Steiner was my favorite character in FFIX, one of the few comic relief characters that I didn't find annoying

Cait Sith. I just cant find anything good about him.

>muh hunt

>never practiced the blade
You are not ready for whats coming.

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just finished this game yesterday, what a ride
i liked it overall but it definitely had its downsides, also the final boss was hell

It's obvious, but here's my list:
Kimahri - I don't hate him, but he's easily the most forgettable of the cast, quite a feat for an 8 foot tall bright blue furry.
Lightning - All the personality of a board, combined with being the game developer's waifu so hard she get 3 games out of it? yeah no.
Hope - fuck, i hate everything about hope.stupid little twat takes a boomerang along as a weapon to a warzone and is surprised when his mum dies, then blames snow the entire time. it gave off huge persona 3 vibes and i hate that.

>Got with Beatrix in the end
The guy was based.

Shut the fuck up

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OPh, I do sire.

I prqactice the concealed blade. Only for defense sire.

>Being masculine and stoic is edgy and bad
Fuck off basedboy. Maybe if you weren't raised by a single mom your wouldn't be such a bitch towards anything masculine.


It makes sense in the FF8 universe tough.

FF8 is all about taking a normal school setting and making it as cool/edgy/weird as possible.

Unlike normal schools you aren't attending to become engineers and programmers, no you become a special force specialized on fighting witches. Your school can fly. Your school looks more luxurious than Harvard (god damn fucking fountains everywhere) and literally every single person is attractive. It isn't that far off to make some weird alien thing being in charge of your school, just to make it more interesting.

some of the FF characters I hated were:
Cait Sith
those fucking Ninjas in FF4TAY

Kimahri is pretty weak I agree, but this scene was one of my favourites in the game

He's about to get stronger

keep trying bro


he's not edgy. he's just old

Steiner was by far the worst character in IX (not talking about combat here)

Being old is edgy for zoomers now.