ITT: Post dumb things you believed about vidya as a kid

ITT: Post dumb things you believed about vidya as a kid

>NPCs in single player games (like Mario Party) are actually other people unknowingly playing online

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You mean they're not?

I thought OP wasn't a faggot

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xD epic 4channel moment!

wtf kitty likes bath?

Cope, redditurd

truly epic..........?

>You weren't navigating a 3D rendered space
>Every button press played a different video on screen that corresponded with what you pressed

I used to think in games like GTA where you see NPC's walking on the street or enemies that you fight were millions of people that were hired to walk around and act like whatever role they were assigned to and if you chose "hard" or "easy" those people went easier or harder on you.

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When I was a kid I thought devs needed to anticipate literally every single possible outcome of the things you did in a video game, so by controlling shit you were just cycling through all the possibilities they had already put in.

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You must have been pretty autistic

Yea I'm stupid

that is one jaded looking cat killer

When I played MMO for the first time I saw people in chat gathering a party. So I thought there was going to be a party, where you can dance or something, but I couldn't understand why so many people wanted to party in MMO.

I definitely thought that when i was playing XIII on gamecube even though i knew there was no internet connected to it

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you accidentally a word

When I played Runescape as a kid, I read an update post about how Ape Atoll was discovered so I thought any of the black, undeveloped areas on the world map were actually hiding already created content but only really good players or moderators could unlock those portions of the map for the rest of the players

I thought I would never be one of those guys who thought about killing himself, but here I am

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I thought that voice acting is always directly broadcasted like radio.

I believed a rumor at our school in first grade about the moving door that lead to the Pokemon world that was only visible while holding a gameboy. I wasnt the only one either

I used to think the player character was alive and I was worried about what they would do after I turned the game off. I was a dumb kid.

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that would be a cool concept
unfortunately hackers and data miners would plow through that on day 1

you should watch start trek voyager
there is a whole charater based on this premise

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He's the only character worth watching in that show. And I never intend to watch it again regardless.

I thought N was a place I could reach if tried hard enough.

Not me, but I had a friend in first grade who thought that cheat codes are some truly special and esoteric knowlege and got genuinely upset when he found out that several other kids in school know Tomb Raider cheats too.

While playing Force Unleashed 2 on Wii, I thought I was controlling Starkiller's movements with my remote's motion, basically jumped around like a retard. Great game though.
For Wii.

Force Unleashed 1 for wii was damn magical.


>mfw this kid in elementary school told me he had a blockbuster tv which allowed him to enter video games
>mfw he told me he hung out with charizard and that his wings were bouncy like a trampoline

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I thought Altair was so cool because he showed no emotion while murdering people.

The counter in the Pokémon Centre is a wall, the NPC on the other side of it can't be talked to and thus the only way to heal your team without buying Potions is to have yourself white out.

>you should save a game multiple times (in the same slot) to make sure it's *really* written good and deep

anyone got the "going into videogames machine" post?

That prologue. Vader was so badass.

I thought like this too. I had one of those shitty Tiger electronics games, I want to say a Dragonball Z one. I remember you could like, tilt it back and see all the shitty little sprites in the screen and it just clicked to me like “holy shit, real devs put every single sprite in every single space on the screen and I’m just cycling through it”

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I was suspecting what it actually was, but then some faggot told me that in GTA:SA you can find an island full of hookers if you fly towards N for half an hour. I did.

I know. I spent the last of my birthday money on that game. Prologue alone was worth it. No regrets.

Should I tell the story of the Pokemon Hunts? I gotta say its autistic as hell but for me personally the ending was rather sad.

you know you have to tell us.

Greentext inexperienced plus have to be back in a bit but I will.

Do not die thread, not yet, not yet...

I was that fag user, hope you enjoyed the hookers

Lurking until then user

RIP thread

I was the first of my friends to start playing Runescape after I stumbled across it on Miniclip when I was like 11.
It was my first encounter with an mmo and I thought the game was like a fully simulated live world. When I spawned into Lumbridge I saw someone killing guards and freaked out and ran because I thought someone might try to kill me. Wandered over to Port Sarim and got a job at the store that's part of that banana quest and wore an apron and talked to people who came in. Thought it was like a real job and you could work at different places. When I talked to the gypsy in Varrock and she told me I was chosen to fulfill this special prophecy I thought it was like a real special thing and not something literally everyone could do.

For Melee, I thought playing coin battles and spamming Mario's up special would give me more coins to buy trophies with. I couldn't be the only one to think this right?

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>using the shopped version
here, I'll post the real one

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Similar to this
>believed that there was someone somewhere who was flipping switches on which patches of grass in Pokemon games contained Pokemon
>I wanted to be that person when I grew up

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i thought whenever i got out of bounds via a glitch or noclip that i was moving around in the games "code" and would eventually find something in the void

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People do find things in the void though user. Look up Boundary Break

yeah hidden assets that were plunked way off the main map are neat as fuck

I was playing an online game as an autistic 4 year old, and I thought the other people were very intelligent AI's. I spammed every curse word I knew and acted like a total dickfuck to see how they would react. Good times

I thought video games were fun.

Not a hint of effort on that cats face. To the bird, life and death. To the cat, merely tuesday.

Haha this was me. How did they know I was going to do that???

>didnt know what "AI" stood for
>called them aL bots, like a guy named "al pachino", but last name "bot"

cleaning my disks off with paper towels and then wondering how they got so scratched that i cant play