Now that SotN has been ruined, what's the best Castlevania title?

Now that SotN has been ruined, what's the best Castlevania title?

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what do you mean

How many of you are just latching onto the latest shitposting campaign, and how many of you actually believe any of the retarded nonsense you spout?

just remember that most of the shitposters on Yas Forums are canadians and australians while the americans and euros are a minority

OoC, like it always was.

Stop being a whiny kid. Castlevania hasn't been ruined by netflix. It did that to itself long ago with Pachinko and phone games.
The only thing Netflix ruined was Alucard's butt

I don't know what happened there.

Alucard smokes dick!!

OoE blows unless you're just in it for the waifu.

becuz alucard is gey!!

Give me 1 (ONE) reason some gay sandnigger's fanfiction should ruin my enjoyment of a game.

But before you do that, check this 7.

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>letting an onions-guzzling gaijin's fanfic ruin a timeless classic
Holy fucking autism

there must be at least SOMEONE involved or previously involved with the series whose blood is boiling right now

Dafuq happened? another discord raid?

OoE is so good on so many levels
>Music gets chiptune-y but still capturing the good bits of the past with the nice, more modern tunes.
>Style is less full on anime and more gothic fantasy, a good mix of Western+Japanese.
>Stages feel like Simon's Quest meets Metroidvanias and, while that's not flawless, it's a great start.
>Bosses are unique and less predictable than earlier games.
>Story ditches the more anime-ish light-hearted plots for hammer-esque gothic horror.
It was beautiful and unique. I wanted to see more of this and they killed it too soon.

Believe me, OoE is so good that it literally got your 7 in this post.

SotN. Its the exact same game it was before this dumb meme started

main character takes dicks in the butt

i played SoTN and was really fucking good, what other castlevanias are out there? i have only tried Rondo of Blood and SoTN

I agree with all that, but the level design is almost Lament of Innocence-tier boring at times.

You fucker ruined it. Give me back that 7

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This 6 proves that Yas Forums is fucking retarded

Considering the amount of asinine-itude that came with season 1 because “Muh evil church”, frankly my dude? I don’t give a damn.

an inverted 6 proves the retard is you

lmao whatch this


You couldn't tell that by looking at him?

The show never respected the games so why should I respect what it's done to characters?
Not even the gay shit, Alucards characterisation was always off

Castlevania isn't for you anymore sweetie. This is the new target audience, deal with it!


What happened is we had a decade of fun with the word "fag" and then actual highschoolers who get heated about gays thought that meant this was a cool place to be for them, and then by sheer force of numbers it *was* a cool place to be for them.

Instead of saying "UGH GAAAAY" like a bunch of fucking 12 year olds why don't you complain about how pointless that whole plot line was?

You couldn't handle this 7.

Yeah. It's fucking stupid to get mad over this now. Getting a dick in the ass is the fucking least of Alucard's problems in the adaptation, his whole character is compromised from the start in much more important ways.

nice bro check out this two

durring S3 alucard becomes a bottom
all the alucard fanboys & Yas Forums lost their mind
everybody mocks them

are you talking about the Netflix series?

I summon forth this 5 to destroy this retarded thread.

Bloodstained ROTN

Konami doesn't give a shit anymore about how their properties ever since they fired all their talents and kept only the yes-men and the code monkey. IGA was the only reason why Warren Ellis's show was in development hell all this time.

>muh pol
always with you faggots, jesus christ go be a cuck somewhere else

The Netflix series isn't canon you fucking retards, never has been

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What wrong with taking dick up your ass?

I'm just glad that my boy Grant was kept far away from this faggotry.

and here's Yas Forums getting triggered again, get rekt closet fag

konami want to erase iga's storyline so they asked elis to throw shit at walls and see what stick

>implying you wouldnt get into a threesome with some twins

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The games are their own canon & Alucard isn't a fag in them at all

You can ignore the Netflix adaption

Exit only.

Only if the one ass that gets penetrated is the sisters.

(you) I'm not a Yas Forumsfag go take your meds

Castlevania Order of the Manhole

And people won't do that because they feel the need to be outraged. They'll preach it as canon just to argue for the sake of arguing.

long story short, Alucard has gay sex in the Netflix anime and this is causing Yas Forumstards to go on a shitspoting spree

castlevania: sphincter of the night

reactionaries throwing a massive shitfit as per usual

I havn’t finished season 3 yet but PLEASE tell me this bitch finally gets the sword and we can move on to Simon

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Really nothing happens in fucking season 3, I don't understand the point of it. Ten episodes of nothing.

Naw, this season was setup for the next one while Trev and Sypha fucked around in a village for a bit.

We Yas Forumsirgins can shitpost just fine on our own faggot.

simon's never gonna show up, show will end when CoD start

Fuck me. We’re never going to get to the cool parts of Castlevania are we.

I liked OoE and Super Castlevania the most. Aside from that Castlevania III or Rondo Blood or any other metroidvania except SotN which has one of the worst level design and difficulties in the franchise.

>alucard is gey!
im not ok with this

she become a less interesting character and has very few screen time

I remember the producers saying they'd cover SoTN. Unless they do a major time skip that's never going to happen with how this show is still dawdling in Castlevania III somehow. Season 2 and 3 have way too much filler, the higher episode count was a bad idea

>implying the wannabe anime has any bearing on actual canon
Who the fuck even cares