Borderlands 3

Less than a week for the best game of 2019 to finally release on Steam, you excited fellow badasses?

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>no jack

The writing is so bad and the world so bland I lost interest.

>caring about the plot in a lootah shoota

I miss that guy, they should make a prequel before the events of BL1 about how he meet his wife, or at least as a sidequest

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It's that bad, for example pic related

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>Muh Ava
Reddit please

She's universally despised

To bad all the character skills are boring and the DLCs dont plan to add anything actually new to the game.

Am I excited to buy a game by a company that puts in chinese spyware into their games?
No, no I am not.

shut the fuck up Randy
shut the fuck up Reddit


If liking Borderlands is Reddit then why are you on Yas Forums

it's not the plot, it's the fucking annoying characters



I spelled that correctly

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good thing it was exposed as total garbage in the meantime

total blast*

>prequel accidentally made him in the right
>devs still try to act like he's still in the wrong

Even BL3 proves him right, Tyreen and Troy would have never gotten as far as they did if Jack succeeded

Go home Randy, you're drunk.

I bought on the Christmas Sale and played through the main campaign so just let me say this: If they ask for full price, tell them to fuck off. This game is worth 10 dollars at best which is exactly what I paid for it in my country's currency.

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Jack even says he was right if you use the Jackhammer.

Well at least the Jackhammer confirms that Rhys didn't destroy his A.I.

Couldn't even stomach an hour of this trash when Tim paid for my copy.

I find it amusing how little people care about this game.

Hell even this thread is dead as fuck.

Yas Forumseddit always hated Borderlands, it's nothing new

Fuck off Randy, your game flopped and releasing it on Steam won't help it either.

i hope it flops hard on steam. That would be much more entertaining than the game itself.

what does this post mean?
reddit loves borderlands
it's written in their language

can't piggyback Jack for dozens of game user, Tales concluded his story and that's about it, we still have Timothy though

was anybody else disappointed as fuck when they saw amara and found out she wasn't an actual berserker?
missed opportunity of the fucking century

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>TFW no gibbed save editor yet
Will it be here in time for the steam release lads?

the guy who made it unironically got bored and switched to destiny

Fuck off, Randy

>Less than a week for the best game of 2019 to fi

Fuck off randy, you changed op pcis but you forgot about text you pedo

Why can't they write a vilain that isn't Jack.
By that I mean, the villains in this one (the twins, and the maliwan boss) act exactly like Jack did in 2

>A siren isn't a berserker
I don't understand your expectation.

>best game of the 2019
>barery any thread after 1st week
>no threads for months
>now, only threads are made by same faggot who shilled this piece of shit for year

Nice "popular" and 'best" game with thread made by same guy

no one actually cared about or played this game. 99% of "sales" are Tencent's bribery to Gearbox

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moze and fl4k are both hybrid characters so i dont see why not

i'll get it when it's $10 and someone makes a mod to fix the DRM shit

It's been a year already??

I'm not Randy, my name is Ran...Randall!

Learn English

6 months.


As long as Randy gets a penny, I'll never touch this franchise again.


I pretend the series is set in the same universe as Wildstar and that pandora is Nexus after a huge war that revealed the vault and the exiles and dominion were both destroyed

Why would you do that?

Learn how to make games, faggot

>TFW Tiny Tina was ruined and is no longer cute and funny in BL3
I wish he was a pedo.

What's up with all the shilling of EGS wankery? I see faggots pretending to be overly hyped for a Quake asset flip and spamming this shit. I literally never hear a single person talk about EGS other then for an ironic shillpost. Is this just for (You)'s?

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You are literally the first person in the thread to mention Epic.

Why are these games so FUCKING UGLY

>Nobody mentioned Epic until this post


>in this thread
I never specified this thread. Theres multiple threads up for BL3 and Diabolical rn.

>tiny tina ruined
She is complete dog shit, easily one of the most forced characters in the whole series only second to Spriggs and if you find her funny at all, you should definitely kill yourself; That goes for everyone in this thread, if any of you faggots thought Tiny Tina was a funny or good character, go to your family gun safe and shoot yourself

Never said that.

I just like blonde lolis, user.

The only thing worse than shilling is ironic shilling

Then go post in one of those.

Lilith and Ava come off as the biggest mary sues in this absolute shitshow.

Yeah, she’s a somewhat annoying little brat for sure, but I still have hard time understanding the bandwagon that labels her as worse than Hitler. Ultimately she gets so little screen time, that it’s very easy to ignore her, unlike someone like Tyreen who is pure Mary Sue mode for 99% of the game, or the annoying ”meet me in the control room of Sanctuary” exposition dumps.

>Get BTFO almost everytime they're on screen
>Mary Sue

This one is a shill thread too. It's open season.

If the story or characters aren't at least semi-enjoyable then its hard to get immersed in the world, along with the gameplay.
Like for example, the utterly embarrassing cutscene fights in the game that make a player go "why" because of how low-quality and laughable they are.

The reason she's hated is because she gets stuff just handed to her, like a whole army and Maya's powers. Also she's a brat who dicks around instead of actually listening to her mentor, and because of being a little dick is why Maya died.

Just because it's open season doesn't mean you can just shoot wildly into the air and hope to hit something. You still have to actually aim, user.

>Thinking Maya wasn't already expecting to die after knowing what happened to Lilith
She most likely was planning to suicide-bomb Tyreen, but Ava butting in when she did gave Troy a chance to ruin that plan instead.


Personally I had a bit of a hard time connecting with the bitterness over Maya, because Maya never had a personality that I could remember. I played her through BL2 from start to end, through TVHM and UVHM with DLC, and I personally can’t remember one single trait about her that isn’t related to her visual design or gameplay skills. Not that I like Lilith either, but at least I remember her as a character.