Hand over the wallet or lose the game

Hand over the wallet or lose the game.

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git good faggit

Mono red aggro can take Bo1 games surprisingly easy, and it really only need the dorf.

I play jank commons and win tons of games, the matchmaking algorithm puts you against players with similar amounts of meta cards and rare cards in your 75

I have spent 0$ and make it to mythic every season; if you are at all decent you can farm full decks with ease from looping drafts

>game gifts you a ton of rare & mythic cards just because you create an account
>10+ packs through free codes
>red or black aggro is cheap
>selesnia enchantments is cheap
>azorius flying is cheap
>a ton of yank cards can be build around in with almost no rare/mythic cards
>playing ~6 games a day gets you a free pack + weekly packs
lel, get gud

>I play jank commons and win tons of games, the matchmaking algorithm puts you against players with similar amounts of meta cards

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>it's nothing, and you should be grateful
I'm glad MTG is dying. Wizards deserves it and worse.

what would you consider "something" in mtg? Can you give examples of other striving games that give away free shit left and right?

>mtg is dying
sure do hear that every year for the last 2 decades

Well, a smattering of booster packs full of one version or other of vanilla 2/2 creatures and "target creature gets +2/+0 until end of turn" ain't it. Especially since the algorithm ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT match you against people playing with equal level decks. Anyone who says that is paid to lie on the internet. It's blatantly obvious from all the netdecking nigger shit that the algorithm is in no way matching decks based on their power levels.

Yeah, that's about how long it's been happening for. Your butthurt doesn't make it not true.

>But muh more players nao!
Yep, and STEM has never had more idiots filling its ranks. And now we have a repeatability crisis. More =/= Better.

It does, they have stated that matchmaking blatantly pairs netdeckers together unless you play ranked, where it grabs a person within the same tier at random

It goes off of cards in your list. The second you include 4 copies of duress in your deck, you will never see a control matchup ever again.

Just play cockatrice. Like nigga just play xmage haha. You don't need a rules engine like some kind of /tg/ tourist do you Yas Forums?

I'm a draftchad though

if something has been "dying" for every year since it was made it doesn't seem to be dying

>It does
No it fucking does not.

Literally the SECOND you hit silver, it's nothing but netdecking payfaggots.

Now that I believe. I totally believe the algorithm is programmed to fuck free players. Just like Hearthstone, which Arena is based on.

Those always just seem like simulations rather than actually playing the game. I've used them many times.

And before any whales start preaching about how much they love pay to win, I've almost certain spent more money on actual paper magic (like an idiot) than most of you would dream. Of course, that was before MTG totally shit the bed and went full SJW mythic market paywhore.

>Things NPCs are programmed to say
Do you give quests?

This is one of the friendlier F2P games out there

lmao you have no idea what you're talking about. Anyone who brings up "the algorithm" (which apparently only hurts you and helps other players because wizards is obviously out to get you) can be safely disregarded

this is just embarrassing to read; im sorry that your kitchen table bad deck isn't very good and doesn't win much. maybe try to realize that crying about the game wont make you better at building a deck

Is that like the tastiest diarrhea?

What is your exact position at Wizards?

I've been playing Magic longer than you've been alive. Your parents simply had more money than mine. That is not an accomplishment on your part.

>everyone better then me at the game is working for wotc

You're just a shit player m8. You can try to cope with the idea that anyone who disagrees with you works at WOTC but it's not going to change the facts

im older than the game so thats objectively impossible

MTG is older than 13.

Everyone telling you you are shit is right though. Like many others in this thread are saying, I also have meta decks gotten just from looping draft rewards. It takes a little while to get started but once you have the gems to start doing BO3 you get tons of packs.

Paying money to win does not require skill.

whao good one champ; you sure did get me with that school yard insult. Surely that will make you crying about being bad at a video game less pathetic


Owning cards doesn't make you win. You see retards like you ingame who think credit card= free wins, so they build the deck that won the latest tournament and can't pilot it worth shit. MTG is a complicated game and you're just a poor player

what excuse do you use for players who have spent nothing and just get cards by winning drafts? somthing about the system being unfair against you specifically?

>using the word "netdecker" as a pejorative
Kill yourself, retard. Not even worth of a >you

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>Owning cards doesn't make you win.
Yes it does. This is literally something idiots with low IQs and large paychecks say. Money is not a talent. And it absolutely provides an insanely unfair advantage. If I can buy a deck full of broken shit for 1 mana, that's going to beat anything of lesser power, I don't care how fucking incompetent you are. The greatest sling expert in human history is going to lose to an idiot in a fucking tank.

Well first of all that's impossible, because at bare minimum you have to spend a shit ton of gold to even enter a draft, so you're lying from the word go.

>A mad aristocrat
Food for the guillotine. Nothing more.

5000 gold is the entry for a normal draft; the easy quests give 500 and the hard quests give 750; first win of the day has a reward of 250; without any other games won; if you were to win one game a day and grind out your quest with a pile of actual trash you can afford a draft in less then a week of one win a day. You are both bad at the game and bad at math.

here ill help you out since you are challenged. 750 x 7 = 5250, that is if you win one game a day and never get any of the higher payout quests at all.

kill yourself

>if you grind out a bunch of shitty, unfun games you have the chance to maybe have a fun game once a week

>basic math
also the whole point was if you are any good at magic you can loop drafts; I get that you are trash and wont be able to do that but moving the goal posts away from it being possible to get drafts for free wont change that

You come off as a mega cunt. Just play unranked jank and have FUN. I mean even trannies can play this game and have fun.

>Wtf why can't I have every good card on my first day of playing without spending a cent??! FUCK YOU NAZIS OF THE COAST

It really doesn't take that long to build a nice deck, there's tons of budget options that use little or no rares that you can use to grind for packs.

Jesus christ, just go download Xmage if you want to immediately throw tier 1 decks at the wall (PS, you're still going to lose those anyways because you're a shit player)

If you pay a little bit of money ($20) up front for the mastery pass and regularly play for a season, you shouldn't need to ever pay money again (if you're smart with your wildcards). That's what I did and I have every top meta deck built :^)

I would gladly pay for cards if I could just get what I wanted and prices were reasonable. Instead, you're forced to grind out a bunch of unfun matches with the same deck over and over again because it's all you can afford or you have to shell out cash for randoms and hope you get what you need or that you unlock enough wild cards to put anything halfway decent together.

Maybe if they didn't gate virtually all the budget friendly formats behind limited time events, things would be different. But if you're interested in playing the full variety on offer, you're can't avoid an endlessly monotonous grind.

mtggoldfish.com/decks/budget/standard#paper here are some budget friendly standard decks that are around tier 2 and with a decent pilot should be able to get you gold fairly easily; however you are not a decent pilot and regardless of the deck you will complain and cry

Oh so you're not mad that you can throw money at the game, you're mad that you can't just buy a top tier deck outright?

You started off saying that this game is pay2win, and now you're complaining that it's not pay2win enough? You're more retarded than I initially thought. Just go play MTGO if you want to buy specific cards

No, dipshit. I'm annoyed that to have any sort of variety at your disposal, you're forced to shell out at least as much cash as you would for paper or grind a bunch of boring matches playing the same fucking deck. I don't want any single deck, whether it's shit or tier one.

There's a reason a singles market exists in paper. It's because no one actually wants to build a collection entirely through random packs. Arena forces you to go entirely through packs, or entirely through a boring grind. And as it stands, I have no real incentive to move over from paper, despite the convenience that being able to play whenever would offer. Being able to play whenever doesn't interest me, if my only option is play an extremely small fraction of what's on offer.

post melk

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This. 20$ for first pass, then 10$ every 3 months for each one since they net you half the price in gems. You can also wing it playing full F2P if you are smart with wildcards. It's extremely poorfag-friendly and infinitely cheaper than trying to build a single good deck in paper.

F2P since release. Assuming you aren't absolute shit at draft you should be able to easily get enough gems for the pass just from doing dailies and turning that gold into gems. It's literally that simple.

Well, if the game is ass-blasting you that much, then don't play.

No one will miss you.

Why are we even entertaining this bait anyways?

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Can Standard /bottomfeeders/ be a new and exciting format of emergent gameplay within Magic Arena?

thats called pauper bud

No, Pauper is Legacy for people who can't afford Legacy. You're thinking of Penny Dreadful.

There is a format called artisan on arena where only commons and uncommons are allowed, but they only do events every month or so. I would like to see that as a permanent format but WOTC wants you grinding for rare/mythic wildcards 100% of the time

Is it like Peasant where you can only have 5 Uncommons? Or is it just straight up "silverblack"? Cuz Standard Silverblack has been a format I've been hoping would catch on for some time; it looks like a format with a decent power level yet having a healthy budget. Makes sense that WotC wouldn't want to support it.

>colonial vampires set
>nigger knights
>wyminz out debating men in ancient greece
>good looking cards are trash/jank
>ass looking cards are meta

is there a more cucked and emasculated company than wizards of the costs ?

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It's just Standard Silverblack, but they do ban a few cards like persistent petitioners and cavalcade of calamity to keep it from being degenerate

dont lie.
teferie 3, thassa, nissa 5 or agent of treachery dominate the meta game so hard. you cant play anything else. except for nigger red of course.

It's really hard to find a company as out to cuck themselves as WotC. Even Blizzard gives a decent amount of coombait and at least comes up with stuff like Tracer and Widow maker. The only other company that comes to mind is Square Enix, but that's only when it comes to Final Fantasy, if you take a sideways glance at the current Secret of Mana thread, you will know that they're just lip lip service to American audiences.

Post your commanders.

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not to mention next set will be Teferie focused. lmao.
cant wait to take a big break from this trash.

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Not the next set, but the one after. And T3feri rotates out when that happens

Mailman brought me the last few card I needed.

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Teferie needs to rotate out of magic.

I'm almost certain the shuffler is rigged against players who don't spend money.
I got mana flooded in a 23 mana deck 6 matches in a row and I'm almost always starbdd/flooded when I play against a whale with a shitty meta net deck.

>turtle skeleton riders
mtg art used to be so cool

SO fucking mald, you must be 12.

>using twitch lingo
>calling other people 12
Seems a little ironic

Yes, every bad game is WOTC personally looming over your deck and stacking it so you lose. Variance surely isn't a thing in an RNG card game


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Except when there is literally no variance in starting game and in q pure random environment the chances of getting 1 hand lands after 2 mulligans and drafting max 2 more lands in 10 turns with a 30% land decks are so absurdly low they might not even exist.
The shuffler is rigged and it is a known issue