Doom Eternal sys requirements are up

Doom Eternal sys requirements are up.
You DO have a 1080 right, Yas Forums?

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thats for 1440p, most play at 1080p anyways

I have Xbox One X so I don't gave to worry about system requirements. The game will run at 1440p to native 4K at 60fps

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>tfw i have a 980ti
not fair

Only radeon RX 5700 XT, but I don't play fps so I don't mind.

Previous game ran great for me thanks to vulkan, I expect the same for Eternal

>50GB hd space

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is 1080p/60fps possible with a 980ti? i'm scared bros



on ultra or near ultra settings i meant

that shit is never accurate
>turn shadows from ULTRANIGHTMAREEE to high
>aa from 8x to 4x
>gain like 40fps
or some other random setting that rapes fps and adds a tiny sheen to objects

you have ugly feet

>RTX 2060
Oh nice, I have tha...
>8 GB

Anyways, I think I can play just fine, I'm not a literal autist who wants everything at maximun.

(1080p 60fps low settings)
So the real minimum is less then what is displayed? Steam needs 3 sets of recommended hardware now. Minimum, Recommended and Console

>RTX 2060 (8GB)
this makes no sense, RTX 2060 has only 6 GB memory
who wrote this trash

I have a 1660, should be enough

>60 fps
are they retarded? who plays at 60 fps today? where the fuck are the 144 requirements?

I got a 1070 and 16 GB of RAM. Bit worried about my processor though. i5-6500 @ 3.20GHz. Doesn't even meet the minimum specs it seems, but I can run Doom 2016 at like 100+ FPS. Surely I'll be able to run Eternal?

>RTX 2070 Super
>32 GB Ram
Still wont buy it. Doesnt look appealing

Will a 2060 be allright? at 1080p im not sure how a 2060 compares to a gtx1080 probably worse

1080ti niggers. I am insulated from technology creep for at least the next 10 years

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anyone who knows what refresh rate means knows steam recs means nothing

2060 and if I can’t run this at 144 or at least 120 I’m going to whine like a faget. Doom at 144 alone made my monitor worth it.


Probably can run it on low settings at 1080p but I haven't even played the 2016 one yet so I'm in no rush.

>Will a 2060 be allright? at 1080p
more money than brains..

The super has 8GB but they couldnt be asked to put the word super on it

lol it will run fine, processor requirements are basically placeholders

>980ti, but i7 4700k 4.0ghz
I should be fine on medium settings. I did that for 2016 and I was 120fps with only minimal drops to 90 and that was on OpenGL. Without Megatextures and the game being vulkan only, it should run about the same as 2016, even with all of the improvements, more effects going at once, bigger environments and more enemies on screen. Can't wait.

>tfw 1080tilet

lel let me gues you got a 1050-60 like a retard, or do you think your 1660 is going to last long enough?

>OC'd 1070 ti

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Probably on medium.

are you one of those people who said 980 is too much for 1080p but a year after it's release it couldn't max out games at 1080p?

>who plays at 60 fps today
99% of the market, you fucking dweeb.

System Requirement labs say I don't even meet the minimum requirements for Doom 2016, yet I'm able to play it at a solid 60 FPS with all the settings set to ultra, even without turning on Vulkan. I'm hoping Eternal will be just as optimized. My CPU is the only real bottleneck, since I have an i7 instead of a i5.

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wrong, 99% of the market plays on 30 fps and less

>i7 instead of a i5
I meant it the other way around, obviously.

my point was that 2060 will smash the game you could probably run 2 fucking clients with that card, so yes you brainlet, it will do fine

Will I be ok if my toaster can run 2016 decently on mid settings?

lol no

I need to build a new rig mine is old now
have fx8750 and a 980ti
think I'll be fine in 1080?

define 'decently'. If you mean 60fps at minimum, no drops. Then maybe. If you mean 120fps, sure. If you mean, 60, with drops. No, might want to hope that low is good enough.

I remember playing Shadow of Mordor with the 3gb vram texture settings on a 1gb 560. Good times.

You'll be fine at that with mid settings. Honestly, it's the shadows that will kill your FPS and if you just turn all of that shit to minimum, then you'll be fine.

980ti is still fine, you will get a decent ultra/1080p/60fps

lol those low res textures

>mid settings
>on a 980ti
sauce: my ass

You're most likely going to be able to run the game just fine with the rig you have now. Doom Eternal is going to use primarily vulkan and be optimized to fucking hell.

I do but I'm probably playing 1080p low settings for 100+ fps

>2 GB off from VRAM requirement
I'm sure I could get away with turning off some shit, right?

I've had a 1080 for years now. I want to upgrade but nvidias offerings are really small upgrades for the price and amd doesn't have shit in the high end market now all their cards are more budget.

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No, I have a ignore button and if I really want to give some kind of fuck a Youtube option

Can this shit run on phenom II 955 and gtx 750ti, asking for a poor friend ofc

Right on brother. This baby is a fucking beast.

My old comp bit the dust in September so I built a new rig earlier than I expected to. Good to know my rig is gonna destroy this game.

>Looks the same as Doom 2016
>Doom 2016's recommended requirements are the same as Doom Eternal's minimum requirements

Sold it and 56 for my 2080ti
Only aiming at 3440x1440p 100hz minimum so I hope this has downsampling and rt so I can actually make use of my card.
Doom 2016 ran insane I could run it at 5k+ 120fps

I'll be fine with my 1070, r-right?

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>Put more shit in your sequel
I mean the file size is almost half so they did something right for our internet impaired out there.

>Tfw upgraded from a 960 (2gb) to an rx 5700xt last week
Just in time. No 1440p, but I need that high refresh rate.

Eternal's 10GB lighter too, what's up with that.