>enemy mimic takes off its disguise
Enemy mimic takes off its disguise
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Why did they stop making videos?
Animefags are the worst
Where are the VIDEOGAMES, you nigger?
Holy shit. The amerigoblin meme is real.
Always wondered why only Dalton ever showed himself and I expected this to be the case
This is both cute and sad. Why does reality have to be this cruel?
Remember when they made animations?
They didn't even get the colors of their hoodies right.
I have no idea who this is, but that kid should get a different haircut than his mother.
at least the guy is kinda cute
Anime literally makes you 19x more likely to be a tranny.
eating bread makes you 200x more likely to be shizophrenic
I know, how unfair is that? God it’s so easy to be a womyn
The girl is literally a fucking goblino.
Replying posts like this makes you 999x more likely to be psychopathic
How does it feel knowing that even furries are more tolerated everywhere than weebs
This is why it's better to just live in the 2D world user...
Tranny detected
It feels like you're lying and should fuck back off to reddit if anime bothers you this much
its called bread madness, shizo
look it up
Anime is more Reddit, Yas Forums pivoted into a normie image board
Please don't fuck children on your way out, weeb
any1 else more of these types of pics?
i got plenty of trans men so i kinda don't care about them.
>hurrdurr you don't like anime
lol moetranny
tuchin ur benis mages u 10000000x mor likly 2 be gay lmao
Yes. Avoid bread and anime, tranny.
Why do people draw themselves all attractive and generic? It's way more fun to draw yourself as a fucking loser.
Low self esteem and huge ego.
For example, Ronnie
You can not like anime, everybody has their tastes. It's more about people just sperging the fuck out when somebody posts an anime reaction image on a website that was initially for discussing of anime and weeb shit
I dunno, I've never been to reddit but you seem pretty knowledgeable
Moeshit=/=all anime
People shit on you for being a moetranny, not for liking anime.
How many breads have you eaten?
What are you talking about the guy in the red shirt looks fi- HOLY SHIT THAT GOBLIN
Ronnie is great. His self-character is actually appealing and he himself is not a bad looking guy either.
No they don't, at least in this thread it's just you and moe anime predates the tranny plague by about 15 years at least. It's these faggots trying to usurp it and ruin it like SJWs ruined other things prior to it
They do NSFW animations too
But I don't think you could get aroused from them
Trannies don't watch shonen, shonen only attract normie and nigweebs
How many cocks have you sucked throughout your life? See? You just don't keep count when things become mundane.
>no they don't
lol who are you trying to fool, stop being a bitch.
calm down rabbi
Bottom is literally him
Only on Yas Forums the official furry board and maybe your twitter threads where you seethe about weebs.
I know, hence why I posted an example that you don't have to be a moetranny to enjoy anime.
>Look like a generic basedboy, just don't have the weird mannerisms
>Can't really change it just stuck being a gross looking fuck
why do cringe schizo pol niggers write out posts like these. Remember when pol was a comfy site for anime fans to discuss their hobbies before Yas Forumsyps turned it into a place where they can screech about american politics?
user, let's not pretend your little tough guy hole is the real world.
Most of "weebs" are just roleplaying normies thinking they're super nerds for subscribing to Crunchyroll and Gigguk.
Pretending your foxtail wide shorts would get less stares than a nekopara keychain is hilarious.
>calls others schizo
>goes on random rants about the politics board when nobody brought up anything remotely political
You have as much proof to support your argument as I have to disprove it so it's all anecdotal
Guy looks fine, especially if he cut his damn hair but that girl...yikes.
>pol was comfy
also, moetrannies were never accepted
Normalfags actively try to be normal you faker.
maybe don't be fat and be skinny
OK moetranny. Don't forget to take your pills today.
Bitching about trannies specifically is a 2016 Yas Forums tourist thing.
They're the same term, dunno which bastardized lingo you picked this up from but thanks for confirming your newfag status.
>tranny hands types this
ah yes the Boogeyman, names changes, they have always been faggots and no one likes them, same as furfags.
>tfw I will reach cat lady status in 3 years
How do I get a cute gamer bf? I'm not even fat and my teeth are straighter. Do I just have to get lucky with online chats in MMOs or something?
Anime trannies (AniTrannies) are getting uppity in this thread
I think you meant being white
Literally say your location and get like a trillion offers
>They're the same-
Did you get that from Urban Dictionary?
Nice to know you can't say anything else apart from repeating your mantra of baseless personal insults
Ok tranny
Mostly moefaggots getting called the fuck out on their tranny hobby
It's a reaction to trannies being forced into the mainstream you clown.
Why do you assume that everything is stagnant and that change can only come from stagnant water leaking in from something else?
Yas Forums didn't turn GDQ into a dilation station situation.
Yas Forums didn't racechange characters for diversity points.
Yas Forums didn't shit in your pants.
Grow the fuck up you mental midget.
are you ugly
>Schizos arguing against imaginary arguments nobody made.
Are you even above 19?
Based newfag
Based on what?
I'm at 41, just like you.
Ask me how I know you were banned from Yas Forums
Oh shit, she has such a cute voice.
Didnt sound fat at all.
You stop pretending you're a woman and accept you have a mental illness.
tits or gtfo
No, just based my man.
ok moetranny
only thing you've proved is how obnoxious weebs are
don't know, never been on tranny central long enough to get banned.
go to uni with a popular MLP brony youtuber.
His avatar is very thin but he is obese