Are you going to watch it?

Are you going to watch it?

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I'm gonna watch a 5 minutes youtube clip compilation with all the monsters in it.

Fuck no

no. It's faggot bait and it'll be worse story-wise than world.

It's got fucking [mary-sue-one-character] jovovich in it for fucks sake.

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hell yeah
looks like a fun movie and I like milla

Sure, I love Mila's shitty movies. They are by all means shit, but in a way that you kind of purposely watch them because of how hard they try to not be shit, while still being shit.
Like Resident Evil movies. They are hilariously bad, but the key word is "hilariously."

f yes


I too was born in 95 XD

The only thing i want in this movie is people doing the moveset of some of the weapons.

If they're using Greatsword i fucking expect to see a Lvl 3 Charge.

If they're using SNS i expect them so do the jump or roundslash, heck even the Flurry if they're using the MHWorld/Iceborne as tie-in.

>wanting anything MH for the story
you've already lost

>If they're using Greatsword i fucking expect to see a Lvl 3 Charge.
How would that look like in real life?

This, they're dumb fun. Awful movies, yet I own them all on blu-ray. Great to watch with a beer.

No one said anything about wanting the story. I said it's going to have a worse story than world, and world was fucking terrible.

Of course I am. I'm sure it's going to be a train wreck but it'll still be a fun watch.

I wasn't, but good for you '95 user

Best selling and best rated game in the series. Get bent

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stating you won't be watching them
>follow up sentence
elaborating on why; the story being one of your reasons. you apparently care about story and "faggot" bait"" whatever the fuck that means.

>implying there'll actually be more than 3 minutes of footage

She will


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There's a lot of ways to do it, either being "real life like" or anime as fuck, you could do it just by slightly changing the posture of the GS user or being anime by expanding the muscles while "charging" which i do not believe they have the budget for

My biggest fear is calling it a MH movie because "Look red dragon that shoots fireball is in it" and that's exactly what is looking to be

you said it yourself, i'm a monster hunter, bitch

I actually do like watching absolute fucking garbage as long as it's entertaining, i do sometimes scrape around bottom of the rating to find some trash, so i guess i'll have fun with it.
Pirating of course

>thirty seconds repositioning self
>charge up swing
>charge up swing
>charge up swing
>flipping sword drop onto a pile of explosives next to dragon's head
If this doesn't happen...

yes because mila is qt

>sales and the opinion of journos determines quality
is call of duty the best game of all time then?

Yeah, Milla looks like she having fun with it so it should be at least entertaining on that level.
Not even on a coomer perspective, I genuinely like the bitch and her taste for corny animu action flicks.

i hear one of their staff lost an arm during a shooting mishap and it got pulled off while on a driving scene

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Not with those ratings. There's a reason I mentioned that

>Not even on a coomer perspective
how would that even work. she isnt attractive at all

unironically this, those Resident Evil movies were so terrible and entertaining at the same time, they're "So bad it's good" kino at its finest

It's possible, I need to see some monster footage

Wouldn't be the first time Paul has gotten people maimed or killed.

They better add monsters from the game an not made-up shit

Is this guy going on an adventure with his grandma?

I heard there was someone in the 1950's that got their head cut off on accident off set during a samurai movie or something. Can't find source though

That was during the shooting of the last RE movie.

"In September 2016, during the filming of Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, in Cape Town, South Africa, Jackson was badly injured during a stunt. While riding a motorcycle at a high speed, the 34-year-old veteran stunt performer collided with a crane-mounted camera that was traveling in the opposite direction. Her left arm was amputated above the elbow and she suffered lasting nerve damage and facial scarring."

>probably won’t have any hammerchads
>only monster will be Rathalos because “muh brand recognition”
>that same Rathalos will get killed by some brown guy with a fucking bone greatsword

But yeah I’ll probably see it

Tony Jaa is based. Will watch.

I really love MHW but cheeky post like this make me feel like a faggot for playing it so much and makes me wanna break out FU or 3U

Yes because I want to see the disappointment with my own eyes rather than waiting to hear from others.

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I would if it were based on old game monsters but from what I hear it's focused on world monsters which are all boring as fuck

bing bing wahoo

keep seething

Rathalos and Gore Magala are in, but there will most probably be more

I'll probably watch it in 3-4 years when drunk after downloading a bunch of dumb movies

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>gore magala

Wow that’s surprising. Normalfags will have no clue who that is

>This user post hurts my feelings
Kill yourself


To be fair that was from a demo reel from like 5 years ago, who knows how much has changed

The only way to consume films.


Daily reminder that Resident Evil is the most successful video game movies to date.
Monster Hunter will repeat that formula so prepare for a MH movie every year for the next 10 years

>If they're using Greatsword i fucking expect to see a Lvl 3 Charge.
No, fuck World

In the world of monsters, and humans. Who are the real monster here? Monster Hunter. Find out in theaters near you!

>Wow that’s surprising. Normalfags will have no clue who that is
>introduced in Gen 4
Who really is the normalfag here, zoomer

We know Diablos will be in

No really. MHW is the one I’ve put the most hours into but I absolutely hate the elitism attitude the Worldbabs have for the game. If it wasn’t for the other great games that came before it, there wouldn’t even be a MHW.

Mila wins the final battle by crossing her dual blades and reflecting White Fatalis' lightning back at him

The handler is

user, normalfags have either never heard of Monster Hunter or have only played World. Believe me, everyone I’ve ever talked to IRL about Monster Hunter didn’t even know there were games before World. I wish I was making this up.



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I haven’t watched a full movie in over three years.

>I absolutely hate the elitism attitude the Worldbabs have for the game
there literally is none. Its just nintendies crying about how world is casual and bad and getting rekt afterwards

>Gay sex everywhere
>niggers are the pillars of the community and the only good guys
>whites are the evil
>Females are superior in every way to men and they kowtow to them
>drumpf bad

Before I became a MH fan, the only monsters I even knew about were Rathalos and Kirin. Gore Magala isn't in World either, 90% of current """fans""" will have no clue who he is.

Nah,looks like it'll be shitty & shitty movies bore me to tears.

I will watch it with a friend so we can revive memories from when he introduced me to the series years ago, it will probably suck ass but still be fun

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Fuck this movie, it's director and the studio that produced it.

Those oversized weapons work in games but when you put them in a live action movie they just look fucking dumb