When are minority characters acceptable?

When are minority characters acceptable?

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They're always acceptable, just don't be surprised if I vom in my mouth a little every time some mystery meat goblin starts spouting sassy one liners.

I don’t care about if they are a minority or not. I just do not want it to be a focus of the plot or being a minority be used as a substitute for having a personality. I have never had issues with the characters existing, just when them being from a particular group is used as a defense for bad game design or story.

>reverse psychology
kys sociopath

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i only have a problem with minorities in stories if it really feels like they put them in for diversity points. like if a game franchise has existed for 20 years and they add a hip sassy afro woman in the next installment. or if its a game about vikings and half the cast is black. the reverse is true too, whites in a story set in ancient egypt would be stupid

when they aren't there to satisfy some retards diversity fantasies

considering white people are less than 5% of the world's population, minority characters are always acceptable

>So you'd prefer such characters if their experience as a minority was a focus of the plot
>pic related

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sazh was good character

>or if its a game about vikings and half the cast is black.
name 3 games

When they're not 100% mandatory in every single game bar none

Nothing makes me cringe harder than someone trying to "no u" a meme.

>Metro 2033
>no minorities, no women, great game
>Metro Last Light
>one woman (you get to see her boobs), no minorities, great game

I can see why the NPC in that image is mad because the person in the second panel completely misunderstood their point.

if we're going by world numbers there's no majority

Since female supremacists reject games that don't cater to them, Yas Forums users can do the same with no remorse.

Ok so what was the point then?

i dont remember any because i didnt play them

They just need to fit the setting. If there was a game set in africa but everyone was white, it'd feel pretty weird and off to me.

even if the story was focused on them being a minority
it will always get directed to drumpf sjw shit because of shitty writing

hurr durr lets put set pieces of walls being broken down and be as subtle as a spic playing his bass boosted wetback music in his car at 2 in the morning

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>reverse psychology
It's called a socratic argument

But Resident Evil 5 is my favourite game.

Where's the control group?
name 5 games

when they are a minority

I don't really care, anything no gameplay related is filler

Based settingAnon.

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>be gay
>all gay characters are insufferable fags made by SJDUBBYAS or bara fetish bait

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>no minorities
You're fucking stupid. There are central Asian characters both in the book and games.

>When are minority characters acceptable?
Never, I fucking hate them

the minority character is there for story purposes ie fits the time period>there for the hell of it>there because we need diversity>>>>>>>>>>>>>there to ((((empower)))) the audience who identify with him

baldur's gate
life is strange
mass effect andromeda
jackie chan

wojak poster get out, you are almost as bad as the frog posters

When it's relevant to the story.
For example, GTA: San Andreas, CJ wasn't just black for the sake of it, he was pointedly black, it mattered to the story being told.
If you're just making a character black for dogmatic reasons, I'll give your game a hard pass.

>>be gay

lmao fag

the media has a huge liberal bias, I'd like it to cater to real minorities (because we already have too much brown and over represented queers) like conservatives, Christians, nationalists, cultural tradition loving people, but I guess these would "be" nazis for liberal devs.

I know I am responding to bait
But here's the real thing

>Poorly written characters suck regardless of whether they're a minority
>Most minority characters are written poorly
>Therefor people see a minority character their first instinct is to groan and prepare to drop the game when it begins to preach at them like all the others

Stop making shit characters and nobody will mind

If a game is set in Amuttica it make sense to have your californiann hotpot cast. If it's in the civilized world where the populationn is still >80% ethnically pure not so much

Did you not like Sylvando in DQ11? Guy was obnoxiously flamboyant and still best character

They always were. One day however, people got mad that devs started forcing them and lgbt characters into spotlight roles as part of an agenda. This isn't bad by itself but it was widely seen by many as hamfisted and taking precedent over actual quality or believable design, which is actually bad. This animosity eventually led to hundreds of thousands of actual bigots planting their feet here and everywhere else, muddying up the public perception of where the actual issues are. Now the people crying foul actually are racist and much of the left has become too passionately furious to step off their stoop, though at the end of the day I guess making Soldier: 76 gay out of nowhere or the next BG&E protagonist black didn't really hurt anything.

tl;dr most reasonable anons from over the past decade prolly disappeared or killed themselves out of dispair and have been replaced by cartoonishly exaggerated politically extreme clowns

>A minority
>Implying most places aren't nationalistic on some level due to social propaganda
>"Cultural tradition loving people"

Are you trolling or is this actually a post made by a human

lol at this bait getting a reasonable consensus.
it's almost as if people dislike being chastised in their entertainment products. weird.

Lincoln Clay in Mafia 3 was pointedly black.

When they're a character first. I want them just be a charcter who just happens to black, not a character who is black.

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>the virgin reasonable anons from over the past decade prolly disappeared or killed themselves out of dispair
>the chad cartoonishly exaggerated politically extreme clowns

>conservatives, Christians, nationalists, cultural tradition loving people
All people who don't belong on Yas Forums, incidentally.

Soldier 76 became gay to hide the other controversy Blizzard was facing at the same time with that "female" streamer being kicked from pro team because it wasnt female. Wasnt even trans. Was just a liar that wanted to prove that women got life on easy mode when same dude who was top 200 best overwatch player still couldnt make the pro scene cut

>a game about the fucking Italian mafia
>main character is black
I know this has to be bait, but that's as awkwardly forced as it gets

Don't play dragon quest and not saying fags can be good characters it's just annoying I just hate all those rainbow pride fag

>implies experience as minority is a good reason
What a weird logic

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I don't give a fuck. Whenever I can, I cover my character in armor and closed helmets so I never see their skin anyway

>a game about the fucking Italian mafia
Yeah. They were the enemy.

>Implying most places aren't nationalistic on some level due to social propaganda
It's not due to social propaganda, it's literally an optimal way of collectivisation, leading to specialisation and increased production.
There's a reason the world is the way it is. Stuff doesn't just work or not work on a dice roll. Even society goes through evolution, what works propogates, what doesn't fails. Nations worked because everyone within had a more or less common goal. Leftists think they can work like corporations and you can just fill in any old piece and it will continue to work, but their system is rapidly failing and their communities are literally getting filled with shit. At the end of the day they're getting what they deserve at least. I have enough agency to act on my own bigoted beliefs, and I will reap the rewards they entail while leftists reap the rewards theirs entail, which is homeless people shitting on their doorstep and squatting in their houses. I do not have to act, because I am sure in my beliefs, there is a logical basis in karma, the only true crime is hypocrisy, which can allow the avoidance of that karma.

Actually these days they're all lesbians/trannies

No one cares what you want, reddit.

that's exactly what people think- or rather, companies market to.
representation is a way of enticing people to buy your product as it's relateable to them. there's nothing moral about it.

I'm the exact opposite. I don't care if the character is black or a woman if the story or whatever is happening is interesting.

If the story is about "muh oppression" and "I'm gay" then it's cringe.

whaat?!? You don't like being represent as a flamboiant over the top cocksucker? But you're entire culture is build around that, how can you say you're gay if you don't follow that lifestyle?

when someone uses brute force and manipulation to reshape the culture, then politely asks you to explain your greivance with the culture post-reshaping, that's not them being polite. that's them being hostile knowing they have the full backing of the culture behind them, in order to even approach the subject you have to put in 10x the effort they do so it's not an equal exchange. call them retards and tell them to fuck off, you have absolutely no need to justify yourself with all these paragraph long posts about how you didn't mind cj in gta or how context matters or w/e

>be bi
>hate when straight and gay characters have forced love interests

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If leftists had capacity for reason they would see that that desire for "relatability" on simply ethnic grounds, and all others, stands in stark contrast to their ideals. But they do not.

I mean, should I point you towards the literal constant futa diaper threads on Yas Forums? This place is comically degenerate.

>that pic
If it's done honestly, then yes I would prefer that.
If instead it is done as some virtue signaling woke fantasy where the flawless minorities are unfairly oppressed for no reason then fuck that.

arcade gannon

one day janny will scour your presence from this board
the banwave will wash over you over and over again and you will be weaker after every single resurrection, while the janny messiah only grows stronger from the hot pockets he consumes. His strength will increase with your tears no matter how many times you ban evade, until you life force finally fades

When they aren't shoehorned in for clout.

>devs started forcing them and lgbt characters into spotlight roles as part of an agenda
>isn't bad by itself
Of course it fucking is, that's solely the reason people are mad and rightly so, but you probably are the ones who thinks reasonable arguments is bigotry.

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Who said anything about "want"? You're clearly too new to remember how we used to shit on people like you. How the fuck you people ever managed to convince yourselves this was the place for you in such great numbers that you changed the entire board culture is beyond me. Incidentally, probably goes to show you people aren't a minority anywhere.

Here's an idea: don't make games that claim to be "historically accurate" or "dealing with socio-political" issues. As much as I hate demoman for hard countering me every time I play engi, he's one of the best black guys in all of video games. He's likable, but more importantly, he's interesting (which is what a character should be even if they're not likable). He's got multiple layers to his personality, he adds a ton to the game he's in, and him being black is just a part of him. It's not his entire character, but he's not trying to hide it either. It's a great balance.

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I'm sure the people on top understand they're attempting to stimulate demographics, but the foot soldiers believe it's some ethical/moral good. but yeah, they're extremely blind to the contradiction of pimping out ethnics lol

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>be gay
>doesn't matter because I don't need every character to be exactly like me to relate to them

Yas Forums is unironically the most diverse place on the internet, you just have to deal with it. I was calling those people disgusting faggots here fourteen years ago.

white male developers ruthlessly exploiting the struggles of minorities and women to capitalised on culture war hysteria and increase the marketablility of their games is based actually

>give gays what they want
>still they complain

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I mean sure, this place is plenty diverse because it's a gathering for outcasts, or at least was. Yas Forums is obsessed with counter culture, counter to anything they can currently find.

the counter culture changed. what's mainstream flipped. you're old now, user. unfit for this chaotic place.

So you be saying whites are a minority and therefore always acceptable?

Catering to non-gays/sjws trying to pander to what they think "Gays" will like is not giving gays what they want.
I'm gay, you know what I want? legitimately good video games, fuck representation. make something FUN and GOOD

They literally took a generic Scotsman and thought "this is too boring. You know what would spice it up? If we made him black". That was the entire design process.

Central asians and asians in general are fully sentient human beings unlike niggers or other darkies, so they likely don't count as a "minority" regardless of your opinion on minorities.

That why we have the people that guy mentioned here. Those things have become counter culture, at least in the various forms of media.

There's nothing wrong with them. People that obsess over them are fucking dumb.

>So you'd prefer such characters if their experience as a minority was a focus of the plot
Unironically that would be amazing if it was handled right.

>the counter culture changed
No. Fuck no. God fucking dammit why are you people so desperate to be victims?
I saved this from Yas Forums over ten fucking years ago, before it was lonely incel central, and even then it was old hat. Conservatives have always complained that they're the REAL minority, liberals are the REAL racists, oppression isn't real but if it were then white people are the most oppressed because they can't say nigger, etc. etc.

All your fucking lines were old hat in the 80s, you just don't realise because you weren't around for it and you have no historical perspective.

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