Yuzo Koshiro, Yoko Shimomura, and Keiichi Okabe confirmed for Remix OST

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop viraling this game, /lgbt/.

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There's DLC? What is it? And has the "get it early" thing been confirmed yet or just speculation?

oh wait, it's only 30k


name a game with more soul

some one should give me the digital tier backing so we can help unlock the soundtrack

Maybe we'll get lucky and get orchestral remixes even if we don't quite get 2.25m.

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two side scrolling missions

Should i back it even if i hated my first 30 minutes with it?
Does it really become like ?
I dunno vee

Backers get it early by two weeks and they also get any DLC for free.

from update #15:
>Our goal is to ship copies of The Wonderful 101: Remastered to backers two weeks before the game arrives in stores.

It's harder to name a game with less soul, this powerrangers shit is fucking gay.

Absolutely. You can always sell it if you got physical.


Attached: [Over-Time] Kamen Rider Zero-One - 04 [27502966].mkv_snapshot_23.09_[2019.09.27_22.09.47].jpg (1920x1080, 161.68K)

>he doesn't like power rangers


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You are right, I don't.

>30k to go for the orchestrated songs
>only 1 hours left

not based and bluepilled

I only watch shows befitting a true connoisseur, like Super Sentai

>we're not gonna make it

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power rangers is soulless but toku is maximum soul and thats what kamiya uses as inspiration, get your facts straight

whats wrong with you

it's actually 60k

I'm on the Music tier, so basically all of the stuff. I might have an user locked in for the record, and I'm definitely keeping the full CD and pendant, but the others like the standee and maybe even the artbook I could be swayed to sell.

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It's 55k left

is there going to be an archive to the kamiya stream?

I already own the Wii U version and I don't have a lot of money. Convince me on whether or not I should preorder/"back" this.

Whatever, nothing will make me happier than for this shit game to flop just like Bloodstained did. Kickstarter won't mean the game will do good, it won't make profit because everyone who wanted this turd already spent cash. Hell, I bet the PC port will be garbage.

why is all the w101 oc I see either garbage or poorly drawn hentai

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buy 101 versions of the basic digital version and do a giveaway

Fug you're right, somehow I missed that. Did it mostly to get it early though, I guess getting some DLC free doesn't hurt even if I never touch it. I'm guessing they'll send a survey or something later to determine what platform we want it on and all that?

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what most people don't know is that raisins are illegal in japan, so everyone there is going to jail

>Backers get demos of the indies before the public


my first thirty minutes with the game were some of the most boring gaming i've ever experienced
after that, however, it ramps up, and it keeps ramping up throughout the course of the game
it is so god damn good, dude.

Small fanbase makes for a smaller pool of good artists.
It's why Pokemon has so much good fanart.

They're the same shit you dumb weeb.

It wasn't a popular game

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yeah, that's the typical process

>retarded Yas Forums pleb is blind and clueless

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Haven't been watching the stream.
What indies?

Someone get this man some raisins.

Attached: kamiya raisins.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Note though, PC version physical will be a slip note with a code for Steam while thr other versions will he a disc or cart.

Toku is way too broad and would cover his inspiration for VJ (kamen rider) and GG (ultraman) as well. If you want to be pedantic/autistic/afaggot then yes Power Rangers could be seen as too specific as technically that only refers to the meme localizations and there are differences and blah blah blah, but the inspiration for W101 as a whole is clearly super sentai.

based and kamiyapilled

It's one of the few games that can say "it gets better later" since recruited 101's are permanant, so it gets easier to pull out the 100 sized morphs.

Worth mentioning that the PC physical will still include the case, it'll just be a case with a code slip. It's not like your physical copy is just a paper you'll get in the mail.

I barely have enough money for 1 copy.

>$52.7K needed in 49 minutes

is he drunk? he looks drunk

Half an hour isn't even long enough to really learn the controls.

everyone on the stream is drunk apparently, so yes

how much would any of it be worth even

Drunk on rasins.

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We only need 27k for the ochestra.

let the market decide

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It took him like five minutes to remember Wonder Red is number 001. He's fucking wasted.

2.225 is not the same as 2.25

to reach $2.25 million they need around $51k

>offer ;)

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No, we need a total of $2,250,000 for the orchestra stretch goal. Why is everyone so bad at basic math?

If this doesnt spawn wholesome Wonder Red and Immorta lovemaking art then what's the point


Nothing was popular on the WiiU because nobody had the console itself.

They're not bad at math, they just can't read.



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>50k to go

Splatoon was, but that was a rare case of Nintendo actually remembering what marketing is.


>50k to go in less than 50 minutes

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I wished I could play Splatoon but I couldn't because buying a WiiU felt just foolish.


This stream is so good.

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I'm happy you pledged but there's no way they're going to get within 1% of a stretch goal and then NOT do it.

I have a feeling Kamiya would probably let the orchestra happen anyway

At this point I guarantee they'll throw in the orchestra stretch goal regardless of what the actual total ends up being.


it's 2.25, god speed

We basically have an hour to get the original goal's 50k and we're set.

>40 minutes to get 50k

oh god don't show me the merch you assholes I can't afford it

This stream better be recorded, I need to watch drunk Kamiya


>Wonderful Art

the disappointment in Trollkami

Didn't it take multiple hours for it to reach the original goal?

>already backed at wonder comic tier
>really want that pendant
money isn't an issue but I'm also really fucking stingy, and increasing the pledge by an extra $120 for a necklace is a tough decision

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if you think you might ever want the record make sure you back for it now since it'll never be available again


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This is a Wonder Mexican

We will get an orchestra if you reply to this post with:

¡Si señor! ¡Queremos orquesta!

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Fraser what the fuck was that impression

star fox game for switch fucking when?

Exactly. So the race is even more tense now.

hold the fucking phone
is that FarFromSubtle!?
How the hell

Talk about a scam
Wonderful 101 is a garbage game.

What did he say?

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The Wonderful 101 tier, for $101

I spent four hours on the demo until the game clicked for me. It's really misleading.

Wonderful Music

also double digital with a second account

Alright then, guess I'll just wait for a sale.


i was literally in the same boat, comic tier(at the time of fund) was Centinels Card specifically, i wanted that Pendant but settled with upgrading $40 for the ArtBook

¡Si señor! ¡Queremos orquesta!

>Platinum set the goal low at $50k because they thought the fan demand wouldn't be large
>Now we're at $2.2 Million and rooting for another $50k to reach the next threshold
>There are just shy of 33k backers, roughly 10% of the original game's total worldwide sales
I can't believe it bros.

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I haven't actually played the game so I can't commit to random merch
a backer exclusive cover still sounds nice

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Who the fuck even cares about the Switch? Ar eyou going to play this on Switch? Why would you subject yourself to that?

The Wonderful One who likes baseball was Wonder Blue.


>Digital Tier

Wonderful Physical Game, tempted you jump up to Wonderful Art

¡Si señor! ¡Queremos orquesta!

>Kamiya wants to make Dante vs Bayonetta really badly and still wants to make Scalebound
I can really feel this man got screwed very hard.

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Wonderful 101

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¡Si señor! ¡Queremos orquesta!


God tier name

News first needed to spread then. As a poorfsg without a credit card it amazes me how quick some people are to not only receive the news about the thing they like but almost immediatly drop hundred and thousands of dollars into it.

>36 minutes
>48000 away from that 2.25 goal
Bros, we're not gonna make it

if you want the digital version backing it is a pretty good sale, since it's cheaper and will have all the DLC for free

Honestly, go emulate the singleplayer on cemu, it's worthwhile.

¡Si señor! ¡Queremos orquesta!

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Just a testament to how good the game was that despite its sales so many of the people who played it regard it so fondly.

>new mega64 behind the scenes has kamiya running from his DESK

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Did we at least hit the cosplay goal?

What,t he singleplayer? Really?

>Wonder Yeti without the mask is Arlo's white cousin


¡Si señor! ¡Queremos orquesta!

I wish there was a digital version of the artbook included so I could better justify selling the artbook afterwards

>Kamiya actually pulled Bayo out of Project X Zone because he wanted Bayo vs Dante on his own terms
>Later said he regretted it
>First ever game with both Dante & Bayo in it was a Shin Megami Tensei gacha instead

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Fraser stop drinking beer you're fucking allergic to it


Yeah, we did hit that.

Wonderful Pendant baybee

Probably would've done Wonderful Music if I hadn't already bought the full digital OST back when it was on spotify or whatever it was on

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That's good at least, here's hoping we hit the orchestra stretch goal then.

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im jelly

This will also have the remixes though, plus the orchestra songs if we end up getting them.

45k to go.

but don't you want the remix soundtrack and maybe the orchestra songs too

Yeah. It's a short, fun TPS with a great final boss fight. Lots of optional DEEP LORE as well. The base game single player in Splatoon 2 sucks ass by comparison, Octo Expansion is the actual sequel.

Also S1 has unique multiplayer maps and weapons so fuck you until Nintendo designs to repackage that content in a few decades.


I feel that hard, I wanted the full soundtrack and the pendant but you can't get both until music. I gave in though, for better or worse

I can't wait for Vorrken telling Red he can fuck his sister in HD

I'm lost, how did FFSTV get picked to host this stuff?

I miss Kyle, Deacon and Ben


What are people gonna get this on?

PC for me

Wonderful Trophy
If we aren't able to make it 5 minutes before the kick starter ends I may go back to Wonderful Pendant since $500 for a trophy, CDs, and a Vinyl is something I have trouble justifying.

Wonder Music rounded up to 40k yen

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