Doom Eternal

>"It's bad because it's different"
Imagine thinking just because a sequel doesn't play 100% like it's classic predecessors, that makes it a shit game. Imagine being stuck in the past this much and not being able to just sit back and enjoy a brand new experience of killing demons and having fun.

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Ok boomer

Most of the times those are the kind of people who hate other races and deny the holocaust.
Just don't bother and use reddit for actual discussion.

Any other options?

There would be no point in making in 1:1 with the originals because the originals are still relevant and still receive a constant flow of new content.

I don't personally care too much. Haven't played those new games because no interest. But I guess if you're "hardcore" fan it can be annoying. But that happens everywhere. Surfing on popular names to sell your new shit to new or different audiences

So don't call it Doom. Call it Boom or something.

>make a whole new IP because the game doesn't play exactly the same as the last
You know we went through this whole song and dance with Doom 3.

If it's a brand new experience why does it need to use an old brand to sell it?

And we also did that with Quake.
Which seemed to be successful.

Because it almost automatically means that it will sell more or in the very least means more publicity.

Jesus fucking christ.
You know how Sonic and Mario evolved from 2D side scrolling to 3D environments/levels? That's what I mean by "a brand new experience". It's not always a bad thing. You're just trying to make it look like one. It's okay when literally every other IP does it but god forbid we need to have pixels and midi music in every installment of Doom otherwise crybaby boomers like you throw a fit.

>Classic game does something right that literally everyone agrees was a good thing
>new game does the opposite, negatively impacting the overall enjoyment and in general being an inferior product
This isn't rocket science. Stop believing buzzwords.

Quake wasn't originally going to be an FPS at all, they just decided to make it one midway through development because they decided making this fantasy RPG like they wanted was too much work. It has enough original elements to be its own thing, anyway.

According to you? I guess Doom 2016 wasn't this critically acclaimed, extremely popular game that most people agreed was great and are highly anticipating Eternal?
The contrarianism on this board is tiring. I don't know why I still come here.

>negatively impacting the overall enjoyment
The overwhelming positive feedback from fans says otherwise. Are they wrong to be enthusiastic about Eternal?

>The contrarianism on this board is tiring. I don't know why I still come here.
fucking this

God forbid anyone has an opinion that differs from the norm

You know that there wasn't 12 year break between mario and sonic games?

Its not that its different it's just objectively bad by design.

How do you miss the point this much? I'm saying it's okay for an IP to try and be different as long as it still delivers an enjoyable experience for consumers.

Not 1:1 but it should adopt the same design principles, look at shit like dusk getting it right, id has no excuse for what they have done with these new games there is nothing even remotely resembling doom about them.

I wouldn't call sonic moving to 3D 'evolving' user, more like a total fucking trashfire

I remember when everyone loved it, but now its non stop shitting on Eternal.
What happened?

>using any of that as an argument

Sonic Adventure 2 is basically proof it CAN work if done right.

>The feedback from fans and players don't count
Then what counts? Are the fans wrong?

For me is sounds more cash grab to bring ip back from dead after decade compared the basic cash grab of making a new game every few years. Latter one is more honest somehow.
Just look at what zenimax has been doing with all the shit they have bought. Not my problem but I can see why people don't like it.

>I can see why people don't like it.
What "people" are you talking about specifically.

Already pre-ordered. 2016 was my GOTY.

I'm dulled to it already.
I've been tossed aside by many developers who'd rather design, produce and market their games to a wider demographic.
So what if Doom does it? It's not something anyone one of us Gen X/Gen Y aren't familiar to. We've seen it time and time again, so why should we care that it happens again?

Got a question where else can Doom as a franchise go in the gaming industry? This reboot is going to wrap up with the next game most likely because of the trilogy obsession.

So what's next? A game where you play as demons killing humans (and you could get creative and have humans develop mutations to provide human enemy variety because fighting regular humans get boring). Or what a game where Doom Guy speaks? Basically what else is next for Doom?

I imagine you loved Doom 3

The people hating on Doom Eternal, don't even play old school doom. They pretend to be part of the boomer group to sound contrarian.
Insane amount of people i join in for online doom wad all patiently waiting for Zoom Eternal

We are getting Doom mixed with quake and metroid. And people and on Yas Forums are thinking that is a bad thing. How can you be so wrong?

So what few millions people like it? Those 10 people on the Yas Forums don't. That means, it is a shit game.

>use reddit for actual discussion

>"It's bad because it's different"
no, it's just a shitty shooter made for braindead zoomers.

Thanks for proving my point fucknugget.

>less base ammo
>demons got dmg buff
>you actually can't stop moving for a longer than 2 second or you will just die
>2x more demons on screen

>dumber down.

Also we got Master Level. No way in hell that shit looks easy to contrarians here.

I appreciated the 2016 reboot for what it was, and I really just wanted more of that.

Instead I got some self-aware lampshade-hanging neon-colored bowser’s-castle cutscene fest with a bunch of shitty redesigns to appeal to “nostalgia” and unnecessary “asynchronous multiplayer” features.

2016 was fucking lightning in a bottle, it was a no-bullshit fast-paced game. Somehow Eternal manages to recognize that this was the appeal, but instead of actually BEING another no-bullshit fast-paced game, it meanders around bullshitting going “LOOK AT ME I’M NO-BULLSHIT! REMEMBER HOW 2016 WASN’T ALL CUTSCENES AND CINEMATIC SETPIECES?! HERE’S A FLOATING 1UP ICON!”

Doom 2016 was your cute tomboy neighbor from when you were a kid, only she’s 27 and you bumped into her at a coffee shop. Doom Eternal is that thirsty single middle-aged woman at the office trying desperately to convince you she’s “so into video games” with Cake Is A Lie memes to seem fun and hip.

>Imagine thinking just because a sequel doesn't play 100% like it's classic predecessors, that makes it a shit game.

The important thing is it plays a lot like Doom 2016.


Don't worry, the upcoming doom game with be absolute fucking iredeemable trash

I mean, of fucking course it won't, it will be fun as fuck, get mad praise everywhere and sell like hotcakes, but don't let that get in the way of your elaborate explanation of why its fucking atrocious and the worst game ever and not a real shooter and what the fucking ever you want it to be because its popular and popular stuff can never be good. Don't let anyone ever catch you enjoying popular stuff, you fucking contrarian
Also, because I fucking love you, and for no other reason, I'll let you now dump on me all the infographics and posts and arguments you really want to share with everyone about why I'm wrong and the game is the armaggedon incarnate, I'm sure that will make you feel good
I'm not even going to buy it, just calling you all fucking contrarians a bunch of retards

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It’s shaping up to be a decent game that can’t surpass the 2016 reboot. That’s the shame. It won’t be a total fucking turd, nobody expects it to be, what they expect is for it to be better than what came before, and it doesn’t look that way.

Do you want NuDoom to look and feel like a fucking Doom game or not.

>It won’t be a total fucking turd, nobody expects it to be
there are too fucking many shitposters tearing their keyboard apart claiming it will be
Of course my post doesn't apply to normal people like you, even if I disagree and say "you don't have any proof at all that it won't surpass the 2016 reboot" I really don't care because your opinion is sensible and thus I don't have any problem with it

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>It’s shaping up to be a decent game that can’t surpass the 2016 reboot.
It already did the second we had the dash option.
It already did the second we were given a campaign twice as long.
It already did the second we got genuinely challenging enemies.
It already did the second we were given faster glory kills.
It already did the second we were shown master level difficulty.

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what the fuck, nigga, fuck off

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I don’t really care if it does. It’s ancillary to me. I appreciate the cute nods like recycling the enemy/weapon types and adding keycards back, but that’s about as far as it needs to go. It acknowledges the iconic aspects of the series it’s rebooting, and it’s fun in its own way.

That’s all a reboot ever needs to be. A fun game that respects its source material. I don’t want or need an HD remaster of the original 4 Doom episodes. Not that Eternal is that, either, but I wouldn’t care if it was.

What I care about is that it doesn’t look as fun to play as 2016. Having a more faithful cyberdemon design doesn’t absolve it of third-person cutscenes. Making the doom guy’s armor have the ab-window doesn’t absolve it of having a garish UI and sour patch kids for ammo drops. Replacing butt-strikes with proper fist melee doesn’t absolve it of fucking floating 1-ups and bowser fireball platforming segments that break up the gameplay.

2016 was a cohesive and complete game. It wasn’t a desperate attempt to suck itself off about How Different It Is From “Those Other Shooters” by cramming in every wacky 90s throwback and abuse of suspended disbelief it could muster.

Halofag here. Adding too much superfluous bullshit already killed my franchise. Don't let it fuck up Doom too.

You know, third person cutscenes are a good change.
You can skip them unlike the first person sequences in 2016.

>>"It's bad because it's different"
literally never used as an argument
Imagine strawmanning so hard just because you can't deal with objective criticism that points out all the flaws in the gameplay

>What I care about is that it doesn’t look as fun to play as 2016. Having a more faithful cyberdemon design doesn’t absolve it of third-person cutscenes.

Hey jackass in case you haven't realized Doom 2016 had unskippable first person cutscenes like when you went into Hayden's office. The third-person ones in Doom Eternal can be skipped with a simple press of a button. Explain how that's a negative.

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No no no, you just don’t get it, now there are skills with cooldown timers just like my favorite Hero Shooter! And the UI is fun and colorful and not drab like based Fortnite!

I love video games! Doom Eternal isn’t a brooding, edgy, serious game, no, it’s SUPER DUPER WOO HOO FUN! Video games! There are 1-ups and giant question mark “secrets” because it makes the gameplay faster, and lots and lots of platforming for no fucking diegetic reason! Video games! Rip and tear!

>this is shit bait that somehow wraps around to being good bait because this is actually how a redditfag would think and speak
I shall give (You)

It's just boomers being assblasted, as per usual

It’s wrong for the vibe. 20 seconds of forced dialogue that doesn’t break the pace of gameplay would be improved by a skip button, but not with a bunch of cinematic shit that attempts to turn your blank self-insert power trip into an Iconic Character so they can justify selling you costumes.

Yeah, you can skip the cutscenes. Mechanically, this is a marginal improvement. But the fact that the cutscenes you’re choosing to skip are completely wrong for the game itself in format and style is a worse crime.

You can’t excuse bad cutscene design by skipping cutscenes any more than you could excuse bad combat design by pointing to easy mode. Skippable cutscenes don’t excuse the cutscenes being 50x worse if you actually watch them.

>brand new experience
Glory kills and the closed off arenas were the worst part of Zoom 2016. Change as an end in itself is the dumbest fucking idea.

>20 seconds of forced dialogue that doesn’t break the pace of gameplay
OH FUCK OFF YES IT DID ASSHAT. The biggest fucking complaint of Doom 2016 was having to listen to Samuel's shit for 2 straight minutes and you couldn't do anything about it except wait. It breaks the pace for people not interested in the story.

The original Doom games did this "skip button" shit with lines of text as "story". They're there but you don't need to pay attention to it if you don't have to. I see no downside to this at all.

based ADHD retard. Most of Hayden's bullshit takes place during gameplay via comms you utter moron.

Yeah, whatever you say, shillmcgee. Should've been more in turn with the original but as always is the case, gotta have those stockholder and board member brownie points. These faggots always wanna put in their own little special touches instead of remastering a great classic. Instead of building on top of a great masterpiece, we get shitty diversity quotas, unnecessary unoriginal politics, DLCs, and a dozen remakes of their own shitty intrepretated downgraded version.