Final Fantasy X was my first and favorite FF of all time

Please say something nice about it :)

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i'm playing it right now and so far i like it

zoom zoom

It's better than the remaster

It's a really good game

It had some nice music but was ass

The music is great and I really liked the water theme.
Tidus is an annoying faggot and Yuna is shit tier, though. Still mad X-2 wasn't about Jecht, Auron and Braska.

I have never beaten Nemesis or Penance
I need to do that sometime, but grinding out the sphere grid is boring

its literally the game that fucked final fantasy franchise, the beginning of the end

-worst and very bland character design
-became a "movie" game
-broke the 9999 dmg
-blitzball yikes*
-the story its bad, and the ambiance too

the ONLY and very good thing about ffx is the music, as always nobuo is the fucking man



Easily the best Final Fantasy cast of characters, and best soundtrack. Plus, true turn based was fun instead of ATB

There's like 2 likable characters. It's one of the worst FF casts up there with VIII, XIII, and XV

>yuna crying
>tidus has the biggest shit eating grin

What did they mean by this?

fuck you beat me to it

you must be very young, enjoy your youth while you can. it's a good game, as are most final fantasy games. I replayed it 3 years ago and it stands to the test of time for me.

same. replayed it recently and liked it even more than the first time.

The only character that was really bland was Kimahri. Tidus felt like more of a real person than most stoic tough guy protagonists

Best in the series after 5 in my opinion. Tidus is based as hell and people give him way less credit than he deserves.

looks like the old saying still holds up

everyone’s favorite FF is always their favorite

it's great, i must have played 500+ hours over my life. i've maxed stats and beaten penance around 3 times i thinkk, at least twice. although i only max 3 characters, wakka tidus and yuna

>Played on release
>Lost against Goers again and again
>Played again years afterwards
>Loved it and 100% ps2 version
>Hours and hours into blitzball using the op late bloomers Kilika beasts, Nimrook and Wedge since match 1 (after the forcing them out trick)
>Finished HD last month
>Too old and lazy to get platinum
Might try Dragon Quest 11S after going back to traditional jrpg

it’s easy to tell someone’s age by what their favorite final fantasy is


Really? Try and guess mine. I'll even include all the other main Final Fantasy's I've played in order from favorite to least.

XIII (Never finished)
XII (Never finished)
III (Never finished)

I really like the battle theme for x and the main theme reminds me a lot of Silent Night

I hate this game because I got it from a guy who was trying to bang my hot cousin, she told him no and I asked her If I could bang her instead and she told me no too.

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Should i give Yunie some black magic orbs so she can get a few spells from Lulu so she can attack too?

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Sorry, I messed up here, that second IV was supposed to be a VI

Guess my age.

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Nah, just sub in Lulu

>15 above anything
>8 not at least C

Younger than me

LOL what a turd of a tier.

No rhyme or reason for anything here, you just like being a contrarian.

>Final Fantasy X was my first and favorite FF of all time

this makes me so angry i wish it was bait

FFX baby meme is real

It's also my favorite FF although not my may not be perfect but it's an amazing game that has a terrific story and great game play. Ignore the tards and their shitty opinions. FFX is awesome.

yuna has better a magic stat than lulu (if you take both sections of the grid), give her all the BM and drop the big titty goddess.

What was Tidus' problem?

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I've never needed to, you can just sub in Lulu most of the time, and between Holy and Summons she should have enough offensive power during the times you can't,.

If you're so angry you could kill yourself. Nothing of value would be lost.


ooh, almost cut myself with the edge

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i made 1 too guise

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tidus and yuna broke up
sin comes back to life
tidus head explodes kicking a bomb

saved you 50 hours

Story goes through several pacing issues in the latter half but it's definitely worth sticking through.

>-worst and very bland character design
This is one of the faggots that like overly designed anime lolis and shit you see in tales games

>ooh, almost cut myself with the edge

again, nothing of value would be lost.

>and the ambiance too
It was believable until this

This cover is shit. Should just be the logo.

is there a fan translation of the jp on a rom?

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Speaking as someone who hates X, I honestly love the design of the Brotherhood sword.

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I wouldn't say any of them are straight out bad, the lower they are the worse they were at keeping my interest. I like them for different reasons too, I think it's stupid to rate them all based on what the "golden age of FF" established in the mid-90s or whatever. Though I'll admit there's kind of a power gap between S-A and C-D.
24 btw

>you just like being a contrarian
There's that word again. You're welcome to rate them yourself since it's all subjective. I could give you my reasons for every game but you don't want to read it.

I'm guessing you're 29-32.


23. FFX was the first one you played then you tried them all and found out you don't really care for the series other than the one game.

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28 close enough

spot on

Today I will remind them

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>Better polycount upgraded than Al Bhed, ya?

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Unpopular Opinion: XII is the only Final Fantasy I have played which I haven't been able to find at least one thing I liked about it.

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Is X-2 any good? NEver played it

Its a decent FF title. Tidus and Yuna are among the worst protagonists in the entire series and i almost uninstalled when i saw a character wearing basically nothing but belts but if you can look past that you'll still get an enjoyable story and god tier soundtrack.

yeah the gameplay is good but it's very cringy with lots of 'girl powa!!' and a shit story. it's very unique in the ff series

Its not as cringy as the sort of desu anime shit you might see. More of a woman team wibe to it.

Great soundtrack.
Thats really the only positive thing you can say about it.
The cast is probably the worst out of any FF title with some truly pants-on-head retarded character designs.

Everything but Combat was good.
Hell I even liked blizz alot.
I consider FFX-2 good in a more stable way, with the problem being blizzball being shit, annoying minigames and (though not as much triggered as other people, I never had such reaction when it released) muh girl powah.