What is Yas Forums‘s opinion on Splatoon? I have never played it. Is it too late to get into it? Is it dead?
Is it fun?
What is Yas Forums‘s opinion on Splatoon? I have never played it. Is it too late to get into it? Is it dead?
Is it fun?
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Babbys first FPS
It’s third person tho
Too late to get into.
Who /brella/ here?
It's kino. It's definitely not too late to get into. I still get constant matches.
Shuddup ur onion is bad & stinky
Great concept, very fun game. There are some major clutch moments that can get your heart racing. God damn it can be very fun. But
Music is ass for the most part since they're all just remixes from Splat 1.
Can be very grindy if you're looking for a build.
You're definitely not playing just 8yr old casuals once you hit high ranks. They're all 8yr jap prodigies or neckbeards
And much like POS kingdom hearts, it'll be embarrassing to have on your screen when someone walks in the room.
Octo Expansion is God tier tho you GOTTA give up your shekels for that.
Even tho all the splatfests are done, the game very much so has a huge player base still. If ya don't mind dropping a whole $60 then yeah go right for it. You won't regret it.
i've never seen a such a subculture-centric community that produced such lackluster rule34
splatoon was when the torch was fully passed to furries who apparently will be holding it from now on forever
>Degenerates drew porn of it so it must be bad
Why isn't this same onion held towards kingdom hearts?
Pretty fantastic shooter overall, one of the more imaginative ones not just visually but mechanically as well.
It's still pretty active in ranked and normal matches
>bro shooting the ground takes no skill
>Based user implementing serious evasive skills and obliterating splashdown cuckboy
How are you supposed to counter these things?
How old is this webm? Is it still possible to do that to a Splashdown?
Game's still packed. It's a unique blend of action/platforming/stealth/TPS so it will stay packed until the sequel comes out because there is nothing else like it. Hell, even Splatoon Wii U is packed. The content updates and Splatfests are done, but the game has infinite replay value between all the unlockables, coop (Salmon Run), casual PVP (turf war), ranked, and equipment grinds. I bought it on launch and have over 700 hours. Ignore the zoomers that tell you it's dead. They think anything that isn't updated constantly (Fortnite) is dead.
Painfully so. Splashdown is considered the worst Special because it's so easily punished.
Toxic mist a nigga to slow em down
Keep them in mind and don't get yourself pinned by them. They are kinda like a charger in that you really can't consistently win against them, only play around them in most cases, only instead of being untouchable due to sheer range Squelchies are just impossible to chase down.
Everytime I do that I just hear the shield noise, it depends on the weapon?
They get armored when they start going down, you have to do it quick. There are some weapons that aren't fast enough to kill undamaged Splashdowner, but generally if you have a shooter you can do it with reasonable reaction speed and aim requirements.
Why does everyone think rollers don't need aim?
Still haven't realized they've been nerfed.
Was a good concept
Probably too late to get into
Broken weapons and unforgiving matchmaking are the only flaws tha irritated me, so not really fun
>Probably too late to get into
Justifications? There are tons of people playing, barely a wait for a full lobby, Nintendo puts it on sale often, and they have been advertising it again recently.
very fun, if you have a pc i recommend emulating the first and playing the campaign of that just to see if you like the mechanics. the only issues for me: fanbase is absolute cancer, see splatoon general on /vg/ and nintendo online
>Broken weapons
Meet my friend "git" and my friend "good".
I've been trying, but I can't find my way there.
Still a solid playerbase. Watch videos and webms and decide for yourself if it looks fun.
The ink swimming, combined with getting bogged down by enemy ink, is a very unique movement mechanic, and the game utilizes to nearly it's fullest extent. You won't find an experience like it anywhere else.
The game itself is easy to learn, difficult to master. It requires good reflexes and good aim, as well as good map awareness and good tactics.
The net code is pretty bad however. It's a shame we don't get to see the game on dedicated servers. Here's hoping for splatoon 3 (though not expecting).
>is not a pixiv proxy like most other waifu-heavy generals
>most people are actually good at the game
>gladly help others git gud
>regularly play together
>discuss the game in-depth
>some of the best drawfags on /vg/
/ink/ is probably one of the least cancerous generals on the entire board.
If you don't mind relearning the controls, or if you have DS4/Steam Controller to use gyro from the get-go.
Broken=/=overpowered (though most of the broken weapons happen to be top-tier). Broken means poorly designed. For example, there's no reason Pro, an auto rifle with good range and fire rate, should have faster TTK than a blaster direct that you only get one chance at per second.
>Music is ass
Shit taste detected
>They're all just remixes from Splat 1
Literally only Calamari Inkantation and Now or Never are remixes from the old game. Most of the music is original, with a few songs ported from splat 1 if you use amiibo.
>tfw finally got good at gyro
Acceptable definition, but I won't withdraw my comment. Getting good is always the answer when you have problems with Splatoon.
>Tfw still bad
I wish my chair had arm rests
well then those people are retards, same with those bitching about blasters even though they're garbage at this point in the game
What is with the whole "Splatoon is dead" shit? I still see tons of players. Thought it was a Yas Forums thing, but I see elsewhere too.
No more splatfests, game is finished updating, modern audiences amble off in search of new content.
The problem of blasters is the concept itself. A main weapon that can hit you from everywhere is just absurd.
>What is with the whole "Splatoon is dead" shit?
Relentless, internet-wide, shitposting.
Picture related. This was also the at the time later confirmed height of Splatoon 1's playerbase too. Dudb't stop the shitposters though.
Splatoon 1, ARMS, and Splatoon 2 have been subjected to this hard.
If you do pick it up, make sure to use the motion controls. I used the stick controls since Splatoon 1 and switched to motion a month or two ago, and holy shit it feels so much better. You'll play better and most likely enjoy it more if you use them.
Certainly not dead, it'll have a stable playerbase for some time. The issue is that it's likely not to grow or face a resurgence since there's no more events going on.
I dunno why they don't just make it so they rerun the splatfests while development of Splatoon 3 is being done.
Spla2n inkling girl is still one of the most boner-inducing characters in the history of video games.
Blasters can't actually hit you from anywhere, they are extremely dependent on positioning. And they really suck at positioning. Not only they are among the least mobile guns around (incuding Clash) and have either one chance at a precise elimination in direct combat (oneshot ones) or are just peashooters that don't win direct engagements (Clash, Rapids if they don't outrange you), blasters also don't ink, so they are reliant on their teammates to enable them to have the required positioning. They have to pull their weight entirely on kills, so being better at kills than anything else is pretty balanced if you ask me.
Confirmed retard.
>Is it too late to get into it?
>Is it dead?
Far from it, it takes seconds to find a game
>Is it fun?
Hell yeah, one of the best games i ever played
It is fun and very much not dead
>having to rely on your teammates
Terrible strategy.
None, that's why i said "probably", because that's how the first one went down
>Haha, git gud, just use le meta to at least get out of le spawn
Yeah, you're right, i should just do the equivalent of a w+m1 with the crayon blaster :^)
Clash is literally the single worst weapon in the game tho. It's as far from meta as it gets.
>just use le meta to at least get out of le spawn
Get good means get good, nothing more.
>get to x rank in every mode
>too scared to keep playing in case I lose it
Don't you let this thread die
Don't you lose your X rank if you don't play at all?
Playing just a bit gives you way better chances to keep it.
as long as you don't finish your placements even if you would have placed low enough to fall out at the end of the month you won't lose it
Newcomers get thrown into rank 99+ rooms as the matchmaking doesn't even work anymore.
I've seen poor level 5 sods with beginner gear get thrown into high rank rooms and get murdered non-stop.
You can still find matches in Splatoon 1 during JP hours as they still play it (and JP players seem less likely to hack too). Of course Splatoon 1 JP players are mostly psychic charger assholes.
>No more splatfests
Just wait for the inevitable third installment.
Ah yes Splatoon 3 coming soon in 2026 to Switch 2
Has potential, but it's held back by fundamental issues and the developers' mindset of not letting players have control over how they wanna play the game. Splatoon 3 will show whether or not the series will live up to its potential and become something truly great or if it'll stay as okay with some big flaws.