New monthly Humble Bundle games out.
Humble Bundle
omg so epic thanks and upvoted
edit: thanks for the reddit gold but you deserve it so much more op!
How long until they don't let you pause anymore?
what happened to the actual bundles
Replaced with Humble Choice.
>my friend pedro
>planet coaster
some driving game, no interest
>a bunch of games I have never heard of
so this is the power of nu-humble bundle..... wow....
This time is really shit, this is worth only if you wanted to buy planet coaster and go for the "meh the other shit is free".
Only good game there is Fell Seal
but i dont wanna pay 13 dollars for 3 random indie games
Should have stayed with the classic subscription. You can just pay $12 for 10 games.
Nightwar is great and if you disagree you don't know anything about video games.
humble choice really likes to ride the line between being worth it or not
Two months in a row of actual dogshit
The real question is, why are the non-monthly bundles still pretty good but the monthlies are so dogshit?
forgot to pause last month, ended up really enjoying Frostpunk so it wasn't really a loss
going to make sure I don't forget this month
Pedro and Exapunks are cool but everything else looks pretty lame.
As a classic subscriber $12 for 10 of these is still
$12 too much.
set calender reminders for the last thursday/friday of the month, ez
Battlechasers is good
Jesus Christ. All those literal who games...
This is more reddit than op
There hasn't been a good non-monthly bundle lately though. It's all fucking horse shit programming garbage. Where the fuck are the GAMES Humble?
>never heard of turok
You have to be over 18 to post here.
I've picked up the Sweet Garden one, the Train Simulator one, and the EU IV one. Going to pick up the tabletop one too.
don't care about literally who dogshit indie games
The only good one was the TT one, and most people already had StS anyway. This month is absolute shit, literally only 3 decent games, and 2 of the three are "meh". Battlechasers is the only fuckin' good game here, sickening.
Fanatical > Humble Bundle
Why haven't you made the switch yet?
Fucking this.
This bundle alone beats the shit out of anything I've seen on Humble Bundle in a long time. I just wish I didn't already own five of the games on here.
fanatical is a meme
so strange about it ? not everyone had nintoddlars machine for 5 games 25 years ago duh.
this desu, i've been pausing my classic since december, lmao
This shit is as bad as those Twitch Prime games.
I can use both as I see fit, moron
It's worse.
Imagine using a service ran by IGN
Acclaim weren't indie.
thinking of the table top bundle for sts. played it a couple hours already and it's fun. for the king looks like garbage is it any good?
I was thinking the opposite. Is Slay the Spire really worth $5?
It's the only good game in that entire bundle, so yes, it is.
Again, you need to be 18 to post here.
my first couple hours of sts I was hyper aware that it's predominantly a mathematics slot machine and it affected my enjoyment. not sure how to let this feeling go. the graphics aren't tricking me into thinking otherwise, breaks the immersion a bit
>inb4 filtered
no the game didnt actually frustrate me
too bad we can't easily just trade the two
Bought AI war 2 for 1 euro from reseller.
Good deal if you ask me ;)
You don't because that's exactly that, it's a good passtime at best and treat it as that, there's a reason if it has nearly identical copies for free on mobile.
Slay the Spire is a roguelike card game, both roguelikes and card games are full of RNG. If you don't like randomness then you REALLY picked the wrong game to play.
how do I win in A20, it almost seems a bit bullshit how hard it is
I had fun with it but it may actually be the earliest days of f2p mobile trickery that soured me on anything remotely similar even though obviously there's no pay to win aspects here
Humble Bundle can deliver DRM-free builds.
Yeah, I guess I can see that angle. You could go into it and expect that the game is full of bullshit RNG because you have the free cards and have to pay for the good ones to make it more bearable, when the reality is that the game is bullshit for the sake of it being bullshit.
With all this talk of Slay the Spire does anyone have any keys?
i have my car keys sitting on my nightstand
I actually want them all, the only one I'm kinda hesitant on is Niffelheim. Help me cut 2 from the list guys.
neck yourself
>3 broken slav games
>4 archaic games
>3 indie titles
There's Day of Infamy, which is a fairly recent game. Problem is, it's predecessor, Day of Defeat, has three times the games population.
Based! (what us 4channelers call an upvote. the (You) is kinda like karma too. See how many (you)s you can collect in an hour!)
>1 user with shit taste
Any spare key of 198X?
>[email protected]
Thanks user.
Already pirated battle chasers so no interest in that one.
Turok is gay nowadays.
F1 2019 is shite if you don't have a car wheel.
Planet Coaster seems to be the only decent game and that's if the game is actually good which I'm not sure it is.
Shit bundle, as usual.
Is Fell Seal good at least? That seems slightly more promising than the rest.
It's worth 10 bucks.
stop refreshing.
FFT clone with a few better mechanics exp wise but TERRIBLE art. And I mean AWFUL
>Planet Coaster
Pretty based, glad I didn't buy Coaster when it was on sale now.
Don't tell me what to do.
Throw me a copy of Turok so I can leave this thread
so how do I trigger the $2-3 coupon offer for trying to pause my subscription?
wow, that's a terrible bundle.
i'd love to get ai war 2, but not enough to pay $12 for it.
it's random.