>open Yas Forums to skim through castlevania threads
>alucard is a powerbottom
>trevor and sypha havem't had simon yet
>more filler
>doggy play with hector
>le pucci expy
what fucking happened.
Other urls found in this thread:
>hate something
>keeping talking about it anyway and spreading cancerous memes while at it
lad why don't you fuck off
alucard lived hundreds of years, if you lived that long you'd probably let someone fuck you in the ass at least once too
>trevor and sypha havem't had simon yet
So you're a fake fan?
the show creators didn't have much respect for the source material - it's jewflix, after all - plus:
>hire a famous writer
>he has a huge ego
>he got famous about making an edgy comic decades ago about an obnoxious twat that says "FUCK" a lot
>unsurprisingly, he has had no fresh ideas since then and every single character he writes is a spastic, cursing edgelord
warren ellis was a mistake
>>trevor and sypha havem't had simon yet
it's only been a couple of months bro babies take a little longer than that to cook before they're ready
>alucard is a powerbottom
why couldn't it be trevor the one that likes dick?
Netflix required more representation so we get Alucard and Hector getting emasculated while women and poc characters get more screen time.
He’s 19 in the show.
Wait, so grant is dead? Where did they confirm this?
>what fucking happened.
America happened. Amerimongrel turns everything it touches into Weimar shit.
yeah but that's 19 in vampire years
If you couldn't see it going to shit in season two, with the dumbass GoT-like politics and feminist vampire bitch, then you deserve to suffer.
>Throws a baby tantrum on Yas Forums because a vampire is bisexual
Good thing the Chad Soma Cruz is better.
>there's a threesome but it isn't between Alucard, Trevor, and Sypha
That's the most disappointing thing
>SOTN ported to android
>PSP port
I don't see the problem with Alucard fucking those two. It's a common theme in fiction that powerful characters like vampire lords and shit play for both teams per-say.
>So yeah, in Season 4 of Netflix's Castlevania we chose to adapt Rondo of Blood's story. You see, in Rondo of Blood you play (and I mean YOU play lmao I didn't even touch that shit) as Richter Belmont, the youngest and most powerful Belmont up to this point. But you see, you can not have this power fantasy, that's not what we are about. So later in the story, Richter, the young and powerful male, gets mind controlled by a dark priest named Shaft. In reality his unchecked privilege as a powerful vampire slayer got him in trouble. But we also liked to add another element to Richter's character. Later in the story it is revealed that Richter is actually homosexual and that not accepting his true self as a homosexual man led to his weakened mind state allowing Shaft to take control. It is essentially a story of how getting rammed in the ass is a powerful statement in today's society.
Most wh*tebois take their first dick at 18/19. The show is highly accurate
In that case, he should’ve been more dominant not submissive. Then again, Alucard here doesn’t come as the game version but more whiny.
Source: your hemorrhoid riddled asshole
Here's some actual vampire folklore and not edgy Am*rican vampire fiction
>In the Balkans it was believed that male vampires have a great desire for women, so a vampire will return to have intercourse with his wife or with a woman he was attracted to in life.[5] Indeed, in one recorded case, a Serbian widow tried to blame her pregnancy on her late husband, who had supposedly become a vampire,[6] and there were cases of Serbian men pretending to be vampires in order to reach the women they desired.[8] In Bulgarian folklore, vampires were sometimes said to deflower virgins as well.[5] The sexual activity of the vampire seems to be a peculiarity of South Slavic vampire belief as opposed to other Slavs,[5] although a similar motif also occurs in Belarusian legends.[9]
You what? He literally cried. Hell, I'd have preferred if he was a powerbottom. At least then he wouldn't be such a little bitch.
Because the future of the Belmont line?
All he wanted was frens, but they betrayed his hospitality. how can we fix broken Alucard?
I can confirm, that's around the age I took my first dick.
It’s Christopher first, then Soleiyu. Stop disregarding the Gameboy Belmonts.
imagine watching netflix cuck shit lmao
netflix castlevania was garbage from day 1 and zoomer faggots that comprise most of Yas Forums shilled and did damage control for this cuck shit especially for season 2
Yas Forumsermin have garbage taste
Yas Forums isn't grasping the importance of this scene. Yes, Alucard got fucked in the ass, but after they betray him, he shoves stakes through them. It was a turning point for him. He realised his destiny was to impale, not be impaled. Power top Alucard was born.
>"I will take castlevania and make an animated series because fuck hollywood I won't allow them to butcher it!"
>butchers it the same way as hollywood does
>fixes your show
Hire me Netflix
So that was why someone claimed I had seen the show already. I was just guessing why it happened through the images people posted and how I know Yas Forums always leaves out context.
Alucard might appear to be in his mid twenties, but he was mentally and literally 13 years old at the time it happened. Dhampirs age in nonsensical ways.
No one here is watching this anyway, they are just shitposting
Who ready for netflix DMC where dante is black and gay for nero
>what fucking happened
The show always sucked lmao. People who enjoy this show played SOTN and that's about it. It gets half of the characters personalities wrong and is restricted to 5-10 episodes a season (despite how much hype this garbage gets). If they wanted to do some edgy Castlevania anime, why not go with AoS? Soma could play off the zoomer demographic while Julius acts as the seasoned boomer.
It's a Netflix dumpster fire. Shitposting about it for fun is the only thing it's good for.
It was fun for me.
>tfw only played portrait of ruin
I wonder how many people on Yas Forums went in and thought it would be identical with the Castlevania lore.
I think the first two seasons were "fine".
This is how you meme.
>tfw played all of them including 2 and enjoying this cartoon
You joke, but I actually wouldn’t be surprised if they did make Dante the gay twin
Alucard's cool as fuck but I'm glad this happened because it's too funny
Give him Hector as a bf :3
>in b4 no you didn't play castlevania
>Alucard is gay
The whole "wh*te" shit was fumny at first but 3 years later is as oboxious as any other race shit
I liked it aside from the two chinks in Alucards storyline and the two dyke vampires. Taka specifically had probably the worst voice actor I’ve heard in recent memory. Everytime he spoke he took me out of it. I’m so glad that faggot is dead.
>Oh yeah, yeah. I wonder what he's doing now-a-days
>muh castlevania lore
>shits on SotN fans
>conveniently forgets that the franchise before that was just loosely connected sequence of levels themed around old Hollywood monster movies
Also, if you weren’t such a brainwashed underage retard, you’d recognize that the show hits pretty damn well the right tone, considering all the fluctuation in the game franchise.
>When Konami run your series into the ground so hard you have to take up acting jobs in direct-to-Netflix garbage and do sex scenes with dudes
Trevor is a goddamn gigachad.
Same. Dude is insanely attractive and spends time with two smoking hot women who share his lust for demon slaying and he STILL is a kissless virgin. Dudes been in the closet since the end of DMC1.
>still no dick
>muh castlevania lore
>>shits on SotN fans
>conveniently forgets that the franchise before that was just loosely connected sequence of levels themed around old Hollywood monster movies
what does this have to do with what I said originally?
I only ever played one Castlevania. It was for the PS1 or 2, it was 3D, and all I really remember about it was it was extremely grey at the start and there were skeletons.
that gay
We don't now when Alucard was born, so we don''t know his actual age.
>had a chance to introduce Grant as the captain of the ship Isaac hires
>didn't even have to be a pirate, just a man of the sea
>nope let's reference Grant as an insane "Pirate of the Roads" back in Wallachia
Finally we can all agree with facts that if you're an Alucardfag, you're gay.
Or bi. They still like taking it up the ass.
I don't understand why Konami didnt just adapt Curse of Darkness or something and got some top anime studio to produce an ova of it.
>having sex with a girl while her brother helps out is gay
Hey prostate stimulation feels pretty damn good. Should only do it every now and then though. Doing too much butt stuff is bad for you.
Hey, I'm not judging.
Isn't Grant not a pirate anymore by Dracula's Curse? Isn't he just a thief that wanted to take revenge against Dracula for killing his family? Why the fuck didn't Ellis just make him a regular thief that looks like a pirate?
how do you even convince a grill to do it?
ok marry
>everyone hyping up a petplay scene
>not even that much petplay
I am so dissapointed
post yfw Saint Germain isn't a mister
Thanks, bud. If you're ever feeling adventurous I'd say give it a shot and see if it's for you. But if you're not into that it's cool. It's not for everyone.
You sound obsessed and biased so I don't trust anything you say
Nursing handjob
Ask her. She'll either say yes or no.
>feminist vampire bitch
She clearly acts like a bitch so the viewer hates her you dumb incel
Stop getting triggered over cartoons
holy fucking shit that animation is downright comical
did season 3 get a fuckhuge budget downgrade or something?
literally nothing happened
all the characters are in the same spot they were at the beginning of the season
>Trevor and Sypha are still traveling
>Isaac is still traveling
>Alucard still alone but angry now
>Hector is still a slave but arguably better now
what a mess
Yeah sure, impaling just like your daddy is not revenge at all.
You are exactly right. He was a pirate captain turned noble thief by the time of Dracula's Curse, and he was fighting alongside a resistance group against Dracula.
its going to be weird if she says no
it has fancy fights, everything else is just your average toon.
Either she says yes, tries it and thinks youre gay af that you liked it
She says no and thinks you're gay af for even asking
Best way to get her to think about it would be to put her hand on your ass and slide it into your crack while shes sucking your dick
Seasons 1 and 2 had nothing as lazy as that; it's fucking Inferno Cop-tier
Angry repressed homo Alucard, henceforth forever known as a bumboy, was born.
>the person that St. Germain was looking for is actually Aeon so that he can fuck his boypussy
It's not. Being with someone is finding out what they are comfortable with and what they're not comfortable with. Just ask and if she's not into it then just say that's cool and ask if there's anything she likes in particular. Got to explore each other and be honest about it. And hell she may even come around to the idea if she's initially not interested.
season 2 had this 15 fps animation shit during most fights
It actually got something of a boosted budget, considering all the random 3D shit that doesn't even animate well alongside the 2D animations.