Bowlbo Gameplay

Bowlbo Gameplay

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i can't seem to hit the lowkey

>the leak was real

It's going to be one of those games that if anyone else were making it, it would get shat on to hell and back, but because Oney is involved, everyone's going to ironically love it.

Anyone else probably wouldn't even get this far or will be making faux 8 bit styled games

I unironically love it.



That unironically looks good.

Why theirs literally nothing shown. Other than the art style

This looks nothing like the leak tho

someone who claimed to be a dev on it in the early stages posted this in a thread awhile back

Attached: 1583514779142.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

What are you gonna do about it, pussy?

It's clearly an early version of this part.

Attached: bowlbo.png (912x509, 968.37K)

it looks fun

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It's refreshing to see a 2D platformer that isn't pixel-based for once.

hehe he looks ugly lol haha bowlbo bingbing lmao funny noises heehee hoohoo eks dee

honestly? not bad Oney... Looks fun. Giving me DKC and Rayman vibes.

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Oh that.

this looks alot better than the leak.
what a difference!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第13話「どれみ、お嫁さんになる?」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snapshot_18.21_[2017.09.06_13.13.03].jpg (640x480, 188.18K)

Didnt expect the lighting to be so good

They physics/momentum based gameplay.


Graphics actually look pretty good. The character designs are kind of a shitpost but there's some effort put into this.

>it would get shat on to hell
eh probably not
though its probably because i believe everyone's gotten so complacent towards even mediocre looking indie games because the genre has been littered with overly shitty games

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Looks pretty good. The clay style is really nice.
Someone should go through his videos and make a list on what he would do if he made a game.

Literally BTFO any Game Grump game on his first attempt

I like the Dark Souls inspired visuals

Everything but the stupid ironic main character looks great. Animation on the other elements and lighting especially. Seems like there are talented artists shackled to this stupid concept.

I hope they don't rely too much oneyplays references for humour

But also I really want the mini game trophies to be tomar emeralds

wat wud u do if u got a tiny clone of bowlbo

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>implying people don't shit on Oney regularly

everything about this looks obnoxious as hell, how is this thread not deleted for shilling?


Bowlbo is basically Chris as a child

Surprised that it seems to be a momentum based platformer, but it looks good so far.


It looks fun

its got Mr. Bones chase scenes and will assuredly have Oney's autistic need for interactable objects and environments. feeling positive.

Holy shit his impression of his younger self is spot on.

>haha󠛡h󠛡aha le󠛡l󠛡e its ug󠛡ly on le purpose󠛡!!󠛡!! 󠛡xfd󠛡󠛡d󠛡d󠛡d its o󠛡k because󠛡 its ir󠛡onic!!! xDD󠛡 le fan󠛡ni le n󠛡oises xD󠛡DD󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡

you're right it is funny faggot

Hi Oney

fuck e-celebs

Literally everything except the actual character looks great.
But movement seems fun though

the incel cope

Oney confirmed it was real on twitter or reddit i think but basically just a test for what they had in mind for the game.

there's nothing wrong with being an incel

Nice, another game to look forward to.

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anyone have the chris o'neil origin short he made? he removed it from the internet

the bootlicking paypig

Wow. It looks far better than I was expecting. Shit, I wasn't even expecting this to actually come out.

the incel cope

>tfw a bunch of old animations from new grounds animators has been purged off the internet because the edginess will get them blacklisted and they will copyright claim you if you reupload it

Damn, there’s probably only like a dozen people working on it at most. I wonder if they got fired.

haha he's not really taking it seriously that's what makes it funny!!!!

Why don't you get in your van and go run over some people incel

The artstyle is genuinely good, and unlike anything else on the market.

I love the claymation type of animation when these ghoul things fly

Attached: Screenshot_20200306_173859.jpg (1898x1080, 830.08K)

One notch above shovelware. It unironically looks like shit, but Oney ass-kissers will shit on me for telling the truth.

what is this sexy cat

he is, but the part he's taking seriously is the gameplay

imagine being so retarded that you can't even say an original comeback

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I really hate that "ironically bad" artstyle, especially considering everything else actually looks really good

the incel cope

DD and Julian takes ages for their game then Oney btfo of them in 2 years

I don't think Chris gives a shit about that considering he intentionally says shit that will(and always does every single time) get him cancelled on twitter every month or so, he was probably just embarrassed by it.

They kinda look like the Heart of Darkness creatures

Looks like all the effort was put in to the goofy artstyle and not gameplay.

Twinkelen, one of the playable characters, sadly taken.

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Ragdolling at the end and ground pounding looks like it'll have pretty fun physics stuff

You literally made all of this up

Also Zach voices someone (not the witch)

Can't fucking wait

Chris is a fucking dipshit but he can be funny and this looks fun regardless, his venture into 3D is paying off. I see a straight up Tomba style quest popup titles.
Even the older look of the game reminded me more of Tomba, pretty fucking cool.

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Chris is one of those guys who talks a lot about how games suck now and fetishizes stuff from the past but then when eh plays good games from the past he also says they suck. I think he's one of those people who doesn't realize he grew out of video games, not that no good games exist besides Tomba and the shitty Rugrats game he played as a kid. The result is going to be a shitty game because it's designed by a guy just shallowly copying the one thing from his childhood he likes. I guess people who like Tomba 1 will possibly like it at least.

What if it’s actually just the artstyle? Like what if Bowlbo looks the way he does because Chris has something to say as an artist?
Why are people assuming the visuals are ironic, and labeling them bad ... do people not think about these things?


Yeah you can really tell his inspirations at a glance

Chris is annoying and I don't like him

>yfw Grimbo

do you even know who Chris is? Have you ever heard him talk for a solid 6 seconds?