Bowlbo gameplay

Attached: Bowlbo.jpg (1280x720, 75.72K)

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The quest for bing bing WAHOOO


Looks cool

i wasn't expecting much, but looks fun

faux soul

looks nice


>the guy who seethed about “hi OP!” really did have an early build

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I just realized he has hair and isn't actually wearing a hard hat

>gameplay trailer
I could barely see what the fuck you do, alll you do is run?

what happened

Looks fine otherwise but those characterdesigns are unacceptable levels of nidhog2 bad.

>zoomer Tomba clone
>by Oney
fucking yes

Attached: 81285-tomba-playstation-front-cover.jpg (800x796, 137.31K)

this webm must have been a really early alpha

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Well its Oney

Quite literally who?

I'm pretty sure it's based on Chris, he looks like the kind of person that had a bowlcut when he was a child.

old newgrounds dude

That monster chasing him in the snow legit creeps me out, I love it

found the underage

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quite literally new?

>chris will release a game before dingdong, jeff and cory

that looks pretty good

give dingdong a break
he has PTSD from doing let's plays

>nooo why don't you know my shovelware dude
Sorry not everyone had literally your childhood.

how the fuck did you never see an Oney cartoon?

Because hes a fortnite playing 12 year old.

Looks kinda neat, hard to really judge when it doesn't show much of the level design. If it is like Tombi I'd be down.

The guy who posted it said this was done when it was going for a completely different style

hes either underage or like 35+

seems soulful

Alright, here's your (You)

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You're either under 18 or 40+

He's not that big of a deal.

This is not a gameplay trailer but it does look good visually.

>DirectX 12

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It has gameplay, though.

he's the biggest letsplay nigger on youtube I think.

>letsplay nigger
So, basically, not that big of a deal.

I hope Zach voices a character


ye it was the same for ds2 sotfs

seethe and cope I guess

Looks like kino is back on the menu boys.

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I can dig this.

What about it? I wouldn't trust minimum requirements at face value anyways.

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The lighting looks like shit. It looks like one of those "NINTEDO HIRE THIS MAN" but worse. It looks like Gothic remake teaser. Ew.

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a little goblin character

this actually looks cool. now i just want to see what kind of grotesque enemy designs oney might come up with

i think you might be trying to derail the thread

what fucking gameplay?

the one shown in the video

Maternal parent slappan
Simple as

he run
he jump

>retarded kids are retarded

It looks very cheap, like Mighty Number 9 levels.

Simple as, go on then. Show me ya minge!

This actually looks way more fun and competent than I was expecting it to

dont forget the ground pound


I do worry that we are gonna have to deal with some people in the industry sperging out cause of shit hes always joked around about having no filter. Can already see kotaku having a meltdown about this

Movement looks good, might be cool.

I mean the Irish are on the same low levels of blacks so surely he is exempt from being cancelled

yea they’re definitely gonna bring up all the times he said nigger and faggot as a joke

He also has done this shit so regularly that like, anyone that cares would of been scarred away years ago.

people already rag about him on his twitter. Honestly I think theres a good chance a lot of funny shit is gonna happen

underage's would be the kind to enjoy his shit animations tho.

Never found his "wacky" faces and jokes to be funny.

he's probably going to be the witch

it’s fucking retarded and it consists of him making autistic noises. and that’s why i love it

was disappointed when I heard that it switched from 3d exploration to now 2d but at least it looked nice visually. Hope it turns out decent.

also has anyone signed up for waffle's onlyfans? Is it worth it?

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Seriously why the FUCK is Nightmare Cops taking soo fucking long? It's been like 7 years at this point

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Chris confirmed he is but he's not the wtich. But yeah definitely looking forward to hearing that voice as some funny little character

When was it supposed to be 3d?

yeah but at the same time Chris gives 0 fucks and can't be stopped

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>Purposefully stupid sounding name
>purposefully ugly looking character
I don't understand Oneys humor.

Honestly she kinda cute

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