Yas Forums webm thread
Yas Forums webm thread
Why is every VR webm either made by a turbofaggot or an edgelord that would make even a 15 year old Slipknot fan cringe?
The other one with the nigger was more brutal
>don't show what you can do in games because it offends my delicate sensibilities
Why are you so fragile? I didn't make that game, you child
Also *ahem* FUCK WOMEN
I never said I was sensitive, I merely called you an edgy turbofaggot.
Sounds like you need Jesus in your life son.
Wait, is that her clothes burning off at the end there
>cater to women only
you are dumber than the people you are trying to mock
You sure are upset. Take a breather. Contribute to the thread or leave, newfag. Thanks for the free bumps =)
That's one hell of an ironic post.
It's amazing how that game is like 5 years old and still looks fantastic
looks like an hrt promotion
what game?
fucking pathetic
OK nobody, keep bumping
>installing Skyrim mods
Why are people so fucking retarded?
Because that's the core market of vr, of course
boomer genocide when
Boomers aren't people
Trash webm's.
because posts like these :^)
>calling anyone a newfag
lmaoing @ u
that dome light is going to get uppercutted at some point and stitches will be required
that's why vr faill
gamers are fat pigs
Now, actually.
If you're young and reasonably healthy, the coronavirus isn't much of a threat to you. Not so much for boomers though. Do everything you can to catch it, then do your duty to spread it as far as you can.
That macro just comes off as being written by an insecure incel deflecting his problems on everyone else
what was his problem
what the fuck
Ok boomer
>I hate you daaaaaaaad
looks like you got a lot of growing up to do kiddo
>being a boomer apologist
I don't think there's a higher level of cuckery than this.
hot desu
what an amazon
My dad is Gen X, dumbfuck. How old are you, 40?
>nooooo everyone from my generation is cool and all the other generations are bad
>*fortnite dance*
It's all so tiresome, every generation has its retards. You for instance.
>I hate you graaaaaaamps
looks like you got a lot of growing up to do kiddo
It's not all the other generations you retard, it's the baby boomer generations that built social security systems that are ponzi schemes that are only sustainable on the basis of unsustainable population growth, and are now collapsing because on their retirement they're getting more money than the one they ever generated on their work life off taxes to the young that won't have nearly as much benefits as them since they're gonna get demographically fucked.
I've fucked traps tho. Im more alpha than you.
fuckin zoomers
Look you're not even worth talking to because you're so myopic and simplistic. To think that all our troubles could boil down to one thing lol
You're a puppet, you will always be a puppet.
>being prison gay
>Im more alpha than you
[X] Doubt
Dominating another male amd turning them into a sissy girl is the most alpha male thing lol
Yeah sure, run away faggot so you don't get embarassed at your complete ignorance of the workings of the social welfare systems of most Western countries.
>the amount of seething this webm brings
actually based
you do realize that mafia refers to the jewish mafia, right?
she thought he was air humping her
not an argument.
Only my great grandfather was a boomer, and I never met him. Try harder
is sitting on a washing machine really that pleasurable for women?
The Walking Dead : Saints and Sinners or something like that
wait is this an ad for a mobile game? the heck