What is a man, Yas Forums?

What is a man, Yas Forums?

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look how the massacred my boy

Japanese version completely lacks that part in the dialogue in SotN.

look how they raped my boy

Pic reminds me of this for some reason

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Asian Twink man is whispering in Alucards ear. What's he saying, Yas Forums?

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what has he got
If not himself
then he has naught

A little miserable pile of FAGGOTS.


>have hot jap chick come to room for sex
>her gay brother tags along and ruins everything

Ginger vamp was hot though.

itt: butthurt

The chad trevor
>gets to bone hot magic gypsy woman every night
>actually gets cool fight scene
>doesn’t cry like a bitch
>has loving relationship
>doesn’t take dick up butt
The (non)virgin alucard
>takes dick up butt

An adult male human.

quick rundown?

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I thought Trevor was getting the short end of the stick the previous seasons but now he's the real mvp


Alucard takes it up the butt and cries during the act

In S3, E9 of Castlevania, Alucard is approached and seduced by Asian twins he took in. They're a brother and sister. They have sex, Alucard is sandwhiched, and he recieves the brothers dick after a blowjob

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Alucard takes dick up the butt and cries

>all this whining
>haven't seen the girl once
Admit it, this is just an excuse for you guys to circlejerk over twinks fucking.

those were the tears of the SoTN fans watching their hero get ass raped

what is it with americans and having to insert sex sex sex into everything they touch?

A featherless biped.

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netflix cancer fucks alucard the chad by making him a gay rape sub instead of a vampiric bisexual anal driller

I have some of the girl

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This is just like my japanese hentais

how did they get away with it

Behold, a man

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alucard's rape symbolizes how little konami cares for their IPs

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Fuck Fujos and fuck twilight

>"Man, I sure enjoyed Seasons 1 and 2. Can't wait for Season 3 to come out."

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I cant wait for the Metal Gear netflix adaptation where Snake has a sex change.

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They gave enough money to Konami for their little vamp whore

So a "white" blond person lets "brown" people inside his home and gets raped? hm.

Okay that makes me laugh

>B-BUT Yuri is the fucking best, bros! Amirite!? Yurichads where we at!? God I love girl on girl so much.
Yurifags and Yaoifags are the same cancer.

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Has anyone ever been as based as Diogenes?

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The large collection of low test males that subscribe to Netflix squeed with delight seeing it.

Not a bottom bitch that's for sure
And to an Asian "male" nonetheless

you can't pin this on the fujos, user. we didn't want this.

Guts got plowed in the butt by a big black dude, why didn't you get mad about that?

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Close but not quite, it was consensual sodomy. You just know what type of people write for this show.

LGBT pandering everywhere. What's next? A faggot becomes US president?

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>non whites get into white guys house
>white guy gives them all the help they need
>they want more
>white guy is already giving them everything
>non whites rape him
What did they mean by this?

Really makes you think doesnt it?


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I would say not.

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i dont even care that alucard could be bi i care that he's handled like a bitch

>the badass dude that trekked through 2 Dracula castle's and iced his own father for the greater good is a dude that takes it up the ass.

Honestly don't know how I feel about this yet.

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You morons do realize this wasn't meant to be a positive thing right? The twins basically raped Alucard.
But no, gotta push your right-wing agenda on how we need to gas the gays or some stupid crap.



Guts was a powerless kid when it happened and he was anally raped. He didn't start salivating at Donovan's cock. Alucard who is already established in the games as a turbo chad living wrecking ball, willingly spreads he buttcheeks for another man and tears up like a bitch.

But why though

Fujos would want to see Alucard getting plowed by Trevor or plowing Hector, not some literally who chink

actual good writing

yeah simpson predicted that there is going to be a gay president between 2030-2045

Ceding to one is ceding to the other, faggot. You allowed this.

Yeah, but you're the one bringing yuri up in the first place, fag.

so I should skip season 3 then?

Dismantle toxic male heteronormativity

How the fuck do you rape Alucard? He's like a 99% unkillable supermonster. Unless you've got a cold-iron stake over his heart and already pounded it in 3/4th of the way, he can say "lol no way fag" and then turn into poison gas and murder you.

I'm a fujo and I firmly believe alucard is asexual. I did not want this at all.

You should unsubscribe from Netflix

>doesn't know the context
>complains about it
why do you guys do this?

Consider the fact that the shows fanbase consists of mostly trannies and your question is easily answered.

A Tumblrina's prison rape fetish, apparently.

well atleast the gay twink is in hell for being a faggot

It's only "rape" on the context that the nips were tricking him to lower his defenses, while they're fucking him they bind him with some silver/holy chain and try to kill him

They didn't rape him, they took advantage of his emotional and psychological vulnerability. Remember that he's a teenager essentially. This was probably his first sexual encounter. It's also the most intimate he's ever been with anyone. He's feeling lonely, and dealing with the aftermath of killing his father. The Twins, after realizing they couldn't get him to explain the mechanism of the castle so they could steal it and return it to their master seduce him in order to lower his guard so they can try to kill him and it works out for them about as well as you'd expect once Alucard gets serious.

Someone post the cap of the two of them impaled on spikes like his dad used to do

Can anal sex change the nature of man?

Apparently they're not actually related. Still weird though.

Dumb faggots.

reminder Alucard imigrates to japan

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But that’s wrong, there are people who just like anime and Castlevania, don’t be so stupid and obsessed.

well that makes it 100 less hot

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Lookin' good

>gay boys spread disease and molest children
>gay girls don't
Check out

knowing the show's writer he probably went to heaven for impaling a vampire

It was consensual but their intent was to take advantage of Alucard's loneliness to use the castle for their own agenda.

That fucking filter is so fucking bad holy fucking fuck fucuFDSKFJKDFj

Gay guys are just so fucking degenerate

Just watch some ass pounding online and youve caught up.

He loved the jap dick so much he became a weeb

S3 is a shitshow and Netflix turns Alucard into a rape victim

>Oh right, I have a magic sword

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I can believe this is Diavolo, because his daily life is probably a repetition of shitposting.

Well it turns Alucard and Guts into cold blooded killers, take that how you will.

march 5th will henceforth be remembered as the day alucard was fucked in the ass

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They're both degenerate you anime tranny retards.

Stop acting tough, I can tell you from experience that everyone would cry from taking a dick in their ass.

Why does the West do better anime than Japan?

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One is leagues more degenerate than the other though. Everyone know AIDS was spread by gay guys, that's not even something lesbians even have to worry about.

everyone has a natural disgust reaction to gay guys

is alucard an incel?

Can't wait for season 4 and Yas Forums tears again

Do you want to talk about it?

Alucard didn't even flinch when Trevor kicked him in the dick, I think he can take tiny nip penis without crying

nah is just warren ellis pushing his shitty fetishes

>"traps are not gay"

Maybe next time, Buttigieg quit the race

Wow, I knew there must have been a reason I instinctively avoided the series for all these years. Imagine having your favorite character getting degraded like this, I almost feel bad.

He's gonna become a volcel after this

He was the original "no way fag" volcel towards Maria.

This filter offends me more than Alucard essentially being raped.

Both girl on girl and boy on boy is fucking faggot territory.
Fucking anime tranny apologist. Kill yourselves, faggot.

Already talked about it in a previous thread but basically the new kink of my gf is pegging. And let me tell you, anal is only hot in your head, it basically feels like taking a never-ending shit except it hurts like hell.

Wasnt that a plot point in Hellsing Ultimate as well?

For a bit Maria’s pure heart snaps him out of it later

Whatever homo

That's funny a terf recently bitched about trannies in public she got booed and absolutely trashed by the public

literally the only thing that made me happy was seeing legion
trevor/sypha shit was boring
i guess isaac was cool but pretty boring
vampire bitches sucked
hector being a sub sucked
alucard being raped was a metaphor for the current state of konami

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nigga u gay

The reason AIDS affects gays than lesbians is because the mucus in the vagina protects the woman from infection. This isn't the case with gays doing anal because of the tearing to the bloodstream. Also if a woman is taking anal from an infected guy she is just as likely to get AIDS as gay men.

>it basically feels like taking a never-ending shit except it hurts like hell.
This is what homos like?

Yes, Hellsing's Alucard got it up the butt by an ottoman dude

You have to remember that Alucard is still a teenager in the era of Trevor and these chinks took advantage of him when he was emotionally vulnerable.

If makes you feel better he shoves stakes though their asses in front of his dad's castle.

You mean you let her fucking peg you?
user it's just a meme, why did you fall for it?


so one is inherently degenerate

Why do people say Alucard was raped? He looks like he is enjoying himself in the images on here.

>Season 4: Christopher Belmont accidentally walks into a gay club and gets gang-banged
>Season 5: Graphic molestation scene between Soleiyu and Dracula
>Season 6: Simon gets gender dysphoria and decides to become the first transgender vampire hunter. Cue whipping his nuts off.
>Season 7: Simon couldn't survive his fatal wounds.
>Season 8: ???

Not him, but anal is fucking painful, was raped by my big cousin when I was 4 multiple times, it was either me or my sisters and I couldn’t tell my mom. She took him in because he couldn’t find a job so he shared rooms with me. He woke me up at like 3am and told me to take off my pants and I thought I was getting a spanking but no lube or anything, became spiteful and introverted but I’m a better person now

Only faggot here is you, anime tranny.
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate.

Sounds like you're not supposed to stick things up your butt if it tears that easily.

Trevor and Syhpa are the best part, they got the most action.

lmao faggot

What happened to your cousin?

Nah, that's Hector.