How full of shit is Hidetaka Miyazaki?

5 years and I’m still mad

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he's right, the game looks fantastic even now

Only PS4 is built to sustain such high levels of kino

>30fps and awful framepacing
>looking good
this is what consoles do to your brain

Sony funded bloodborne and game them help with it e

beat me to it. and not even constant 30 fps, which is the most offensive part.

He wasnt wrong
Sony is who paid for it

When someone tells you a game is only possible on insert-random-normal-console-here you already know that he's full of shit.

There's also an insane amount of chromatic abomination, if I remember rightly.

If you wanted it on PC, you should have got GabeN to fund it.

Are you sure he doesn't mean because it's an exclusive developed by Sony?

>sony paid for the game's production and directly collaborated on it
>as part of this deal they have say on what it can be released on
>therefore it will never ever be released outside of a playstation console

idk why this is such a hard concept for retards to understand, it's hard to tell if this or bayo2 is the more pathetic thing to still be port begging about

I’m at the research library in the old hunters DLC waiting for someone to co-op with me. I’d imagine I’d wait less if it were on PC

Bloodborne made me appreciate stable "silky smooth" 30fps. I remember bitching about DaS on PC for having the 30fps lock, and unlocking it got me fucked.

If it was constant 24 I wouldve been happy
Drops under 20 often enough sadly
And over 1 minute load screens if you dont install to hdd
And update to nerf graphics and make it run better
And make loading screen less bad

So this is the power of the PS4... whooooaaaaaaa

Attached: bb.webm (720x480, 1.51M)

It runs a lot better after patches.

still not as good as it should

>explains why it isn't a cross generation game
this is about why it wasn't on the ps3 you blithering retards

I know pc dick slurp all stars start to hyperventilate at the concept of 59fps but there’s no need to be petty

It's just shouldn't be acceptable for the best exclusive game to never receive ps4pro treatment to run at 60 fps

but it is on pc? you can play it right now

>Horrible frame pacing
>Ps4 pro patch never ever
>Kept hostage as ps4 exclusive
Hey at least there's the chance ps5 will run it better, right guys?

>backwards compatible
haah waaw

He's right. FromSoft is incompetent at programming and it would be impossible for them to port it to another platform.

> Bloodborne on PS4 : 30fps
> Bloodborne on PC : 0 fps or 30 fps with huge delay on PS now
Yep ps won

Not for long


He’s right. That game was (also) made by Japan Studio and those guys don’t know what a PC is and have never even heard of an Xbox.

Look at this fucking wiki page and then realize that portbegging for Bloodborne is kind of futile.
I want a lot of those games on PC but it will never ever happen.

Please be king guys.

Attached: be kind.png (1146x802, 64.36K)

>A shit looking game is only possible on a shitty, outdated console

Well colour me surprised.


But that’s not what he said.
Imagine Platinum saying Bayo2 was only possible on WiiU

why it wasnt for technical reasons, there was a contract with sony

> peecucks never stop seething about BB
never change, faggots

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I did, I completed it and since then my PS4 has been collecting dust and was literally a doorstop for over a year. Perfect shape too.

it's actually fucking insulting, EVERY game since bloodborne has awful frame pacing on ps4, dark souls 3 had it, sekiro had it, you can bet your ass elden ring will still have it


>was literally a doorstop for over a year
This is how I know I shouldn't take anything you say seriously.

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Depends what he means. Compared to OG xbone, yes, the game was only possible on PS4 seeing how GARBAGE it runs on PS4 as is.
Don't want to imagine the 720p performance on xbone at the time. PC is obviously a no brainer and it would ve run no issue, even without proper optimization, see dark souls 1

Bloodborne 2 PS5 exclusive confirmed.

>"technical limitation"

I only know ineptitude

Does he mean it wasn't possible on PS3?
Regardless of what you think of the game, that's obviously true.

Umm sweetie, maybe you should go back to playing undertale, this is for real gamers, ok?

what the fuck are you even talking about, die lol

That would make sense if it just barely straddled the line on PS4, but it runs like shit there, and it would run like shit on xbox, so basically the same.

Its just not a problem for well adjusted people.
How the fuck are you spazing out about framerate, what the fuck man, thats so embarrasing.

THIS IS FUCKING INEXCUSABLE :D :D :D for fucks sake man.

>flat earther
>doesn't even understand how his own experiment works

I hope that webm is satire

"Only possible on PS4" Means
>Sony was the only company that paid.

I imagine you would But Sony was the only people who payed for the game.
Maybe if Timmy or Gaben dropped a dime on it back then you could have gotten a Pc version but it's entirely up to Sony now since they own the game.

It was only possible on the ps4 it could have been only possible on the xbox one or wii u too. If Nintendo or Xbox paid for them to make it exclusive for their console. It's not a lie it's just business

>wants minecraft graphics
>still uses lol
Deadass sick of this boomer shit

Obviously he put the vacuum behind the balloon so the air from the balloon couldn't use the atmosphere to thrust itself forward. In other words, you need atmosphere to thrust off of in order to get propelled.

>so you say you can swim 5 mph huh?
>yeah well look you can't move at all swimming upstream this 5 mph river
>that means you can't swim at all *smug face*
You're probably baiting me but for the sake of education, there is still atmosphere inside the vacuum tube, and the suck of the vacuum is stronger than the force pushing the balloon rocket forward.

Literally just buy a PS4 for it then.

Won't exactly matter since Elden Ring is presumably From Soft's biggest project ever and will likely knock Bloodborne into next week.

Just wait for Elden Ring.

bloodborne is one of my favourite games of all time but I'd still love to see it come to PC or ported to PS5 if only so they can clean up some of the aliasing

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>explains why bloodborne isn't a cross-generation game
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that makes it sound like the interviewer asked why it's not on PS3.

I can't believe it took this many posts for anyone to say this. Even worse, everyone ignored it

And also the God awful PS3 tier aliasing

>We're not here to make any excuses as to why we can't do it. This is where we are.
So, he just admitted to being tied by Sony? Confused.

How can there be a vacuum and atmosphere at the same time?

Normal people prefer good graphics to frame rates over 30fps.
Autists demand "silky smooth" framerates higher than 30fps at the expense of good graphics.
Since autists also make unreasonable, arbitrary demands such as "GAME SHOULD HAVE MORE SPEARS THAN SWORDS!!!!" or "YOU SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO ROLL MORE THAN 6 TIMES IN A ROW!!!!!!" and then become the majority of the 10/90 customer service rule. It's better to just ignore you.

>only 1 game last year
Oohhhh I bet they’re finishing up the ps5 launch games/experiences I’m actually hyped for that I love this studio.

There is not a literal atmospheric vacuum in the machine called a vacuum lol.
You're trolling

>dark souls 3 had it, sekiro had it
Just play on pc bro.

What he meant is that other consoles and PC wouldn’t get the eldritch atmosphere and gameplay they were going with in Bloodborne, they only want simpler things like medieval knights and magic. The more sophisticated game needed a more sophisticated audience, that was found in Sony’s ecosystem.

>not getting 144fps on PC
Lmfao how funny can poorfags get?

you need to have sex