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haha boomers are fucking stupid
This happened to me but I actually went and they all laughed at me when I got there and kept saying they couldn't believe I actually fell for it.
20 years later and still have trust issues..
damn user
should've of tackled that bitch and slammed her head onto the ground multiple times
>going to jail for getting rejected
>watching some random person doing whatever in-game is equal to watching professionals trying to beat each others
Unless people are comparing "proscenes", watching random let's play (the ones without optimal strats/build or insightful commentaries) is just like if you go to a random neighbourhood and watch some kids/teenagers/or even dads play football with zero regards to rule. Why bother?
they'll never make a sequal. and even if they did it would never live up to the first games legacy.
Shitty argument. Not everyone is athletic enough to play sports. Anyone can play vidya, so deciding to watch someone else do it is fucking retarded.
We need to return to a time when bullying meant some guy punching you instead of this female-centric psychological manipulation shit that haunts people til the day they die.
both are retarded tbqh
>Not everyone is athletic enough to play sports
And not everyone has enough money to play every game they are interested in.
Strawman comics just make you look like a fool.
There was no point to make here. The only purpose this seemed to serve was an attempt to validate being a less-than-casual stream watching brainlet.
I thought like this until I started getting into vtubers
now I understand, but I hate myself
Then just watch silent playthrough? It's obviously people watch let's play because they enjoy that pseudo-interaction they got from their favorite YouTuber more than the game itself -- and that can't be compared with watching people competing at professional levels.
100% worth it
I know that feel, but except for me it was on purpose. I mean come on lady, if I can't even be a good friend, what makes you think I'd be a good boyfriend?
>Then just watch silent playthrough?
When you're watching a sport, does the camera stay trained on the court/field and coaches at all times?
No, it doesn't, it regularly focuses on the crowd.
Why? Don't you just want to see the people playing? Why would anyone care about the crowd?
>>watching some random person doing whatever in-game is equal to watching professionals trying to beat each others
Both streamers and sports players are professionals though. And sports players are more of a bunch of random than streamers (multiple players vs 1 player).
I feel that
Some people are just meant to be alone, and I'm one of those people
I like how people without friends keep projecting that people watch let's plays to have "fake friends". No nigga it's like watching stand up.
Ripped off a Stonetoss joke. Sad!
That only happens on goals or half-times. Sounds like American syndrome to me.
Others would have followed your example. Your sacrifice would not have been for naught
>not listening to/briefly glancing at occasionally let's plays featuring funny people who make amusing comments while playing a video game
I exclusively exclude streamers because getting paid for streaming does make them qualify for being "pro".
You can't join your national team if you only play your sports on the weekend and never properly practice the fundamental/mechanics; that's the random YouTuber that people seek for cheap laughs I was referring to.
>deluding yourself into thinking you'd be better off alone
If you ever feel lonely, that isn't true. I actually like to be alone, I haven't spoken to my friends in weeks and it's been nice.
it would have been even better if he'd been watch MST3K, fucking 30 year old boomers
>I exclusively exclude streamers because getting paid for streaming does make them qualify for being "pro".
Yes it does. That's the literal dictionary definition of professional.
>You can't join your national team if you only play your sports on the weekend and never properly practice the fundamental/mechanics; that's the random YouTuber that people seek for cheap laughs I was referring to.
Eh, I'm trying to improve myself enough that I'll my friends won't be bothered by me. It sucks be to be alone for longer than a couple weeks.
>That ... happens
That's why I never say
and just used
>some random person
dude. People who don't stream or maybe streamed but don't have sponsors because their contents just rely on "entertaining people" instead of providing values (strats/insights/personality).
The pros have that. The
>random person
I said don't have that, but it's okay to elevate them to the realm of TV athletes because
>"it's pretty funny"
>Sounds like American syndrome to me.
Because there's downtime. No things are happening. Are you that dense?
Oh fuck, I didn't get that the first time I saw this.
Pretty good.
Anglos are retarded, yes
It's more like McDonald's vs. a McDonald's at the airport
>more expensive for no reason
>less food options
Ive waited for this edit forever but lacked the skills to make it myself. Thank you user
Why did she bring the box with her and not the cartridge?
didn't pebbleyeet make the same "joke" but with 1000 times worse art?
>You know this thing that people are going out of their way to make playable for the most disabled of retards?
>Yeah, I'm going to watch another person play it despite being fully able bodied
You do realize people spectate randoms at local gyms and courts, right? What do you think of those randoms?
Men like those dont exist. Neither do females like her.
Sorry, this is the original.
>Loneliness has followed me my entire life.
>I'm God's lonely man.
you should watch Taxi Driver if you haven't seen it, user
Amateur comps, sure why not?
Literal office dads playing basketball after work that trashtalk to each other, why unless you're friends or want to have friendly spar?
>random neighbourhood and watch some kids/teenagers/or even dads play football with zero regards to rule
You're not very bright.
>hey wanna come over and play (singleplayer game)?
what a good friend.
Well if that's all, we don't have anything to add to each other user.
And my point has been proven. I think I'm done here.
We don't need no water let the bidoof burn
Bad news user....
I could explain why I know you aren't intelligent, but I doubt you'd be smart enough to comprehend it.
I guess my fear of looking like a loser in front of the whole class/school is why I never got anywhere with any girl irl in my school period, my only option was using the internet
What about the version where the one guy spills his Coke?
Why not? It's not like (we know) we're going to see each other again.
Fucking hell user this is fucked up... At least in my country we don't have prom so no chance of having a shitty one.
Hope you do better now.
i don't get it
lmao that's not even FFIII, that's fucking II
>Why not?
Why wouldn't you be smart enough to comprehend it or why not try to explain it?
I don't know shit about final fantasy, but if what the boys say is correct about those final fantasy games, wouldn't what they said about her being a fake gamer girl be correct? only casuals of the series wouldn't know something like that
>100% justified
>actually hurting the person that hurt you while teaching them a lesson
>don't end up sperging out and shooting up a school
>probably get out early anyways and record cleared because you're a minor
What a pussy you are.
Do you know whose face that is?
>exposed bellybutton
It takes time effort and most importantly organising other busy adults to be free at the same time to play real sports and it exhausts teh body.
Meanwhile le ebic e-celeb playing a game you can pirate and intantly play without any effort.
>make webcomics solely so you can preach on whatever stupid thing you want to whine about