Why do people insist that there was a false flag in the original?
Why do people insist that there was a false flag in the original?
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Because they feel the need to defend every single aspect of the remake for some reason.
The remake better have something in it that puts a ton of blood on Barrett’s hand. Because a major aspect of his character is his regret and admission of being a full of shit hypocrite.
That his actions ended up causing more damage than Shinra- That was what was so beautiful about his character.
This heavy self realization and morally grayness aspect to the story.
Barrett didn’t fucking care about anyone. The only thing that mattered to him was his vendetta.
He knew he was risking innocents with his bombings.
I also don’t buy that Shinra would do this to themselves.
I mean they fucking dropped sector 7, that in istelf caused more damage than avalanche could have ever caused on their own. 1 reactor and the surrounding area vs an entire fucking plate (and slum though it's not like they cared about the slum)
Also- avalanche didn’t give a fuck about the planet. They wanted to get paid.
See- Barret could have easily caused the pizza to fall if things went slightly south.
Desperate coping mechanism. Nothing more.
They dropped the plate on sector 7 and had no intention of rebuilding it. Midgar is a write-off for them once they build neo-midgar in the northern crater.
>goods guys good
>bad guys bad
we are living in the sjw age. there can be no nuance or grey area.
>neo-midgar in the northern crater.
Where is this ever stated? What the fuck is neo Midgar? Is this shit from the FF7 compilation?
its the biggest installation in the world. this sounds like youre making shit up.
its all there in the original game and it couldnt be simpler.
where did this bullshit about the game always having a false flag come from.
It's from the original game, zoomer.
How do you write off a billion in losses? What bank would accept that?
where? when?
post some evidence.
Pretty sure it's one guy who really insists that the original was a false flag just because Jessie underestimated the size of the explosion. Argues that it was "obvious", even though literally no one thought that before the remake.
I personally like a lot of aspects of the remake, but the story changes are questionably. The story will probably be the weakest aspect of the remake by far.
im playing the OG right now and there is NO mention of Jessie underestimating the blast of her bomb.
neo midgar? you mean that shit that the old president mentions once and then is never brought up ever again? that plan died with him.
I think I recall it being stated that sector 7 was only partially finished, so they may have been planning to scrap the project anyway due to tue city not needing that sector. If it would more to maintain in the long run then dropping the plate on people and blaming Avalanche might have saved them money.
zoom zoom
his son scraps that plan the moment hes in charge.
also- that does not change the fact that the destruction of the first reactor was 100% avalanche.
If no one but the old president cared about neo midgar then why were Shinra still obsessed with the promised land after he got killed?
I think it's gaslighting to make the remake more palatable. Squeenix has done a lot of retcons and has sort of fallen back on "no, it was always like that" as justification. You could sort of play Cloud however you liked. Personally I ran him as a "no girls allowed" doofus, but Squeenix decided the apathetic, sad Cloud was canon and said "no, he was always like that", regardless of how it appeared to you.
They added the thing with the "one winged angel" because one of Sephiroth's wings was black. He actually had seven wings, I think. Cloud never had a wing, that was revised. Cloud and Sephiroth were not two halves of a whole. Cloud was a sliver of a collective and a non-noteable one at that until he overcame Jenova's control while he was in the Lifestream.
Squeenix just has a different version of the game than what was, and the remake is bound to reflect that.
I guess they're working around that in the remake by showing even the upper plate of Midgar is falling apart. The reactor is all rusty and covered in scaffolding. Probably easier to start again than doing costly maintainence on outdated tech.
He still has that heavy self-realization when they're all about the highwind at the end game.
and the remake looks like it will rob him of that character development.
The Turk nigger glows in the dark. You can see them when you're driving. You should run them over with your car.
Why do you think that? Everyone that's played the game says that in chapter 2 most of the cast in avalanche have the realization they fucked up beyond belief.
Some of avalanche gets pissed at Jessie and believe she rigged the bomb to be way more explosive than necessary and Tifa even starts questioning Barrett because of how bad the aftermath of it is on the streets. If anything the guilt will be extreme for Barrett in the remakes because the bomb was a whole lot more destructive than the original. Almost like their own 9/11
Looking at that pic, I have a much better question for everyone: LITERALLY WHO IN THE WORLD WAS EVER KILLED BY AVALANCHE?
We're NEVER told nor shown. Certainly none in the reactor bombing; we just see a fire mushroom rising up in the air and a sudden flame between the 2 sectors, but we never see ANYONE getting killed by it, neither in the original nor in the remake.
At worst it could have killed some soldiers who remained inside the reactor, but certainly no civilians.
Where does all of this "Avalanche killed people too" meme comes from?
>I also don’t buy that Shinra would do this to themselves.
To use Avalanche as a scapegoat and common enemy of the people.
Because as we all know, reactors are staffed entirely by soldiers. There are certainly no engineers or repairmen or janitors working them.
>the game doesn't take the time to show people being caught in the blast, hit by debris or affected by the loss of power so obviously it never happened despite NPCs saying otherwise
Everybody you cut down and shoot
They're not mutually exclusive. Yuo can care about the planet while also wanting to be paid.
One, the bomb looks more impressive because of the better graphics and the greater focus and extension of what was basically the tutorial segment of the origina, this doesn't mean it actually IS more destructive in the story. Two, Barret is going to get over it because it's not his fault and there will be some revelation where he's let off the hook by finding out President Shinra was responsible.
When he should be admitting his regret for being just as bad as Shinra, he's going to be perfectly justified in what he did because Shinra is unambigiously worse than he is.
>the game doesn't take the time to show people being caught in the blast,
Oh yeah, my bad, I guess a bunch of people were parachuting onto the reactor right at that moment, or passing on the bridge that connects the sectors right in that split second that the blast happens.
>hit by debris
What debris?
>or affected by the loss of power
Yeah, I guess all hospitals in Midgar were connected to that one reactor and had no alternative power source
>despite NPCs saying otherwise
Like who?
I guess you haven't seen anything of chapter 2 or read about the game at all. Just keep assuming bro
When you can give me concrete proof that Barret is going to go the whole remake without learning he's not the murderer he thinks he is, I'll give a shit about what you say
making the first reactor a flase flag isnt a good start
So the reactor pumps mako from the deep within the planet right, that means that the reactor reaches down to the surface past the slums. Why couldnt avalanche just enter from there, either by bomb, welding or digging?
>just swim in toxic radiation, bro
>yeah, what you want to do is enter through the siphon and go right into the fucking belly of a reactor
This is why everyone tells you to stay at home while they do things.
>there is NO mention of Jessie underestimating the blast of her bomb
This is her direct text from back at the 7th Heaven hideout after the first bombing mission.
>Hey, look at the news... What a blast. Think it was all because of my bomb? But all I really did was just make it like the computer told me.
>Oh no! I must've made a miscalculation somewhere.
>Hey, that was my bomb's debut. Makes me kinda proud.
That's the part when she comments that the explosion was bigger than expected and is shocked when hearing about just how destructive it was on the news. Hence the "Oops... What a blast. Think it was ALL because of my bomb? Oh no! I must've made a miscalculation somewhere" comments. It's the first hint about a false flag in the original game, as the game never explicitly tells you that, but you can infer it from the wording in the text. The second is the meeting with the President in the No. 5 Reactor:
>Don't give a damn 'bout none of that! This place's goin' up with a big BANG soon! Serves y'all right!
>President Shinra
>And such a waste of good fireworks, just to get rid of vermin like you...
Notice he says "a waste of good fireworks, JUST TO GET RID OF VERMIN LIKE YOU," which doesn't actually make any sense, as it's supposed to be Avalanche doing the bombing, unless Shinra is also using "fireworks" too.
This whole 'inside job' plot almost feels like an original cut plotline. The line from Jessie about how she didnt understand why the explosion was so big as she'd only followed online instructions always irked me in the original. I literally had thought about this shit before they done it in remake.
There's no such thing in FF7. It's got a lot of flaws. Remember how Reno set the bomb that killed all those people in Sector 7, both on top and in the slums? He mocks you doing it and never looks back. You can choose not to fight him at the end of Midgar on disc 2.
Most JRPGs are written in tunnel vision.
Cloud still doesn't have a wing. The only Cloud with a wing is KH Cloud and that's not the same character.
One Winged Angel is Sephiroth's boss fight track and it refers to Sephiroth himself as the one winged angel in it.
Exactly. An active reactor that supplies power from whatever the source is almost guaranteed to be staffed by engineers and scientists too. Not just soldiers. Plus, a lot of people overlook the fact that Sector 1 is shown to be in ruins near the reactor after the bombing and just assumed Midgar is generally run-down without connecting the two, but we're told later in-game that the upper plate isn't supposed to be all like that at all, since life on the plate is described as privileged and "very comfortable." Yet, when you walk through the sector afterwards you see broken power lines shooting electricity into the air, partially destroyed buildings, and rubble everywhere, with people scrambling around talking about the explosion. That kind of destruction is going to have injuries and casualties. It's strange that people absolutely refuse to believe elements of the story fleshed out in the remake, made by a lot of the creators of the original no less, were never presented in the original game in any capacity whatsoever.
FFVII REMAKE will be the greatest modern Final Fantasy game and there's nothing haters can do about it
>greatest modern final fantasy
That's not a high bar
I'd rather save Jessie than anyone else when the plate is coming down, ngl.
>That's the part when she comments that the explosion was bigger than expected and is shocked when hearing about just how destructive it was on the news. Hence the "Oops... What a blast. Think it was ALL because of my bomb? Oh no! I must've made a miscalculation somewhere" comments. It's the first hint about a false flag in the original game, as the game never explicitly tells you that, but you can infer it from the wording in the text. The second is the meeting with the President in the No. 5 Reactor:
its more likely she fucked up.
A false flag for what? Shinra doesn't need public support to do anything.
If you think about it the false flag only makes sense if there was a glownigger in Avalanche manipulating the group and feeding it intel.
If you talk to some NPCs after the bombing, they'll mention damages. However, the most telling is Cait Sith later on, he asks Barrett "Do you know how many people died when you destroyed the reactor?".
Yes they do. Any dictatorship needs public support. If you dont have a good chunk of loyalists in the population, or at least people who dont hate you, you will be overthrown eventually. Why do you think every dictatorship to ever exist uses propaganda so heavily?
>>despite NPCs saying otherwise
>Like who?
Hes clearly referring to people on life support in hospitals who died from the power outage