Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn about to finish installed

>Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn about to finish installed

What am I in for Yas Forums? Its trial version.

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29 levels of pushing 1-2 and 10 of getting cheese for a bunch of faggots


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comfy adventures

you'll probably uninstall if you've ever played an MMO before

Looking forward to it.
Surely youre exaggerating. i played wow before

Just take your time and don't fret about reaching """endgame""" ASAP. The content is piled on high and the game encourages you to try the other jobs.

pray return

If you're playing the trial version you can find out for yourself, retard. It's what it's meant for. At least make your shitty template thread when you've installed the full game.

It's Final Fantasy but with thousands of hours of content

Play it slowly, you can do some sidequests if you want but if you end up buying the game don't really bother with them until you start doing expansions

You cant freely travel wherever until like level 10 or 15

I collect pictures of retards who make retarded PFs

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A single player game with a bizarre glitch that shows you other people playing.

>true north corona strat
aka how to spot shit party

I think its up to 35 actually.

OP, I played the trial a few months ago up till around level 30 and had a good enough time. Stopped cause my friend was supposed to play with me and he never did lol. And a lot of other people I saw seemed to be just going through the motions to level their character as quickly as possible. Everyone knows all the dungeons already so its a mad dash to the finish with perfectly optimized tactics. Guess its to be expected though when you're so late to the party

oh wait nvm I thought you meant level cap, I'm a dumb

You should wait until the next patch because from what I've heard they're cutting out a lot of fetch quest filler bloat from vanilla content because that's where most of the quitters quit

Yeah because of level sync if you get matched with people who have been playing they will pull big in the dungeons and that can get overwhelming.
If you're a tank or healer and say you're new most people will understand though.


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uh oh

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boring questing that consist of talking to NPCs and clicking on items on the ground

Oh noes, the coronavirus has hit Rak'tika Greatwood!

How many Minfilias do you think he had to bury?

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Do you think the Amalj'aa like big asses like fellow black men?

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I'm goign to be real with you OP ARR after story quest sucks balls and it's extremely long.

These are all of them, this is the worse damn thing I've done in any MMO but afterwards the game is pretty great in my opinion other than main scenario roulette but you don't have to do them it just gives good xp.

>ywn play ARR for the first time again


Good. It took me returning to the game 3 times to finally stick with it for 2.5.5 and onwards.

60 hours of filler, then 100 hours of the best game ever made.
Go slow.

ARR was peak comfy all the zones hold up to this day



>this is the worse damn thing I've done in any MMO

you fucking baby. it took longer to get 1 level in FFXI than it does to finish those quests

This. The game also feels lot less like a theme park

Oh god it keeps screeing as I ride it.

I'm playing through stormblood. It's not that great. I don't really enjoy any of the classes.

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Did you fall for the "it gets better later" meme?
You should've quit after the free trial, I'm sorry user.
The game yes, becomes better later, but if you don't like the combat and any of the classes then it's not the game for you.

there's way too many inconvenient invisible walls and a lot of things don't make sense from a lore perspective since nothing from ARR has changed since 2013

You have yours, right?

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>Its trial version.
The trial version is shit, to be honest. It only includes the second-worst part of the game and locks you out of pretty much all worthwhile content.

I guess it's on okay way to get a feel how the game plays (as long as you don't mind missing all of your good abilities which unlock at higher levels) and if you're super autistic it's a cheap way to level all your classes to 35 and get a significant headstart in the actual game, but it's a really bad way to get a feel for what the game is actually like since almost everyone agrees that the FFXIV early game is garbage.

most classes have been modified and changed so much through patches that they basically feel empty before max level
I recommend trying some that start at a higher as their kits are less fucked

Class fantasy from the get-go. Progression going upwards rather than having your toys and content removed every expansion. A pretty good time t b h even as I recall playing the trial long ago. (That was my second attempt at playing. First time I looked at my characters, found it ugly and never played. Once I actually got playing the game grew on me real fast.) Anywho. Enjoy yourself at your pace, best way to deal with the trial imo. Don't let the zoomers ruin your fun.

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No, because my group hardly plays.
I've been with them since SB but now we play way less more. They're very friendly and I have fun with them, but I want to play.
Not sure if I should find another group or stay.

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I miss pain in pleasure playing in Eulmore

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I have 3320 and only finally got into Shiva yesterday. Holy shit the Tethers during Rampart are the worst thing ever, they just randomly fucking explode even though no one is moving.

speaking of Eulmore, did anyone notice that fat cat lady who hover walks in the air? she's been doing that since 5.0 launch.

Well... Not much, the trial lasts until 35 and until this point the narrative is pretty much introductory and and it should until Titan. At this point you will only be introduced to a lot of characters and plot points. If you bear with it, I can inform you the narrative gets way much better starting the Heavensward plot.

nope havent even done normal or ruby, been fishing

That's easily the hardest mechanic in the fight, everything else is a pushover.

>rather than having your toys and content removed every expansion
i love this game but that's just not true

the fact that you need to compare it to ff11 grinding says a lot, it was awful.

Slow start to the story, beautiful environments and music, simple attack rotations.

It's part of the main story, you have to do a bunch of dumb quests to fetch rare ingredients for a feast. Supposedly it's part of your "training"

Legitimately some of the most fun I've had playing through a game. Learning how to play mmos, about the world and lore, learning how to tank. Max comfy

Light Rampant is cancer. Mechanics where one person fucks up = no one else gets to practice are fucking awful. Good news is once you're past Rampant prog speeds up a lot.

That would be because people are too close. You have like 5-6 seconds before they lock in. You need to have everyone at max melee, basically.
Yes, but I don't see why I should be proud of a week 2 clear. Everyone decent cleared week 1.
We wasted 2 days of prog teaching new people lights rampant.

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when did you start playing bros?

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>Yes, but I don't see why I should be proud of a week 2 clear. Everyone decent cleared week 1.
Week 2 clear is very respectable. Especially if you don't dedicate your life to playing the game.

When Shadowbringers was announced.

Mind numbingly slow gameplay and generic FF gather the crystals storyline. The early levels are complete garbage, this game is the very definition of "it gets good later" but later is about 50 levels in.

If you do manage to make it that far class fantasy ramps up to 11 and the story is fucking excellent. And it doesn't slow down, it just keeps getting better from then on.

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You forgot to add "Stormblood is meh"

That's what I don't get, they usually explode sometime between Tower 2 and 3 if the Orb people didn't kill us first.

If you're playing a tank, keep your gear updated. Vendor gear is fine but you'll get gear from dungeons anyway.
If you're playing a healer, your primary role is keeping people alive but you can do considerable amounts of damage in between. Keep Aero up and use Stone between heals.
If you're playing a melee DPS, learn what combos are and dont break them.
If you're playing ranged physical, keep your dots up and learn how straight shot works.
If you're playing a caster, keep your dot up and learn how fire/ice works as THM and learn your carbuncle assaults as ACN.
Do your class quests as they become available. You'll get a new skill by finishing the 15 and 30 quests. After you finish your 30 quest you can unlock your job. Your job gives you quests every 5 levels too, do them because you usually get new skills. Dont forget this.
The MSQ starting in Costa del Sol is a drag. The trial at the end of it is worth it. Keep going, FF is about struggle after all.

Two months after you. I remember playing during New Years' Eve in 2014/2015.

I far preferred the Everlasting Light version of Kholusia to what plays now.

I had a ARR closed beta account. But I didn't start playing the retail game until early 2015

Beta 3, I had little interest in the game but I always wanted to try it, I spent 3 hours in Ul'dah doing Sidequests before going outside the city and as soon as I used my first Bootshine I knew I liked the game.

I wish you could somehow change it, maybe everything will go back to everlasting light

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