Nioh 2 is gonna be the best ARPG of the decade, right?
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Nioh 2 is gonna be the best ARPG of the decade, right?
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>6 days
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>senpai damage
Huh? Still sounds a bit annoying but if all that matters is my main weapons effects then cool.
What are good effects to get if I want to run a glass cannon build since my goal is to do no damage runs vs bosses? I guess I would still want another set of armor with damage reduction shit so I can progress through levels normally.
worse in what way.
Way of the Wise has bosses that come with about 4 effects on them. You get hit and you get maybe one debuff.
Way of the Nioh they have twice the effects. Multiple passive buffs and getting hit puts about 4 debuffs on you if you don't outright die. And about a 1/3 of the time one of those debuffs is sloth.
Just don’t get hit. What’s the problem?
I actually didn't know they have different effects on them, I thought that was an abyss only thing. Is there a list of effects they have on?
Also this.
>enemy uses attack that covers the hole room because it’s a HUGE sword
Can I roll to avoid or do I need to block? Does Nioh have infinity frames after diving?
My 70% damage reduction build has everything a damage build would want. Most of effects that give the biggest damage boosts go on your weapon.
Familiarty Bonus A is about 15% extra damage
+20% close combat damage is a flat +20%
Change to Attack A+ whatever stat you want can be a solid 10% damage boost
Your accessories are where a lot of damage comes from. I have one that is +14% yokai damage and +11% yokai damage.
You want as much +% stuff as possible because this point of the game +50 attack on your gloves doesn't mean jack shit when you have 4,000 attack stat. It doesn't scale up into Way of the Nioh. It's all about those percentages.
Titles are huge too. You can stack a lot of passive bonuses by clearing all those out.
>senpai damage
Familiarity damage
Also, as for progressing through levels, just get the invisibility and silent running item from ninjustsu tree
I'm human, I make mistakes. A lot of the time I don't get hit, but when I do that's where my build keeps me alive. I can take a hit and still survive to pop an elixir.
I always run Kikkawa clan because it cures all debuffs on elixir usage.
dodge has iframes and you only take elemental damage when blocking, it negates all physical damage.
It really was a shame that Nioh wasted its better and deeper (than souls) combat mechanics with shitty and repetitive enemies and boring bosses.
+50 damage is not a lot but you can inherit attack up from gloves to all other pieces, and unless your doing a specialized build, theres nothing much else to inherit anyway.
That +250 is still a solid 6% boost
Man...the 13th can't come soon enough. I don't even feel like playing any other game until my pre order gets here.
I played Nioh before, with 200 hours on it, and did two playyroughs (second one wast 100% tough), with stoping at early levels of third difficulty. Now, I really struggled at the game, and in many bosses, I used summons. And I barely did the Abyss, to be honest. [Spoiler] altough having done on Keyboard+Mouse have something to do with it [Spoiler]
Now, have Nioh 2 improved previous game? How so? Its harder, or easier?
>Not inheriting running speed in everything so you can zoom
In theory i can dodge everything when I get the timing right?
Same. Been some time since I was this excited for a game.
I tried that, I didn't find that 250 attack any more useful than finding a better accessory that had better +% damage on it.
I use my inheritables for received firearms damage anyways so I can hit 100% and negate all projectile damage in the game. You'd be surprised by what counts as "firearms damage" in Nioh. It's basically anything not melee damage. Most elemental attacks are firearms damage and if you have 100% you not only take no damage but they also build no status effect on you.
Date water slices from his swords? No damage. His water puddles? No damage. Yukimura fire pistols shots? No damage and no fire build up. His wind blast attacks? No damage. Yuki Onna ice shards? No damage. Poison and fireballs from Rokurokubi? No damage.
Umi-bozu death beam isn't firearms damage though so it'll still kill you.
I know what you mean. This the first time I ever pre ordered. That's how enjoyable Nioh was and the sequel seems even better. I wish I could simulate time seven days.
>overlevelled revenant gives you 5 levels of amrita
This always felt good
I hope revenant level actually matters in 2.
Sick thanks.
Yeah I forgot about those spells
somewhere out there
there is someone playing it RIGHT NOW
Harder until you learn to burst counter, then it becomes easy mode
It was me for the past seven and a bit hours. Want to know anything?
post proof
actual proof
it'd be impossible to make revenants 100% cheese-proof
Were you able to move this quickly in the first Nioh as well?
That's a webm from the first Nioh, user. You could move that fast either by using a spell or by using gear that buffs your movement speed. That stuff also stacks IIRC.
I said I would a few days ago in a thread but I finally got around to finishing my autistic long criticism of nioh 2 based on my LCT experiences. If any of you want to read it it's on the nioh subr*ddit or I can try to screenshot the text and post it here if anyone is interested enough
One thing to keep in mind is "Running Speed" is your normal movement speed, not sprinting. So you can make your character move at near sprinting speed while using no extra ki to do so.
i was already hyped about nioh 2 and didn't know about soul cores what the fuck this is amazing
soul cores give you an attack based on the enemy the soul core came from. A lot of people compare it to castlevania soul abilities or w/e. In addition to the move tho soul cores also have stats and stuff like gear and need to be equipped onto your spirit guardian.
I love when revenants go into high stance. It makes parrying so much easier.
Depends, I haven't followed the demo's.
Does it promise to have more enemy variety, more bosses and less recycled areas?
I don't care much about "the actual game starts when you beat NG" insane item/level grinding in NG+ and ++ ad nauseam.
>no magic
>no ninja shit
>no Yokai bullshit
I'll show these fukken demons the power of Nipponese steel
Remember Aria of Sorrow soul system?
They essentially fused active and passive souls together and gave you 1 attack of every enemy in the game
Based. I am doing the same thing as well. Made the most average, anonymous samurai face I could think of for the betas. Just a nameless warrior who wants to cut down anything.
Pure 1kat is fucking great.
>Does it promise to have more enemy variety
it has all the old enemies, plus new enemies, so it definitely has more variety
but if you're asking if it has more new enemies than old enemies, then we dont know
all the old enemies also have some new moves
That's just less fun tho. I understand not wanting to use stuff that makes the game easier but yokai abilities and some magic/ninja stuff just add depth to the game if you use it correctly and not spam shit as a crutch or use abilities that buff/debuff
You know Nioh 2 isn't going to be a gigantic hit when there aren't a billion reaction videos to the newly released story trailer from yesterday.
I at least hope it sells 1 million by the end of the year. Nioh 1 managed to reach 3 million copies sold after 3 years, so I hope that even if Nioh 2 doesn't exceed that number by 2022, that it at least reach the same number.
Never understood this mentality desu.
Why not cut off your arm or gouge out one eye, since it makes it "easier"?
Not a fucking chance
But it didn't stopped me from preordering the physical deluxe edition
It really is a shame you idiots keep comparing both franchises, can't you stop thinking about souls for a second?
but what about the Luckbringer Talismans?
It's not to make it harder, I just think it'd be fun to do some autistic RP as Normal Samurai Dude fighting demons
>Aria of Sorrow soul system
what happened to his penis
Missed the second demo chance. Was it the same as the first time?
Autistic is what defines this fanbase, don't be ashamed
No, two new levels and bosses, one is easily some of the best bosses out of both games.
no everything was new
Elvish magic made it even bigger than his normal "big for a shota" penis.
He's truly blessed.
I hope we can get Ryomen's weapons
That sword is fucking sexy and a water bow sounds like an interesting idea.
Well fuck me then. I spent more time playing the first demo than I've done with some fullprice games. At least the release is just around the corner.
Yeah,it's going to sell wayy less than 1.
Better have fun with it,might be the last.
the braaaap emote?
Kill the rat monks that projectile fart at you for a chance at the brapp attack soul core