Wrath of the Righteous

Is it too ambitious Yas Forums?

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No that's extremely based honestly.

>Anyway, it would be best if you also remembered that we might have a couple of people in our studio that worked on a game of a similar genre. Specifically, on Heroes of Might and Magic V. And that our studio is full of Russian people that are, of course, required to play Heroes of Might and Magic III for at least a thousand hours before being considered an adult.
>P.S. Of course, I should note that a requirement to play HoMM 3 at least a thousand hours before being considered an adult in Russia is a joke. Not everyone here is forced to play Heroes of Might and Magic III – you can, for example, present documents that prove your belonging to Heroes of Might and Magic II community, or request a trial by combat instead.

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>Saw update title from people working it out
>Was scared they were making some dumb RTS mode
>Expected Dragon Commander 2.0, where the gameplay was the worst part
>It's a HoMM3 mode instead

Actually based as fuck. All my worries gone instantly. Except maybe that I'm not actually very good at HoMM3...

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Sounds like it.
They're adding too much stuff to work on when they couldn't even deliver on most of Kingmaker's content.
The game's gonna be unfocused as fuck.

Nah, I trust them. KM was fantastic

>was worried it was going to be another DEADFIRE SHIP COMBAT or Dragon Commander
>instead they are getting the gigachads that make HoMM to help out
Fucking based, can't wait.

How Big this Game gonna be?
>Kingmaker takes around 38 GB
The thing with Pathfinder AP is that there is always room for side-quests that revels on non-combat aspect
>Kingdom Building with Kingdom information sheet
>Naval combat with Ship info sheet
>Manage rebellion + Leadership aspect
>Sabotage, city uprising progression
>Even fucking circus management with circus managerial sheet.

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Will they make summons less op in this one?

Kingmaker is good on paper until you actually play it and see all of the massive fucking problems with everything, it promises a lot but actually delivers very little.
At this point I have no doubt that PotR is going to suffer a lot from all these stretch goals, one thing is adding a couple of races but when they want to add what is basically a HoMM game inside the main game it's a massive danger sign, they're massively overestimating themselves.

I want to be wrong and I very well could be, but I don't really trust Owlcat that much after Kingmaker.

Just started playing kingmaker for the first time and holy fuck I'm getting destroyed took me like 20 times to beat the troll kang at lvl 6. Am I underleveled I kinda feel like it.

>campaign about DEUS VULTing demons
>Mythic Paths
>Switchable RTwP and Turn-based on the fly depending on what you feel like
>new races, classes, specializations and more
>succubus wife, snek wife and paladin wife
>and now Heroes of Might and Magic mode for the Crusade
Muh dick.

>all that new shit
>I'm just going to recreate my human cleric

Still sounds fun though.

They already have the engine and mechanics running and smoothed out the kinks and bugs so I think this time round they can go straight into making the game instead, a lot of the preparation work is already done. Plus they checked out the player mods to see what else can be improved on.

Same for me, I'm excited for Oreads and all, but I'l still gonna run Human Paladin. Looking forward to getting angel wings and a halo on my Paladin though for maximum DEUS VULT.

Probably. Not really a goal I'm interested in after how the kingdom management turned out in kingmaker.

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Well, you are getting 3 new cleric archetypes and more spells/feats too, plus whatever mythic. So it's a new experience

Calm your dick user it's not funded yet. They've got 4 days and 130k dollarydoos to go.
Still I think this one's an easy sell. Might even up my pledge just to help out a bit.

The slavCHADS from Germany and Russia and the like are already throwing more money at it, they fucking love HoMM since it's slav kino.

And will they make half orcs not literally unplayable?

Alternate racial features.
You can change Orc Ferocity now

You mean animal companions, right?


>>Kingmaker takes around 38 GB
Really? Why?
That's like more than DoS1&2, BG1&2, Dragon Age Origins, and Pillars, combined.

All slavs know HoMM by heart so not really

Might be. There's only four more days to raise 120 thousand-ish.

>130k in 4 days
>less than 10% of their current fund with more than 10% of their total KS runtime
>and it's the final rush where projects always get a shit-ton more backers
should be fine m8

Most people fight him at 7 (Or possibly 8 if you do a ton of other shit before hand), but Hargluka is a swole as fuck guy.
If you want to not just rely on getting lucky ass dice rolls like you did, then you need to target his low will save and dispell the haste that Tartuccio casts on him. Keep in mind that his weapon grants him Freedom of Movement so paralyze effects won't work on him

It's gonna take too many resources and its development will drag on and on

It wasn't even abusing lucky rolls more like he would always aggro on my heavy hitters while ignoring my tanks, so I finally made it when I somehow managed to get him to focus on a tank.

Well, they're just recycling the system they've already made and bugfixed to hell and back, so that'll probably save some time.

I think just one fanatic autistic slav or two, that worked on Homm5 and played Homm3 their entire life, get put into a room for a week and they come out of polished autistic based Homm3 minigame. It is just adding shit on top of the tb system. I don't think it will take as much work as people inexperienced in the field are saying. Just like with TB announcement, they had to stress out really hard multiple times that this does not impact rest of the game dev.

I'm going to make a catfolk gold dragon paladin, because apparently that's a thing now and it sounds stupidly fantastic.

Just get your tank in his range first. It's usually best to stick him out forward a few feet so he catches all the melee attention, it's no big deal if he catches an extra round waiting for the big hitters to catch up. I'm pretty sure this works against every mob except charge-focused mobs like dweomercats and tigerfolk
Anyway bring Ecundayo and give him that fucking huge acid bow that's' in the fort by the stone troll and his kids, he can sleepwalk through the entire fort

I dunno that's what I tried but he kept changing aggro to Regongar who even with blur and mirror image got 2 shotted.

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Can they please stay away from the retarded gimmicks? This sounds even worse than pf kingdom managment and poe ship combat.

If you're going to be autistic then blame Wizards of the Coast.

poe ship combat was text only, boring as all hell and easy as fuck

Turn-based HoMM minigame sounds based, if only because it forces RTwP fags to play something turn-based

>HoMM3 battles
Okay, this actually has me interested.

Also, have the mystic runes of the next goal been interpreted yet?

Wizards of the Coast doesn't make Pathfinder, Paizo does.

Sorry, user, pretty much every adventure path has some sort of gimmick clumsily crowbarred into it. Suikoden army battles probably won't be quite as terrible as some of the things they could have ported.

There is no way a separate HoMM mini game can turn out well. Should they throw in a mini Doom as well? because that makes about as much sense.

>love both homm and rtwp games
This game sounds like literally game of the decade. I really hope they don't fuck up I'm having a blast playing kingmaker right now to the point I forgot to sleep last night and slept only for like 4 hours.

Take a nap, user. Your mind and body need good sleep to be at their best.

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Let me guess, youre the kind of person who wouldve gotten excited about the kingdom management announcement for kingmaker?

How does adding a turn based army battle minigame in an RPG where you play as the knight commander of an army not make sense?

I'm convinced anything they put as a stretch goal was something they were going to do anyway. Western devs have it ass backwards when it comes to kikestarter.

female ape leading humans

>meet a demon army in the map with your crusaders
>game goes into a HoMM battle
>beat the army
>continue the game

Sounds like it makes sense to me, how else are you going to put the feeling like you're fighting an actual war? Add 10 npcs in the map doing their attack animation but not actually hurting each other?

I'm at work and when I get back home I'll play even more untill like 4am again probably, at least it's friday and I'm stocked on bears.
I have no idea what you even mean I didn't even know it has kingdom management when I started it and even if you hate it there's literally a setting to change it to automatic so you can just enjoy walking around with your party.

you're still gonna have to pick a mythic

This, have big battles homm style and then when you go after the officers or leaders of the army you have crpg style fights. This way you also don't have to do any trash fights in the game at all, pretty much only bosses/mini bosses.

They are promising too much unnecessary fluff with these goals. If they can just deliver a decent, playable game on release (kingmaker is great now, but it was a buggy mess at release) with everything they promised so far its already better than 99% of the CRPGs we get nowadays.

This will be the new Kingdom management you can bet

We're going home, owlbros.

>snek wife