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Dammit, my bro Totodile almost had it.

Looks like a mobile game

yet has better animations than sword and Shield

Thats why she stopped it. Alakazam needed a rescue.

This has some unsettling implications user

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>not FUG coming down from the sky

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SMD was twice as enjoyable just by having his stupid fucking mouth constantly open in every scene
best mon

That's not a very hard thing to achieve

Anons must state their favorite series of Power Rangers or their mothers will die.

Alright that was kinda cool

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>They removed the basic A button attack so you only use moves that cost PP
>Pressing A automatically chooses the best attack to use on your oponent
>Removed friend areas, you can no longer walk around in them and see your team mates
>Increased rate of items and rebuff pads
>A maximum of 8 team mates can follow and annoy you
>Added seeds you eat to Mega Evolve and beat anything
>You can press L at any time to have the game play for you
>The texture and shading choice is ugly and used to mask the low graphic quality
>They are adding Pokemon from newer gens, and the new gens have a lot of ugly Pokemon

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I don't often say this but that is goddamn soulless

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>>They removed the basic A button attack so you only use moves that cost PP
>>Removed friend areas, you can no longer walk around in them and see your team mates
Why tho

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To spite us.

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Kys tripfag.

>A maximum of 8 team mates can follow and annoy you
I don't mind having that but removing friend areas? What the fuck

Maybe I should just stick to the originals

>t. Dev
Your game sucks.

Anything made after the 90s has no soul.

Like you?

lol that was gay... they had to save on animation costs hahaha

I was born in 1985.


I agree with your opinion but Tripfags must be roped without exception even if they are based.

>8 team mates
I know its optional but that's still a lot

I only ask that you dump my remains in Game Freak Headquarters so I can haunt their asses.

>>Removed friend areas, you can no longer walk around in them and see your team mates

Several teammates at once is good considering how you collect pokemons, just that removing area is shit

>the way Alakazam runs
fucking kek, how does the Rayquaza one look?

God that looks like ass. Biggest franchise of all time.

>Anything made after the 90s has no soul
Jesus Christ the state of zoomers...
Fuck off with your le 90s XD shit.
Anything made after the 80s has no soul.

Did these games age well? I remember liking Red Rescue Team when I was younger but haven't played it in like 15 years.

Dino Thunder

Can only bring 4. The additional 4 are for recruits and escort missions.

to be fair even in the GBC days the spinoffs were better than the mainline titles
I'd probably pick this game up if it weren't for the fact that I'm not into mystery dungeon style games in general and I straight up don't want to support this franchise financially in the first place anymore.

man I don't remember, In Space probably?
favorite sentai is ToQger though

the one with the power rangers

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Not to mention that fucking annoying ass messages that pop up inbattle. like fuck off i dont wanna see that shit it distracts the shit out of me, at least make it toggable

This is so dorky that it's kind of cute.

Do you think that's some sort of magical phrase that completely dismiss anything from criticism or something?

They're entry level rouguelites. If you know that's what you're in for, it's fine.

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Power Rangers is an abomination.


Wild force

looks pretty bad but even this is a huge step up from sword/shield, hope they keep up the pace. maybe there's hope for this franchise yet

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why is the Godzilla pokemon the same size as a puppy

>removed basic attack
What the hell

ttar is only 6 ft tall

The sad part is this is more than I usually expect from Pokemon animation wise.


>Removed friend areas, you can no longer walk around in them and see your team mates
The worst part of all those changes. Walking around and seeing all the Pokémon you recruited was so comfy. Does that mean all the music from friend areas is gone too?

Kamen rider Fourze or W, because fuck you.

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Damn, I kinda wanna get this now

The OG with my boi Tommy

If that took any effort at all to accomplish you'd have a point.

>still vividly remember running around the squirtle friend area while this played

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it's in the ost which i'm loving so far
mt. blaze remix is the only real stinker for me

ninja storm or die nigga

This has to be the most soulless, bland shit ever.

How is Pokémon fucking bad?
The most popular series on the planet and everything from it is low tier.

Because it's not, you're just a seething faggot

Nah it's pretty cool and soulful

Nah, it's low tier.
I think I know what I'm talking about.

I only cared about the first group. The one that eventually got the green/white ranger. I loved that show so much when I was a child.

Dino Thunder.

He's right. It's shit.