Amnesia Sequel

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Can’t wait for more retarded hide and seek horror with no weapons!

fuck yeah this is gonna be kino. actual follow up to TDD with the actual team and not a third party like AMFP

Aw yeah

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Amnesia is boring as hell, survival horror you can always fight back.

kinda saw this coming desu, there was a teaser poem released by Frictional that mentioned the environment Daniel saw when he touched the orb in TDD

I hope it’s spoopy mummies in a pyramid. Daniel’s diaries always made me think an Egypt setting would work well for the game.

I was hoping for something new, like SOMA.

Sometimes you wanna see if you can outwit the enemy not just blast it away.

>femoid protag

Aaaaand dropped.

trailer looks like shit

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As much as Machine for Pigs sucked, getting away from "muh dark magic aliens" was the best idea to hit the devs. Kind of a shame this one looks like we're going backwards, home to aliens and pyramids. Not much mystery. Penumbra died from the same condition.

Do people really enjoy playing hours of hide and seek with a jumpscare at the end?

banging body and a cute face, shame about the tattoo

Yea man gotta agree. IF she talks to much (Which chances are she will cause fucking femoids aleays talk to much) then its a no for me. That would ruin my Horror experience

>outwit the enemy
By hiding in a closet which causes it to forget you exist and walk off.
And "running" a lap around the room at a brisk 2MPH so you have half a minute to do a lever pulling puzzle where it decides it's lost so it leaves until the next room.

Amnesia Justine already had that and it was the scariest shit they have ever made, whats your problem incel


I'm interested in seeing how they will innovate the gameplay. At least I hope they will try and actually do it. As well as better puzzles.

Literally no area in Amnesia is like that retard. Please play the game.

That’s called outwitting the enemy retard, quit trying to simplify shit to sound smart and contrarian.

>No weapons
>Hide and seek
>Walking sim

Pure soi horror

>if you play a FPS all you need to do is click their heads to win
this is how retarded you sound

based af. Can't wait to pirate this turd and laugh over every soulless chasing sequence

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Amnesia has almost no scripted chase sequences like Outlast 2. Cope.

This game could potentially be better than the first. Thomas Grip understood the critique of the first game being a walking sim. He wants to stray away from that with this one.

Except that’s what it is lol.

Is this what they were teasing before or are they working on 2 seperate games?
As long as it has some actual mechanics, inventory, object manipulation and resource management like oil, sanity etc. it could be nice.

you're a fucking retard, op

Based, fuck Amnesia for killing the horror genre for 2 entire generations.

Amnesia was good, the copycats that came afterwards are what killed the genre.

It sounds more like Penumbra.
Why are they calling it Amnesia?

These hide and seek sims can't be scary by default, because there must always be some kind of hiding spot nearby.
Weapons and ammo/item management is what makes a good horror game.

Unironically play Alien Isolation if this shit bothers you.

A lot of times there isn’t an obvious hiding spot though. Games like SOMA that came after amnesia force you to get creative.

>not from the chinese room idiots that made a machine for pigs
fucking based
hell yes

>Item management is what makes good horror.

Amnesia has item management

machine for pigs wasnt made by the people who made dark descent

>ip count
>post count
what's with the samefags?

>Games that have weapons can’t be scary because there’s always ammo or a way to kill them.

See the logic here?

hello newfag
you see, there's this thing called replying and conversation
not every poster drops in, drops a post, then leaves

please lurk more before posting again

>tattoos bad
why are you talking as if you have a choice?

There's 40 posts, not hard to see for yourself isn't 20 posts of conversation.

Hope it retains the adventure aspects of the original

Hope it has good puzzles and not just walking

26 posters with 43 posts
Half are replies
You’re a fucking mong

>in b4 pic looks like a phallus

amnesia was scary for about an hour then the unique encounters(like the hallway w/ the water) stop and you realize that monster will despawn after 5 seconds of hiding.

Also, since all you can ever do is run, there is never any question or hesitation on what the solution to a problem is. Other horror games manage to be scarier because there’s the uncertainty of if you should use resources to kill this enemy, or run. Amnesia you immediately know you just gotta run to a closest and the clarity of action is detrimental to the horror element. The only resource in the game is fuel for the lantern, which isn’t that scarce, and all the latent does is prevent bugs from crawling around on your screen.

Shit even dying can actually be a better way to progress since it t will also often despawn or move the monster. Game is just a series of triggers to spawn the monster and despawn 5 seconds later, and it feels like it t, rather than a sense of the monster always there always following.

Shit game that owes its popularity to the massive amount of awful “OH SHIT A BAG OF MILKY WAYS” streamers that pretended to be super scared for easy youtube hits

fuck amnesia it was just as bad as machine for pigs, the original just tried a little harder to create the illusion there was gameplay

monster despawns only in a few setpieces earlier in the game dude

False. literally every encounter with the monster can be despawned by hiding.

>50 posts
>30 IPs
>literally less than 2 posts per person
What the FUCK are you even seething about?
You yourself have already made 2 posts in this thread which is above the average, and the seething reply you're about to make to my post will put your post count at 3.

>tease new mechanic and ressourcing your sanity
>one of the teasers mentions something clawing behind their retinas or whatever
>announcement shows shadowy effects when the player looks low on sanity

I bet you starts taking damage when youre low on sanity in this one. Thoughts?

Literally the exact same thing could be said for all other horror games. You only hate it because of ecelebs.

looks like they wanted to make a pnumbra sequal but were scared to use anything but the AMNESIA tagline.

go play pnumbra

The creators have long since acknowledged the problems with the first game. This will be straying away from that.

I wonder what the setting is.

She didn't talk much. Thats why tard

I tried that extreamly hard difficulty on Amnesia1 and attempted to speed run it. Turns out having fucked up sanity for a short period would kill you so that's a posibility

Nice, save me from Bloober Team.

>female protag
So sick of this tranny agenda nonsense.

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