There already was a sequel.
>5 years later
>graphics much worse than Soma
what about frictional other game
I AM something?
>walking simulator
>no guns or weapons to defend yourself from the monsters
>relying on their meme IP which was shit and only praised by low IQ subhumans because pewdiepie faked being scared of it
I give a flying fuck about hide and seek simulators. I'd rather a real horror game with combat.
A Machine for Pigs was developed by a different studio and was overall an absolute fucking mistake of a game.
What a shame, I thought they'd come up with something new and original, Soma was way better than amnesia
>female protag
don't care
frictional games
>I give a flying fuck about hide and seek simulators
What, Surely you mean "I don't give a flying fuck"?
I like the alien shit in Penumbra better
slow burn gut wrenching etc.
>Fuckall info
>Yas Forumseddit already hates it
Like clockwork
he meant he obviously gives a fuck since he posted in this thread
What if its a SEXY female protag?
can't wait
>no guns or weapons to defend yourself from the monsters
That's what ultimately ruined Amnesia for me. Sure, they try to create panic and atmosphere by making running and hiding only options, but once a monster kills you for the first time all the tension is gone since simple stealth and running doesn't really require much planning and skill.
Back to discord you go
first game was pretty nice but I like the penumbra games more
All three of their IP's give a different flavour of kino.
Penumbra=Illuminati/alien kino
Amnesia=Lovecraft kino
Soma=existentialism kino
Doesn’t make a difference unless you’re a cuck
>Another shitty walking sim horror game
I just want a normal good horror game. This is legit all that comes out because it's fucking easy to make and retards will buy it.
Rebirth seems to be alien, though
> Hides the enemy the entire game
> Never actually is able to attack you/kill you
Has no replayability because of this, i was so annoyed by how poor it was.
these walking sim horror games are fucking awful
>see monster
>run and hide
>monster just forgets I exist
>continue doing stuff like before until it's time to hide again
who the fuck likes this trash
Wasn't the guy in Dark Descent coming back from an expedition in Egypt ?
play resident evil then you fucking retard
Yep this shit is beyond overdone now. Amnesia was good for its time because the hide and seek/run and hide horror was new. Its shit now. What sticks out to me the most out of the horror genre is fighting enemies in Silent Hill. The soundtrack trying to deafen you, the industrial noises unsettling me while the radio static is going crazy. Swinging my weapon at the enemy and missing or to see another approaching. Horror and combat can work together beautifully.
um actually it was because of day9 streaming it
It was a teaser for this
oh yeah
architecture looks sort of Giger alien
I liked it, although I only ever did the first room now that I think about it, having the 2 easy outs but also the option of stacking crates for the best result was cool
From the thumbnail that entrance looks like a penis.
So is it an actual continuation of the story or just a thematic sequel with the same amnesia and fear of darkness?
>more walking sims
These hack fags haven't made a good game since Penumbra BP.
>cult classic
You mean the game that kicked off the careers of many of the most prominent Ecelebs today?
I don't like them either but come on.
Aww shit mummies gonfirmed.
Is based Frictional bringing back Egyptian horror?
>more running and hiding
i think i'll pass
Who let all these Amnesia cucks in? Game is trash and so are you faggot zoomers with your ecelebs.
Ehh i was hoping for more sci-fi maybe but oh well, Amnesia was good too so i'll take it
They have one other title in production as well.
There was one section where teleporting pigs could actually hurt you, but yeah, this whole game was hit.
First game was a massive piece of shit and revealed there really is no potential in the penumbra walking-sim horror style game. It became a meme thanks you youtuber reaction videos.
What if it's a SEXY trap protag?
Unexpected, I never thought they would come back to the amnesia series. I'm a bit disappointed honestly, I really hope it will be significantly different form TDD.
The dark descent is a masterpiece but the replayability is bad since it's a "fear of the unknown" game. Nowadays, players know how that kind of game works, therefore frictional games have to rethink their mechanics if they want to reproduce what they did with The dark descent.
Amnesia was boring. Bring back Penumbra.
>The dark descent is a masterpiece
cringe and low iq pilled
>Illuminati/alien kino
you know this is also just lovecraft right
>Swinging my weapon at the enemy and missing or to see another approaching. Horror and combat can work together beautifully.
there's a reason why there's 'fight' in the term 'fight or flight', having to choose between fighting and running is a huge part of responding to fear, when fight is removed from the equation then you simplify the whole experience
cope, brainlet. The dark descent (like Penumbra) was a huge breath of fresh air in the survival-horror game, which was dominated by action-shooter since RE4.
The game is mechanically well-conceived and the artistic direction is great. It is a classic.
That's why they already had several different things to confront you in Soma as you've progressed, so you saw something new that acted differently through the stages. I'd guess they'll go same way there
I also like how the way some enemies move creates just enough unpredictability and unsettling vibe to fighting them.
Millenials were the ones that ate up Amnesia, boomer.
Only if it's like Overture, with clunky but existent combat.
Hide and seek simulators appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's a dead end genre that has zero room for improvement or evolution. It was done with Penumbra. Low IQ subhuman.
I'm too much of a pussy to play horror games. I bought Amnesia at a steep discount, installed it, played for 30 minutes, then quit and uninstalled. Did the same thing with Lone Survivor. I just don't like scary shit.
have you tried playing during the day?
Penumbra was great but it reached its conclusion after 3 games. They ram out of story and jump scares ideas too.
I hope so. I like Soma a lot, maybe even more than The dark descent, tho I feel like its hide and seek aspect was not as good, especially in some sections (upsilon, some part of theta,...). Maybe they didn't polished that aspect, since initially Soma wasn't supposed to be a horror game.
Maybe try Succubus when it comes out, then you can try easing your way into the more pure horror of it's predecessor Agony
Agony is garbage though but you should play Succubus anyway since it looks like a ton of fun
Seething Dead Space babies mad Frictional outlived their franchise and dev.
Lovecraftian alien you mean.
>linking the sony channel because astroturfer needs to gather clicks
Fuck off.