Tutorial Island...home
Tutorial Island...home
I never should of left that island.
fishing lvls?
>they nerfed tutorial island in osrs so you can't leave the island at level 5 anymore
still have no idea why they did that
fire pls
i like that it makes you feel like the useless nobody you are instead of chosen one bullshit
>tfw tutorial island actually exists in some universe
Ah.... home.
My brain is much, but I seem to recall that Maplestory for a while had new players be like products in a mass-production factory with conveyor belts
Are there any decent old school private servers? I want to play member content but I just can’t justify $10+ a month for something that I won’t ever actually own.
Ah, the days of being a perma-islander...
just play Yas Forumsscape
OSRS is rapidly becoming as much of a shitshow as RS3.
Maybe not in the exact same way, but at least in the insistence on adding increasingly elaborate "quality of life" additions. Kinda like what WoW went through. Readding GE is inexcusable.
Also the new OC content they've been adding doesn't gel with the old stuff. It's really telling that the "best" of Runescape is everything that went in before 2004. I'm not even old enough to be a nostalgia-blinded faggot and I can see that.
>should of
as long as mod gee still lives there can be no peace. imagine going on twitter saying you hate the art style of the game you are employed to design art for and will actively break with the art style and still being employed.
Languages evolve and change.
Rookgaard... Home...
is that single player runescape classic working properly with legends quest yet
More like Runescape has always been shit
Instead of making the game more fun to play they made it less annoying to grind but the funny thing is that now the grind is more braindead than before
i don't get who looks at that gameplay and thinks it is fun or challenging by any means
how much did the game actually change between 2004 and 2007
That's why Tibia is king, you just download Elfbot and watch the numbers go up while the game plays itself
kill me
This game was like wild west.
>make a rookstayer
>gather a bunch of mid-levels and tell them i'll help them with the mino hell quest
>trap them all and take their gold after they die
nothin personnel...
time to grow up
>he says as he posts on Yas Forums
your time will come as well
>you will never get members againon a hot summer day during the break from elementary school again and explore that new part of the game you never ever saw as F2P
Legit fuck what anyone says, this shit was actually my entire childhood, and the schoolground talk about this game and telling me how to telegrab that fucking ruby ring despite all of it being pure BS was amazing.
...at least it was until jagex fucked everything up
rs3 isnt actually that bad if you look into the combat system. its really rewarding system endgame bossing, also they brought back old tutorial island despite not being soulful like 07scape
.t had a near maxed acc in like 2009, came back as a veteran player
wtf why
I was always so autistic that I maxed xp on every new char on that island
>2005, age 10-11
>used to spend hours hanging out with this girl (not that I ever explicitly confirmed that they were one)
>we'd hang out at the top of Lumbridge Castle and mindlessly grind Firemaking XP while chatting
>eventually we stopped talking
>back in those days didn't know how to raise Strength so only ever hit 1s and most of the game intimidated me so I mostly hung around Lumbridge or Varrock, doubt I went above level 30 at most
>used to think of Mithril as some like deity weapon class I could never hope to have, don't think I even knew Rune existed
you were a really stupid 10 year old huh
I miss when MMOs were comfy chatrooms for people who liked to roleplay and socialize. It's all about minmaxing and splitting into communities now and it sucks. I miss the early 00' MMO community
That was the internet in general, back in the early 00s talking to people online was still a novelty. It's not really related to modern MMO design.
I’m going through these old quests and by god the back tracking and requirements are brutal. If not for the quirky dialogue and music, I’d probably hate this game more.
Like legit, what Is the point of doing priest in peril and asking the player to go back and forth several times between Varrock and the Church first for dialogue and then after for fucking 50 runs essence? Or how about recruitment drive when you gotta figure out the puzzle with the alchemy and shovel stuff. What person is suppose to figure this out without a guide or some insane amount of trial and error where you’re then asked to redo the whole fuckin thing if you left.
By god though, I power through it because I just really like this world and all the neat skills and music.
shit and terrible
it's because back then there weren't as many non-english speakers and botters/cheaters. Now poor 3rd worlders have internet and can ruin everything.
>be me, 12-13 f2p scrub
>finally finish dslayer
>mine coal in falador for days so I can afford a rune set
>selling coal 300gp ea
>finally buy rune set and long because I'm no scimitar sandnigger
>some lvl40 noob in an addy set wants to fight me in wildy
>scared but I'm like level 52 and have better gear
>we get to wildy
>r u ready?
>I attack him and get skulled
>dude changes into wizard robes and starts blasting me with fire spells
>I die in seconds and lose everything
>he starts teasing me in private chat calling me a noob and a retard
that's when I quit Runescape 2.
I'm serious about this 1 player rsc can you do legends quest on it or not
>Less Happy than when I was 18-20
>Less Depressed than when I was 25
>Now 30
It's not so bad I guess
Lmaoooo what a retard
lmaoooo get fucked
This but unironically. What the fuck is the point? I'll never reach that same level of happiness as I did back when playing Runescape as a kid, clueless about the real world. I'm hideous too so it's not like I'll ever find love which I would imagine would give me relatively high levels of happiness. I should just end it now 2bh.
stream it
don't end anything user, you can find much more happiness in the real world than you can find misery in your feverish self hating dreams
That's not Ireland
Yeah there was a time it was like that when you wore the little green jumpsuit.
when did potato niggers get the internet?
I imagine there will be much disagreement caused by this but I will tell you; as someone who grew up playing rs2, and who played a lot of OSRS when it came back, I used to swear by it, and I would swear OSRS was the way to go and that RS3 sucked. Eventually I burnt out of it and didn't play runescape at all for a long time. However, about a year ago I tried giving RS3 an actual chance and I really enjoyed it. In a way it actually feels a lot like how I remember runescape being as a kid when I first started playing it, or rather how my imagination interpreted it. If you really need to scratch the itch, I'd recommend giving RS3 a try, make a new account and choose the option that says something like "I played before but not in a long time" and go through the guided quests, see how you like it.
I just might. I've got nothing else going on for me right now.
make a new account, do all the f2p quests. that's an order. you'll find something.
I know nothing of your personal life but I can tell you seem like a kind person. love you user